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Everything posted by DC76

  1. ?fair play for sticking up for the captain,wee chap..ye wouldnt last long in here?
  2. Best wishes to you and yours,Falkirk bear,and hopefully in time you'll be able to take Scotty wellhouse up on his fantastic offer..in the mean time,live well,eat well,rest well and get well?
  3. I might well have..if the stream hadn't continued it's annoying habit of freezing right before every fuckin Rangers goal??
  4. Indeed, brother ?..looks like am raisin another glass ??
  5. At least we were there to discuss the merits of d3 fitba???
  6. Ever the fuckin savage, we will,eh?? Hindsights truly a wondrous thing ?
  7. Don't start me I'll have a breakdown just thinking about that breakdown?
  8. A fuckin good proddy wan that taught me to spell better than you??
  9. to the men,women and children who have followed this club through the darkest of days,the thickest of thick and the thinnest of thin..nights like this are for you in particular? Also,to the players ..there are some boys there who came here a few years ago with the idea in their head that they wanted to play European football with our fantastic club,well they have and continue to do so . Tonight I'll raise a glass to both?
  10. Nearly a stealth holiday thread....but my cap is doffed to you sir?
  11. Clubs fuckin riddled with wrong uns..it's like saughtons half way house to footballing freedom...wank yirsel aff in front of girls pushing prams? Take liberties at a family wedding with a baseball bat? Sell some heavy amounts a ching?..come sign for livi..the family club..
  12. Meet the youth coach... .https://www.sundaypost.com/news/scottish-news/livingston-fc-under-fire-for-giving-coaching-role-to-drugs-crook/ That aside I mind Rangers coming up against this fud Gallacher in the lower leagues..without fail the first cunt in the book...tarrier cunt that he is
  13. Jim? Gerrard was praising him to the hilt early season.then he disappeared off the radar..coulibaly was meant to be the man then,the midfield destroyer but before ye know it he's crocked anaw for 1,2 naw 5 weeks,meanwhile the midfield struggles away from home relying on the likes of arfield at cm when ye know we've got a battle on our hands? Personally I'd suggest to Jack to get back to what your best good at before accepting call ups to get shoehorned into rb as that's not where we'll play ye and is no good for us..or your own future development?
  14. Thanks ? Boy obviously needs his head looked at never mind his calf?
  15. Where the fuck is he? Just back from long term injury,gets the nod for a Scotland team competing in a load of fuckall because some tarrier reserves pull out,never to be heard of again? Feel free to enlighten me
  16. Jim deserves a swift rabbit punch as much,if not more so than the coin throwing faanny who gave him the ammo that him and his celtic minded journos crave so much. Put the pair of of them out their public misery?
  17. DC76


    Been there,said that,not happened, fling big macauley in there if he must change it. So far Worrall's been aw mouth..takes more than that at the Rangers,son?
  18. Fuck them all Kim,keep building them underground nuclear testing grounds and give everycunt something to think about?
  19. Tremendous finishing from young Glenn?
  20. Fuck me that's some amount of bait you've shot out there,probably polluted the swim
  21. Gerrard has already talked about training him out of the wings and more central,a younger ,speedier,more clinical Morelos..?
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