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The adulation of Sebo


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I have to say I have failed to understand the adulation afforded to Sebo by a section of our support.

Sure its good to encourage our players…there is far too many amongst us, all too quick to criticise the stray pass or the poor shot…particularly when such criticism is directed at developing youngsters.

But there is encouragement and there is adulation.

It saddens me that a player who has delivered so very little appears to be the recipient of so much adulation. I appreciate Sebo himself is not too blame here….but I wonder what kind of message it sends out when a player bought for a considerable part of our kitty money….then fails to deliver…is given the kind of cult status Sebo enjoys.

Why does it sadden me ? Because it only serves to re-inforce how we as a support are crying out for a hero…a talisman…a match winner. Sure Barry fits that mould and Dado when his knees serve him….and Boyd….well despite his goal scoring record a fair no. have still to be convinced. I would suggest its these lack of heroes within our team which explain why we languish so far behind our greatest rivals.

Perhaps it was summed up in the recent threads about what constitutes a legend…one poster summed it up perfectly when he said the word was bandied about far too easily in this day and age.

I hate to sound pessimistic….but I don’t really believe Sebo will ever come good for us.

There was a moment in injury time, when he got the chance against the tims to wrap it all up….but he didn’t. That convinced it just never ain’t going to happen for the guy. The manager who signed him eventually lost faith in him and Walter doesn’t seem to fancy him much going from his appearances since the management change.

You could say its his bustling energy which makes him such a favourite with the fans….but is that how far we have come that we appreciate a player just because he gives 100% ? Are you going to tell me Hutton gives any less every week ?

Somebody must be seeing something I’m not….cause at the moment I see a guy who was overpriced…is underachieving…formed a considerable part of the expenditure of our limited transfer kitty…and is contributing virtually nothing to the cause.

So can someone explain to me his almost hero status.

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yeah i know it gets on my 10 pence bits. ESPECIALLY as people are sooo quick to slate Boyd...but cheer Sebo's name??? WHERE IS THE LOGIC!!!

Sebo isnt even a has-been..he's a never-was and never-will be, get shot of him ASAP.

Barring a small miracle, he will be gone in the summer...unless he scores..and scores-a-plenty

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IMO sebo will never come good BUT he must be given a decent chance.

OK he's had something like 20 appearances but how many of them have been him coming off the bench in the last five ten minutes it must be at least 15 or so.

He's never going to settle in with that amount of time.

What i would do. IF we do manage to wrap up second place with two or three games to spare, stick him on we have second place no need to worry. We need to see if he can play, he needs to get some starts to show us what he can do. If he fails sell him ASAP. If he does the job well we could have finally unearthed a gem.

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D'art, I personally think its mostly in fun similar to the way students would get into stuff like Countdown. It was a lighthearted thing.

Most people recognise Sebo has looked pretty awful but the way he sprints around like a puppy gives people cause to like him at least. And maybe one day he'll come good. Maybe. One day.

The shouts of Seeeebboooo at our RSC are always followed by laughter and jokes.

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He can't be rated overly highly by the new management team though as he can't even make the bench. :wacko:

As far as the adulation. Maybe its more of a sympathy as most people know the truth that he will never make it....

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yeah i know it gets on my 10 pence bits. ESPECIALLY as people are sooo quick to slate Boyd...but cheer Sebo's name??? WHERE IS THE LOGIC!!!

Sebo isnt even a has-been..he's a never-was and never-will be, get shot of him ASAP.

Barring a small miracle, he will be gone in the summer...unless he scores..and scores-a-plenty

Hateley said this in the Record the other day. Its a funny game!

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D'art, I personally think its mostly in fun similar to the way students would get into stuff like Countdown. It was a lighthearted thing.

Most people recognise Sebo has looked pretty awful but the way he sprints around like a puppy gives people cause to like him at least. And maybe one day he'll come good. Maybe. One day.

The shouts of Seeeebboooo at our RSC are always followed by laughter and jokes.

Maybe Im just turning into a grumpy old Bear CG...

Anyone know where Goldilocks is doing panto...? (One grumpy Bear seeks work !)

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D'art, I personally think its mostly in fun similar to the way students would get into stuff like Countdown. It was a lighthearted thing.

Most people recognise Sebo has looked pretty awful but the way he sprints around like a puppy gives people cause to like him at least. And maybe one day he'll come good. Maybe. One day.

The shouts of Seeeebboooo at our RSC are always followed by laughter and jokes.

Maybe Im just turning into a grumpy old Bear CG...

Anyone know where Goldilocks is doing panto...? (One grumpy Bear seeks work !)


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As I remarked in the topic on under-rated players, those who run around like dervishes, but have little talent, always seem to br better liked by the fans than some players who have genuine class, eg Hemdani and Buffel. It's always been that way in football. Also, in Sebo's case, by laughing at him ourselves we deny the other lot the pleasure of taking the piss. Sometimes if you didn't laugh you would greet, and this is one of those times.

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As I remarked in the topic on under-rated players, those who run around like dervishes, but have little talent, always seem to br better liked by the fans than some players who have genuine class, eg Hemdani and Buffel. It's always been that way in football. Also, in Sebo's case, by laughing at him ourselves we deny the other lot the pleasure of taking the piss. Sometimes if you didn't laugh you would greet, and this is one of those times.

Thats almost self-flagellation !

IB will be having another og

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I think it is because of a combination of where and how he plays. Scotland is a working class country, where honest endeavor is appreciated way more than someone with god given ability who free-wheels through life. We are a country of hart hats who work down mines, live off the land, live off the sea. Then, we take our meager earnings and we spend them on the football. When we get there, we want to see players moulded in our image, players who are also workers like we are, players who bust a gut no matter if they are having a bad day or not.

Sebo is a prime example of this, he has not been given much in the way of opportunity by us, but never bleats to the press. He takes whatever time he is given, whether it be the occasional 10-15 mins or less and absolutely gives it his all in every single occasion. In a sense he is a mirror of the average fan who says that if they had the ability of the top players and they played for Rangers, they would never take a second off.

This is why Boydy sometimes gets a bad rap IMO. A player who is a good goalscorer but when the chances arent coming his head goes down, he drifts out the games and you just do not see the effort. Something you can never accuse Sebo of. Boyd is the opposite of Sebo and to be quite frank, you wsh Sebo had Boyds calmness in the box and you wish Boyd had Sebo's work ethic and consistency of effort

I am not saying that Sebo has to start now, but I certainly do not want the man sold at least till the end of next season, when we should get a fuller idea of the player that he can be. The man is still a young player who it seems plays for the jersey and I for one want to give the lad a chance to mature into the player we all hope he can be

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As I remarked in the topic on under-rated players, those who run around like dervishes, but have little talent, always seem to br better liked by the fans than some players who have genuine class, eg Hemdani and Buffel. It's always been that way in football. Also, in Sebo's case, by laughing at him ourselves we deny the other lot the pleasure of taking the piss. Sometimes if you didn't laugh you would greet, and this is one of those times.

Thats almost self-flagellation !

IB will be having another og

I remember just before PLG left, a couple of lads at our RSC were singing "there's not a team like the Glasgow Rangers" to the tune of the death march. They are true bears but just trying to make light of what was difficult time for everyone who loves the club. I for one thought it was hilarious.

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