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Sick of all the PC brigade


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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

I have been to games many years ago when bandsmen on the way home from a OO parade came into the ground with their flutes playing all the tunes. :uk:

I was Commenting on your comment which you said "How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk? there are many Bears who Attend the Walk.

No-one said there arent, of course there is.

You said 'hundreds' from the other site attend. That site is the biggest unofficial football club forum in the world (well used to be) as far as membership goes. Thats a tiny % of that forum.

Protestant faith isnt getting attacked here, but the OP was wanting to see OP's at half time, making an assumption that the majority would want that.

Theres nothing wrong with not giving a fuck about religion anymore, see my comments above.

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i think you will find that the OO have a shareholding in rangers or am i mistaken?

They used to have, but i dont think they have any shares at the moment. (tu)

the last i heard (about a year ago) was that the OO had reduced thier shares from around 50,000 to 20,000 but prehaps i am wrong.

regardless! the long association between our club and the OO is part of our clubs heritage and always will be.

Personally i am proud of the association as i continually hear the good work that the oo does at community level.

Be proud

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i think you will find that the OO have a shareholding in rangers or am i mistaken?

They used to have, but i dont think they have any shares at the moment. (tu)

As a member of the Order the Grand lodge put their shares up for sale to the members a couple of years back, dont think they went that well and they will still have some left the annual Devine service used to be held at Ibrox and it was Murray that stopped it. The Order has recently tried to get it back at Ibrox but Rangers refused, what people should realise is that 90 odd % of members of the Orange Order are Rangers men and women to the core and I know most join the Order through their love of Rangers.

Rangers need to realise that members of the Orange Order are good people and live their lifes accordingly, and the Order is a legal and law abiding orginisation.

So in my opinion Rangers should open their doors once again to us, and stop pandering to those who want to ridicule the club at every turn WE are not leapers and the club should,nt bit the hand that feeds them.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

I have been to games many years ago when bandsmen on the way home from a OO parade came into the ground with their flutes playing all the tunes. :uk:

I was Commenting on your comment which you said "How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk? there are many Bears who Attend the Walk.

No-one said there arent, of course there is.

You said 'hundreds' from the other site attend. That site is the biggest unofficial football club forum in the world (well used to be) as far as membership goes. Thats a tiny % of that forum.

Protestant faith isnt getting attacked here, but the OP was wanting to see OP's at half time, making an assumption that the majority would want that.

Theres nothing wrong with not giving a fuck about religion anymore, see my comments above.

(tu) I couldn't Imagine anyone complaining about this That are at the game can you. apart from the Offended Brigade. but we should't care about they cunts. Because we don't complain about there Irish Music getting Played at Parkhead over the Tannoy,every second week do we now.

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

I have been to games many years ago when bandsmen on the way home from a OO parade came into the ground with their flutes playing all the tunes. :uk:

I was Commenting on your comment which you said "How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk? there are many Bears who Attend the Walk.

No-one said there arent, of course there is.

You said 'hundreds' from the other site attend. That site is the biggest unofficial football club forum in the world (well used to be) as far as membership goes. Thats a tiny % of that forum.

Protestant faith isnt getting attacked here, but the OP was wanting to see OP's at half time, making an assumption that the majority would want that.

Theres nothing wrong with not giving a fuck about religion anymore, see my comments above.

you perfectly entitled to your own opinion there mate.

and if you dont have any religious beliefs....again! each to thier own.

but i must say , i would be proud to watch an OP at ibrox,around ibrox anywhere really.

not because its part of my heritage,one which i am very proud of,but because i simply love OP's full stop!

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i think you will find that the OO have a shareholding in rangers or am i mistaken?

They used to have, but i dont think they have any shares at the moment. (tu)

As a member of the Order the Grand lodge put their shares up for sale to the members a couple of years back, dont think they went that well and they will still have some left the annual Devine service used to be held at Ibrox and it was Murray that stopped it. The Order has recently tried to get it back at Ibrox but Rangers refused, what people should realise is that 90 odd % of members of the Orange Order are Rangers men and women to the core and I know most join the Order through their love of Rangers.

