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Gers Call For UEFA Probe

From Lindsay Herron in Pamplona

RANGERS are to officially consult UEFA to complain about the lack of segregation and heavy-handed policing at tonight's UEFA Cup clash with Osasuna.

Chief Executive Martin Bain revealed that despite repeated requests from UEFA, Rangers and the British ambassador to Spain the arrangements in the Reyno de Navarra Stadium were not right.

Baton wielding police charged at frightened fans when they were mixed in with home supporters.

Bain said: "We are really disappointed that despite all the preparatory work that was done by ourselves and the British ambassador and the fact that there was a special security delegagte appointed to this game there was still a lack of segregatioin in this ground.

"We witnessed a letter from UEFA to Osasuna demanding that they put segregation in the ground.

"There is no doubt about it that there is a small element that attached itself to our support tonight but the vast majority of Rangers fans were intimidated by heavy-handed police.

"When we go back to Glasgow we will assess the situation but we will be in touch with UEFA to express our unhappiness.

"We have spoken with the UEFA delegate at the game and he agrees with us that things were not right in the ground and the British ambassador has also made respresentations to UEFA as well.

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just posted similar thread and as i have said mate all my thoughts with fellow bears out there and i hope that they all come home safe and sound, what i have seen elsewhere it sounds horrific to as what has happened and glad the club is taking up the issue with Uefa

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aye but because it is not at Ibrox there will probably be nothing done about it or at the very most a 2 bob fine or something along those lines

spain and italy seem to get treated differently from any other country by getting ridiculously low fines or having low fines / penalties further reduced on appeal

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Guest orangpendek

shows you how the spanish authorities have not exorcised franco's ghost after all these years...and we are supposed to change behaviour overnight in respect of our fans.

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Still in Pamplona until Friday morning so here my version of events from here.

Heard before game Spanish cops were targeting Rangers fans outside the stadium.

Getting in was not really a problem usual queues etc but that was it.

We had official tickets for different sections of the ground and in the end we all herded in the corner and usual crushing begining. So heated exchanges during the 1st half but nothng came of it but in the second half it all went bad

So who is to blame - Larry McIntyre for accepting tickets on the club behalf in different sections of the ground to start with. Travel Club day trip were on the upper deck of the main stand and that is where all the tickets should have been.

Osasuna and the Spanish police have to take blame for what happen no doubt - heavy handed policing no doubt.

One of us carried out during 2nd half on a strecher and a few walking wounded.

After the game the baton welding continue on the daytrippers

Tonight was bad

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Gers Call For UEFA Probe

From Lindsay Herron in Pamplona

RANGERS are to officially consult UEFA to complain about the lack of segregation and heavy-handed policing at tonight's UEFA Cup clash with Osasuna.

Chief Executive Martin Bain revealed that despite repeated requests from UEFA, Rangers and the British ambassador to Spain the arrangements in the Reyno de Navarra Stadium were not right.

Baton wielding police charged at frightened fans when they were mixed in with home supporters.

Bain said: "We are really disappointed that despite all the preparatory work that was done by ourselves and the British ambassador and the fact that there was a special security delegagte appointed to this game there was still a lack of segregatioin in this ground.

"We witnessed a letter from UEFA to Osasuna demanding that they put segregation in the ground.

"There is no doubt about it that there is a small element that attached itself to our support tonight but the vast majority of Rangers fans were intimidated by heavy-handed police.

"When we go back to Glasgow we will assess the situation but we will be in touch with UEFA to express our unhappiness.

"We have spoken with the UEFA delegate at the game and he agrees with us that things were not right in the ground and the British ambassador has also made respresentations to UEFA as well.

Well if we get fined because one tim with a Palestinian flag invades the pitch at Ibrox surely this mob must get a much bigger fine for having no segregation at their ground at all.

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Good quote from MacIntyre....from the Herald

MacIntyre believes the trouble started pre-match when the Rangers supporters were steered towards the stadium.

"They Spanish police herded the fans, perhaps to try and bring them down safely to the ground," he said. "What happens then is that people can push forward from the back and those at the front are batoned at random. I was in the police force for 30 years and brought up to use your baton as a last resort. If you did so, you used minimum force. There seems a culture here in Spain where you use your baton early on and wallop people.
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