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***the Official N F L 11/12 Season Thread***


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Tampa Bay probably, Hamilton is too banged up and I think CJ Wilson/Colby Lewis have both run out of gas

I'll still root for the Texas Rangers; I am also rooting for the Reds, but I am pretty sure the Phillies will sweep Cincy due to playoff experience.

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I thought you were a Red Sox fan or something :unsure:

I am still a Red Sox fan, but since they are out, I gotta to root for some teams. In fact, I am really a Cincinnati Reds fan since 1969. When I lived in Massachusetts, I took a liking to the Red Sox. In the AL, it's Red Sox and in the NL, it's the Reds. Since the Reds last were in the playoffs was in 1995, the Phillies' playoff experience favors them over the Reds.

I'm rooting for the Rangers because I'd like to see them go that far. We have had champions from Texas: the Cowboys, the Spurs and the Rockets. It's time to have a MLB team from Texas to win the whole enchilada, but I doubt this would be the year.

Oh, by the way, congratulations to Mizzou for making the Top 25 rankings. I see that after 162 weeks, the Longhorns are finally out of the Top 10 as well as Top 25 rankings. In two weeks, they travel to Lincoln, Nebraska to play the Cornhuskers.

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Who did you root for in the 1975 World Series? :P

Of course, I rooted for the Reds. The most memorable of that World Series was watching Carlton Fisk's home run when he used his body language to try to get the ball go to the right side of the yellow line. That was the time of the Big Red Machine under Sparky Anderson.

The Reds also won the 1976 World Series by sweeping the New York Yankees. IIRC, that was the first year the DH was used in the World Series.

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Plenty of shocks again this weekend, looks like my yahoo picks were a bit off for a change! I was doing quite well as well hehe

Seattle :anguish:

Everytime we look to be showing something we go on the road and blow it! In order to win our division we will need to win EVERY single home game as I just do not see where we are going to win on the road, possibly arizona as we took a po0unding off Bradford and co. yesterday.

Shambolic on Offense again and we jsut cannot stop teams on 3rd down. Earl Thomas makes some big plays (3 INT's in 2 weeks) but teams get up the field with ease against us. Hasselbeck is misfiring badly and we are jsut so frustratingly inconsistent.

Bye week to come so hopefully time to regroup before we go over to Chicago.

I recorded the giants game but from the reports I don't think I will watch it if it is a stinker.

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Yesterday afternoon, I was watching a bit of the 4th quarter between the Redskins and the Eagles, and there was something that caught my attention was some guys wearing pink headbands or pink gloves or some boots with some pink. I realized it had to do with Breast Awareness Month for October.

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Next time, Ahmad Bradshaw will need to look forward to the end zone, not at a TV screen admiring himself.

Watch this vid:


The Giants' coaches will have to write some words of wisdom to Ahmad when they play in their next game:

1) When you run, just focus on the end zone, not on the TV screen.

2) Your name is Ahmad. You ain't Narcissus.

I am sure the goal machine had to doh when he saw that play.

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Icing the kicker an ongoing concern for competition committee

There's nothing more annoying for a fan watching a football game than to spend a few seconds celebrating what he thinks is a game-winning field goal, only to find out that the play didn't really happen because the opposing team's coach called timeout a split second before the ball was snapped.

The NFL's competition committee understands that fans don't like icing the kicker, has discussed the issue in the past and plans to continue discussing it in the future. But no one is quite sure whether anything can be done about it.

"This is an issue that we've talked about the last two offseasons and we will talk about, I'm sure, again," competition committee member Rich McKay told NFL Network's Rich Eisen today on NFL Total Access. "No, question, nobody likes the look. The look doesn't seem right because at home the camera is going to follow the ball and doesn't necessarily come back to the fact that there was a timeout called. And, in the stands, I'm sitting there in Row 25, I'm watching the kicker, I didn't really notice the timeouts on the sidelines."

Although there's evidence to suggest that icing the kicker doesn't even work, some coaches believe in it, and unless there's a rule against it, those coaches will continue to call timeout just before potentially game-winning field goals by the other team. And McKay said coaches have resisted any rules changes taking away their ability to call timeout when they want.

"Coaches were pretty quick to say, 'Hold it. We don't want to be in a situation where you take away the right for us to call a timeout,'" McKay said.

I'd like to see a rule saying that when the offensive team is in a field goal formation, the defensive team can't call timeout after the center puts his hand on the ball. But McKay says the league so far hasn't found a way to eliminate icing the kicker that the coaches can support.

"Last year we probably spent a couple hours in the room talking about it, and we will do it again because the look isn't right," McKay said. "But I would say it was hard for us to find a legislative solution that was still fair to the coaches that gave them the ability to call a timeout when they need a timeout."


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I think Football Outsiders did a pretty good study on icing the kicker and they found there really isn't much of an effect. The kicker essentially gets a free shot on his first kick and then he can make adjustments after the timeout so it could work to his advantage.

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This is going to sound stupid, but can anyone explain turnover on downs to me?

That's if you go for it on 4th down and don't pick up enough yards for a 1st down, it's classified as a turnover and the other team takes over at the spot

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That's if you go for it on 4th down and don't pick up enough yards for a 1st down, it's classified as a turnover and the other team takes over at the spot

Aha that explains it, wiki was a little confusing, cheers.

So like a 4th and 1 situation which fails rather than a 3rd and long punt?

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Aha that explains it, wiki was a little confusing, cheers.

So like a 3rd and long situation?

Yeah just say it's 4th down and 3 yards to go, and you run it and only get 2, the other team gets the ball- thus a turnover on downs

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Yeah just say it's 4th down and 3 yards to go, and you run it and only get 2, the other team gets the ball- thus a turnover on downs

Yeah I definitely get it now, cheers.

Was a little confused by the punts, but worked it out now, its only taken me months. :lol:

Touchdown Dolphins!

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