Rangers need to realise that members of the Orange Order are good people and live their lifes accordingly, and the Order is a legal and law abiding orginisation.

So in my opinion Rangers should open their doors once again to us, and stop pandering to those who want to ridicule the club at every turn WE are not leapers and the club should,nt bit the hand that feeds them.

(tu) Think you should send that Messege of to Sir David Murray m8.

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i think you will find that the OO have a shareholding in rangers or am i mistaken?

They used to have, but i dont think they have any shares at the moment. (tu)

As a member of the Order the Grand lodge put their shares up for sale to the members a couple of years back, dont think they went that well and they will still have some left the annual Devine service used to be held at Ibrox and it was Murray that stopped it. The Order has recently tried to get it back at Ibrox but Rangers refused, what people should realise is that 90 odd % of members of the Orange Order are Rangers men and women to the core and I know most join the Order through their love of Rangers.

Rangers need to realise that members of the Orange Order are good people and live their lifes accordingly, and the Order is a legal and law abiding orginisation.

So in my opinion Rangers should open their doors once again to us, and stop pandering to those who want to ridicule the club at every turn WE are not leapers and the club should,nt bit the hand that feeds them.

absolutely on the head!

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The p.c. brigade, seem to have no beliefs of their own, but seem prepared to crush and criticise everyone elses. The Protestant Reformation, to me, was a monumental turning point in history. The spiritual lights were switched on, and the power of a corrupt papacy was challenged. It took brave men indeed to stand up to the false teachings of Rome, but they did. The bible was translated from Latin, so everybody could read it. The Pope or a priest, was not the divine channel to God, it was open to anybody. Indulgences were a big concern; that people could buy a place in heaven, by paying the church to remove all sins. In this day and age, the Reformation has been largely forgotten. It is all taken for granted that we do not live under the rule of a church which will keep us in ignorance, and poverty, as seen in most R.C. countries of the world. Rangers supporters should have no hesitation in standing up as Protestants, if they wish. It is a gift passed down through hundreds of years, from men, some who sacrificed with their lives. Politically correct people, believe in nothing. They create nothing. Their role in life, is like some form of Hitler youth, to grass and inform on others beliefs.

What pish this is especially the part abount no beliefs - I am one of the PC band (as we seem to get called on here). You have NO ideas what my beliefs are, nor how deep I hold them, nor what I do to defend them. However my belief, my religion and my politics have got NOTHING to do with Football, so I refrain from trying to tie my causes to a football team.

I feel extremely sorry for you that becuase you, and others fail to accept that the majority or Rangers fans support the team because of the football and wont rally round your beliefs.

What you seem to have problems with is that the vast majority of Rangers fans do NOT hold the same beliefs as you. Many of us realised a long time ago that Rangers are a Football club. They are NOT a Unionist society, a political movement nor a religious institution; they are a Football team. They are a glorious football team, they have a fantastic footballing traditions and history. As I keep saying take away the football and you wouuld have nothing, take away all the religious, unionist and political garbage and you will still have the greatest football team on the planet!

Where do you get the facts that the majority of bears do not hold the same beliefs as myself. You told me this before and said that it was only the minority that now sung the old songs. Low and behold i went along to the Werder Bremen game and nothing had changed, all the old songs were getting belted out just like the old days. You will just have to get used to the fact that we are a Protestant club, and its you thats in the minority. :uk:

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating Protestant traditions, I think we cover that well with 'The Sash' and 'Derrys Walls'.

The Orange Order is notvrepresentative of the majority of the Protestant faith so why should this be 'celebrated' at a football ground?

As for the reference to 'There lies a soldier', again a bastardisation of the protestant faith.

Is this not the same folk that murdered 6 catholics in NI while watching a world cup football match? Hardly heroes we are talking about here.

I hate the way you are branded PC, for basically not holding Protestant tarditions dear. Some peoples belief what Protestant traditions are as well are completely way off the mark.

