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Titles over so who are U voting in the election . . .


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Lib Dems for me. Policies on eductaion and creating jobs is a dam site more important than voting for the so called Rangers parties. Conservatives destroyed the Scottish industries in the 80's and now they would want to shut down our ship yards if they get in. BNP are Nazis. Last time i checked we fought the tyrany of the Nazis. SNP will break up the union, so that a no go.

Voting because of who you support though....ffs

Democracy is British.

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BNP are Nazis.

Away and shite. The BNP are not Nazi's pal, Nazism is real.

In no way are they nazi's or fascist for that matter. I like your ideology though.

Your ripping it surely?

Erm, no.

Feel free to provide proof that the modern day British National Party are nazis. There still here and there membership is forever expanding.

Years of calling the BNP a nazi party have surely backfired?

Unite against Fascism, The anti-nazi league and now the bheasts in power at present have all failed to stop them. Why is this?

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There is not one MP or party that has done anything to convince me that they deserve my vote. After being subjected to years of lying, cheating, childish behavour and acts of total madness I am suffering from complete and utter apathy as far as politicians are concerned. They are all as bad as each other.

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Don't vote as a Rangers supporter.

If I was in England, I'd probably vote Lib Dem but I'm in Scotland and so my tick is going for Graeme McCormick locally.

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Is handwringers starting to become more Unionist minded. :clap::uk:

Like who?

Just vote like a Rangers fan would you and less of your handw*nker sh*te. :lol:

Only joking its up to you what way you think or vote its like one man one vote (tu):lol:

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Lib-Dems will ruin Britain.

Just goes to show you how fucked the country is when the lib-dems lead some polls, there a typical example of how this country would rather pick up a phone or text there vote in favour of there favourite act.

Lets get them all on ITV prime time and all the couch totties up and down the land can vote for the best performing monkey.

MP Idol, pick up the phone and vote for your new government, you may not understand there policy's but by fuck they look great in that suit.

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Labour - Bheast Party

Tories - Toffs who hate us

Lib Dems - Europhiles who will shut Faslane & Coulport

Greens - Will shut sectarian schools.

Its a no brainer for me

Have to disagree there lad, Tories are actually more Unionist and in the football side of things they said something about fans should own a bit of there football club.

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