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Good times in Manchester!


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With the champs lge draw with the manc's and guys getting caged over last week for the rioting stuff in manchester, all the bad sh*t from manchester has been dragged up in to the forefront of peoples minds again. Im sick to death of the negitivity surrounding the whole manchester situation. This is my first post on the website and i want to get a discussion going about the good times in manchester! I was in the square all day before heading to the game and it was a brilliant atmosphere listening to the band that was on with a guy sininging king billy's on the wall. Dont supose anyone can remember the manc polleticians looking out their windows and singing god save the queen with us? They were obviously enjoying themselves too! (il post a pic).

lets try and get some of the goodtimes back in to peoples minds again, focasing on the epic achievment of the campaign and one of the biggest mass movments of people for a single sporting event ever! Even the drive down was class! where every vehicle was decked in our clubs colours and every service station was awash with song and bears! :uk: We are the people.


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With the champs lge draw with the manc's and guys getting caged over last week for the rioting stuff in manchester, all the bad sh*t from manchester has been dragged up in to the forefront of peoples minds again. Im sick to death of the negitivity surrounding the whole manchester situation. This is my first post on the website and i want to get a discussion going about the good times in manchester! I was in the square all day before heading to the game and it was a brilliant atmosphere listening to the band that was on with a guy sininging king billy's on the wall. Dont supose anyone can remember the manc polleticians looking out their windows and singing god save the queen with us? They were obviously enjoying themselves too! (il post a pic).

lets try and get some of the goodtimes back in to peoples minds again, focasing on the epic achievment of the campaign and one of the biggest mass movments of people for a single sporting event ever! Even the drive down was class! where every vehicle was decked in our clubs colours and every service station was awash with song and bears! :uk: We are the people.

Remember it well mate, we travelled by car and you're right there were folk on bridges waving flags and scarves fans everywhere we stopped, almost every vehicle had a bunch of bears in it, it was magic. The day itself was fantastic, great weather bears everywhere just having fun.

But the night wee nacho got us through on penalties, god I still get goosbumps thinking about that night, it gets me all emotional.

We Are The People

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It was a case of the journey being better than the destination for me. Manchester was quite a let down, the game, the trip etc. I went to all the Euro Aways that season and they were all superb. Best game Ive ever been to had to be Fiorentina, dont think that will ever be beaten for me anyway unless we can win one of the European trophies. Manchester came straight after this game and it wasnt going to live up to that. We stayed at Blackpool and the train to get to Manchester took ages then the amount of people there was something else. After the game though it took us ages going from place to place for a way to get back to Blackpool. Getting chased and barged by the police etc added to the result made it a pretty rubbish trip :(.

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Exactly my thoughts on the day! The journey down was immense, every car packed with bears and a scarf or flag flying from the window! Then down to manchester at ten in the mornin and the going into a sainsburys I think it was, grabbing the last case of beer.. Don't even ask me what it was but it was all that was left! Then up to the square for a sing song and general party before headin to the game!! What an atmosphere at the game, the place was rocking!! The boys gave it they're all, we just couldn't get there in the end!! Quite posssibly the best day of my life!!

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I remember getting the train down, full o bears. was amazing. bouncy on the train was great! Got in to Manchester and it was epic, everywhere you looked, all you could see, a blue sea of fans. it was the most amazing sight, ive ever seen. Walking through the city centre, all bears singing and in good spirits, no trouble, just good times. Shops closed but soon let us in when they knew we were okay and not arseholes.

On the bus to the stadium was brill, yet again, full o bears singing away. Best moment for me was walking in to the eastlands, and taking my first look at the pitch, knowing that i was about to witness history.

Such an amazing day, one that i will never forget.

Even after the game, seen bears still singing away all happy, in the train station the biggest bouncy ive ever seen! (and felt) echo helped too! and then the sleep on the train home. Thats when i read about Tommy burns rip.

that whole day/2days, best of my football life to date. Only thing that could top it, would be actually winning it.

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Bust left around 6am was rough as a badgers arse had been at a celebratory BBQ the night before, ordered tripled vodka's in the pub before boarding the bus to settle me.

Few bevvies on the bus then into some service station where it was crammed with bears singing & dancing brilliant.

On to some town next to Salford (cant remember the name if anyone can tell me - cheers) in the British legion, went for a bottle of voddie then into the city centre by bus, another great sing-song

Stoated around manchester lost most of my pals, one of whom went to sleep in the middle of the street with a union flag as a blanket!

Went to albert square for the match where the police had shut it off with fencing, which was destroyed soon-after,

watched the game on top of a fountain kept getting soaked, was hungover by this point and not in the greatest of moods, gret when we lost the game, walked up towards the train station stood in the queue for ages , then got out of there, into a scouse taxi drivers motor and paid him £70 to get us about 2-3 miles, then onto the bus and home.

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The way even Rangers fans go on about how manchester was a failure and are ashamed is a disgrace.

May 14th 2008 was one of the greatest days of my life, I was full to the brim with pride for my Club and my People, never have I been more proud to be a part of the Rangers family. sure there was a few who ruined it for us and they should hang their heads in shame because theyre not Rangers fans. But 99% of us were well behaved and did our club and our country proud.

The fact that the first pic was taken at half 9 in the morning shows the dedication of the Rangers support











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