Could someone point out as well if the OO have ever played a part at a Rangers football game? If they havent then why is it the clubs tradition?

For a start Rangers allowed the OO, the use of the stadium for the annual church parade for many years. The OO also held shares in our club, and we have had players playing for us who were members of the OO. :)

We also had catholics play for our club. :craphead:

Theres nothing wrong with what you are saying in your response, and by all means the OO should still be allowed to do this. But to have a parade at Half time is making a wild assumption about what the rest of us want.

How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk?

Maybey not on this Forum,But other Certain Rangers Forums There are Hundreds of Rangers fans attend the walk. so were are you going with this point. the impression you give me is. that some of us don't know what we're Celebrating here. or singing about. am I right.?? Thats what I think You Think.

Youve lost me here, where do you ascertain that from?

The OP mentioned Orange Parades at HT, I amongst others have pointed out the OO is not represantative of the majority of Protestant faith, with membership dwindling here and in NI.

I have been to games many years ago when bandsmen on the way home from a OO parade came into the ground with their flutes playing all the tunes. :uk:

I was Commenting on your comment which you said "How many bears that fill Ibrox actually attend the walk? there are many Bears who Attend the Walk.

No-one said there arent, of course there is.

You said 'hundreds' from the other site attend. That site is the biggest unofficial football club forum in the world (well used to be) as far as membership goes. Thats a tiny % of that forum.

Protestant faith isnt getting attacked here, but the OP was wanting to see OP's at half time, making an assumption that the majority would want that.

Theres nothing wrong with not giving a fuck about religion anymore, see my comments above.

you perfectly entitled to your own opinion there mate.

and if you dont have any religious beliefs....again! each to thier own.

but i must say , i would be proud to watch an OP at ibrox,around ibrox anywhere really.

not because its part of my heritage,one which i am very proud of,but because i simply love OP's full stop!

Alot of Ctholics Enjoy the Op's Aswell, it's just the bitter twisted I.R.A. lover Ones That are offended by it.

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i think you will find that the OO have a shareholding in rangers or am i mistaken?

They used to have, but i dont think they have any shares at the moment. (tu)

As a member of the Order the Grand lodge put their shares up for sale to the members a couple of years back, dont think they went that well and they will still have some left the annual Devine service used to be held at Ibrox and it was Murray that stopped it. The Order has recently tried to get it back at Ibrox but Rangers refused, what people should realise is that 90 odd % of members of the Orange Order are Rangers men and women to the core and I know most join the Order through their love of Rangers.

Rangers need to realise that members of the Orange Order are good people and live their lifes accordingly, and the Order is a legal and law abiding orginisation.

So in my opinion Rangers should open their doors once again to us, and stop pandering to those who want to ridicule the club at every turn WE are not leapers and the club should,nt bit the hand that feeds them.

Thaks for posting that info about the shares, also you are spot on about decent people in the OO. As long as Murray is there the parade will not be allowed back, ashe does not want to upset his Timmy pals in the media.

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

Why is he Wrong.??

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

I have already said that all religions are welcome at our club, but we should all remember that our Protestant support helped make us into one of the biggest clubs in the world. :)

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I'd rather we were known as a protestant club than a RC club when you consider the church of romes record down the centuries. No way would I want to be associated with that lot. I dont hate catholics but I despise what the vatican has done over the centuries.

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

I have already said that all religions are welcome at our club, but we should all remember that our Protestant support helped make us into one of the biggest clubs in the world. :)

Substitute 'Scottish' for 'Protestant' and I'd agree with you. It's not just the Irish that have a 'diaspora' after all.

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I'd rather we were known as a protestant club than a RC club when you consider the church of romes record down the centuries. No way would I want to be associated with that lot. I dont hate catholics but I despise what the vatican has done over the centuries.

Yes and most Catholics don't know what these things they have done. well the Plastic Paddy one's who think there Ctholics don't

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

I have already said that all religions are welcome at our club, but we should all remember that our Protestant support helped make us into one of the biggest clubs in the world. :)

Substitute 'Scottish' for 'Protestant' and I'd agree with you. It's not just the Irish that have a 'diaspora' after all.

