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Smith on Celtic's Conspiracy Theories


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It's not something I'd do personally, but if McCoist wants to help out to raise money then fair play to him.

There's worse things anyone, let alone McCoist could be doing with their time.

As far as charity goes if you want to contribute or raise money it's no ones business but your own.....to judge people for the charity work they do is beyond moronic....

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For me the fact he turned us down twice before he signed was out of order and that for me makes him less of a legend than he could have been

That's what I always say too. Plus the fact that McLeish needed him back in 2005/2006 season to help out as a coach and he refused because of media commitments.

That's taking nothing away from his goalscoring exploits for us. He's a legend for that alone.

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You might not be but i am...

Just out of interest what are you talking about, the fact you can't handle the fact ally is a nicer person than you.... <cr>

That is only your opinion, but one thing i do know is that i am a better Rangers fan than Ally will ever be. :)

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in walter we trust excellent commnts no to sesational but straight to the bloody point and one thing is for sure well done gordan strachan for telling the truth get it right up yous ya fuckin bunch of paranoid fanny's so let's do the rest of the talkin on the field on sunday and get stuck right in W A T F P NO SURRENDER

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That's what I always say too. Plus the fact that McLeish needed him back in 2005/2006 season to help out as a coach and he refused because of media commitments.

That's taking nothing away from his goalscoring exploits for us. He's a legend for that alone.

I had forgotten he turned us down then. Imagine choosing Sue Barker over Rangers, pfffffffft :anguish:

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For me the fact he turned us down twice before he signed was out of order and that for me makes him less of a legend than he could have been

Thats a wee bit ott MisterC, he was young and naive, possibly misled, Ally is a real legend, a true legend and is a credit to our club. He wasnt the most technically gifted player but boy, could he put the ball away, he scored some amazing goals and literally hundreds of them, a hero of every Rangers over the age of probably their mid 20's! :)

Dont know why people get offended by others calling him Sciaf though, its not offensive in the slightest, i guess we all have be offended by somethings in life no matter how patheitc it is/they are.


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Thought that he was going to have a right go, feel rather let down.

Why would he stoop as low as those related to Celtic?

Just enough to tell a story but not enough to constitute anti-celtic ramblings. You can leave the 'anti' shite to the East End of Glasgow and the winning to the West.

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Thats a wee bit ott MisterC, he was young and naive, possibly misled, Ally is a real legend, a true legend and is a credit to our club. He wasnt the most technically gifted player but boy, could he put the ball away, he scored some amazing goals and literally hundreds of them, a hero of every Rangers over the age of probably their mid 20's! :)

Dont know why people get offended by others calling him Sciaf though, its not offensive in the slightest, i guess we all have be offended by somethings in life no matter how patheitc it is/they are.


Maybe people are dismayed that we still have sad bigots at our club that care more about what charity you give to than the fact you hold the record for scoring the most old firm goals...

Nice attempt at backtracking by the way..... :lol:

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Thats a wee bit ott MisterC, he was young and naive, possibly misled, Ally is a real legend, a true legend and is a credit to our club. He wasnt the most technically gifted player but boy, could he put the ball away, he scored some amazing goals and literally hundreds of them, a hero of every Rangers over the age of probably their mid 20's! :)

Dont know why people get offended by others calling him Sciaf though, its not offensive in the slightest, i guess we all have be offended by somethings in life no matter how patheitc it is/they are.


Not for me he wasn't my heroes were Gough, Albertz and McCall. McCoist with all the joking around he did stopped him from being a better player, if he had been a bit more focussed and serious he could have been much better as a player and done more for the club, but no he had to joke around instead.

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Not for me he wasn't my heroes were Gough, Albertz and McCall. Coist with all the joking around he did stopped him from being a better player, if he had been a bit more focussed and serious he could have been much better as a player and done more for the club, but no he had to joke around instead.

That's just too obvious now ;)

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Not for me he wasn't my heroes were Gough, Albertz and McCall. McCoist with all the joking around he did stopped him from being a better player, if he had been a bit more focussed and serious he could have been much better as a player and done more for the club, but no he had to joke around instead.

Is 355 goals not enough?

Get a grip

Super ally LEGEND

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Maybe people are dismayed that we still have sad bigots at our club that care more about what charity you give to than the fact you hold the record for scoring the most old firm goals...

Nice attempt at backtracking by the way..... :lol:

Back tracking about what? Your lies continue....... :rolleyes:

Not once did i or anyone for that matter ever deny McCoist was a legend, i remember telling you only a fool would say he wasnt a legend. But hey, whatever suits your agenda, as usual. doh

I dont know any fans who care more about Sciaf raising money for some sick religion than the goals he gave to our club, but again, whatever suits your paranoid agenda!


Yet again Cartman pathetic paranoid lies from you.

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Not for me he wasn't my heroes were Gough, Albertz and McCall. McCoist with all the joking around he did stopped him from being a better player, if he had been a bit more focussed and serious he could have been much better as a player and done more for the club, but no he had to joke around instead.


Even though your fishing i will still answer you out of courtesy, na, no i wont.

Your mento Collie


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