What about Scottish Protestants. :)

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Most Lodge people I know, and I know quite a few, look to Rangers as their team. I have never heard the FANS Protestant traditions questioned. It is indeed an unusual viewpoint. Even some of the flute bands have Rangers name connections. Dennistoun Rangers, Rathcoole KAI, The KAI being the name of Kai Johansen, god rest his soul.

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Most Lodge people I know, and I know quite a few, look to Rangers as their team. I have never heard the FANS Protestant traditions questioned. It is indeed an unusual viewpoint. Even some of the flute bands have Rangers name connections. Dennistoun Rangers, Rathcoole KAI, The KAI being the name of Kai Johansen, god rest his soul.

Can mind the song about Kai. :D

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We are a Protestant club ,the other lot are a Catholic one . What's the fucking problem here ?

If anyones not proud of our roots ,then fine ,but you can't change what we are! :pipe:

(tu) I Can't Beleive there Are so Many People Asking, Are we A protestant Club. just shows you some of our support don't know anything about our History.

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

I have already said that all religions are welcome at our club, but we should all remember that our Protestant support helped make us into one of the biggest clubs in the world. :)

Substitute 'Scottish' for 'Protestant' and I'd agree with you. It's not just the Irish that have a 'diaspora' after all.

What about Scottish Protestants. :)

Fine. You can include Ulster Scots in that as well if you want. I'm not ashamed of or washing my hands of our Protestant identity - as a boy brought up by Protestant parents in Lanarkshire in the 1970s I was naturally drawn to Ibrox (via a brief detour to what was felt by my folks to be the safer environment of Firhill). I just want to put it into context. Folk like to have a go at Ally on here but I think that's pure jealousy. The feeling seems to be that he has 'deserted the cause' due to his involvement (amongst many without doubt) with a Catholic charity. How any true Rangers fan could doubt Ally's commitment to the cause is beyond me. The fact is, Ally outgrew the parochial concerns of Glasgow and Lanarkshire without in any shape or form losing his identity or his love for Rangers FC. It's something a few of our fans could maybe take on board.

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

minstral cant read all the posts,but i think you are wrong.

you would sign Kaka in a heartbeat,you would have Rino back and wee Mo..etc. to short sighted sir.

but "God SaveThe Queen",should be played..us oldies remember tellys that finished with it .EVERY night..for all religions.

I have already said that all religions are welcome at our club, but we should all remember that our Protestant support helped make us into one of the biggest clubs in the world. :)

Substitute 'Scottish' for 'Protestant' and I'd agree with you. It's not just the Irish that have a 'diaspora' after all.

What about Scottish Protestants. :)

Fine. You can include Ulster Scots in that as well if you want. I'm not ashamed of or washing my hands of our Protestant identity - as a boy brought up by Protestant parents in Lanarkshire in the 1970s I was naturally drawn to Ibrox (via a brief detour to what was felt by my folks to be the safer environment of Firhill). I just want to put it into context. Folk like to have a go at Ally on here but I think that's pure jealousy. The feeling seems to be that he has 'deserted the cause' due to his involvement (amongst many without doubt) with a Catholic charity. How any true Rangers fan could doubt Ally's commitment to the cause is beyond me. The fact is, Ally outgrew the parochial concerns of Glasgow and Lanarkshire without in any shape or form losing his identity or his love for Rangers FC. It's something a few of our fans could maybe take on board.

One of the best posts I've read on here!

The way Ally was treated over the SCIAF thing by some was scandalous. A bigger Rangers man youll ever meet.

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We are a Protestant club ,the other lot are a Catholic one . What's the fucking problem here ?

If anyones not proud of our roots ,then fine ,but you can't change what we are! :pipe:

(tu) I Can't Beleive there Are so Many People Asking, Are we A protestant Club. just shows you some of our support don't know anything about our History.

It's something a few of our fans could take on board! :pipe:

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