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Video and petition.

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From follow follow. Trying to get as many people to sign as possible.

I might not be much guys but its a start.

Watch it to the end guys - there is a play on one of their favourite chants that will have them boiling!!!

Sign the petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/tbs2011/

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Not that his opinion "counts" or is "special" in any way. He just seems to be obsessed with the "rangers problem".

He is attention seeking prick. And the less attention we give him the better.

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More tit - for tat pish - time BOTH sides grew a pair - they could just as easily make a video like that about us, especially if the picked videos of what happens on a bus.

This will achieve nothing.

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More tit - for tat pish - time BOTH sides grew a pair - they could just as easily make a video like that about us, especially if the picked videos of what happens on a bus.

This will achieve nothing.

If you think it's alot of shite,and don't want to sign it. Don't comment. The point is when they do sing there "sectarian songs" mock the British army/davie cooper & The Ibrox disaster no one ever seems to notice it.

The point of the video is to get people to notice it.

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why get worked up about that lot, no matter the bad press we have received, has anything actually happened to us

the famine song is still sung

the billy boys has been brought back with nothing done about it

both sets of fans have an idiot element

The famine song is not as bad as.... Shouting abuse at the British army and the worst thing about it is. The cunts that were shouting "MURDERING BASTARDS" etc. All had scottish accents.

Also it's not as bad as mocking the Ibrox disaster and Davie cooper.

The famine song is a perfect song for these wanks that shout about the British army being murders etc.


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Well compiled. It probably is tit for tat but so far it's been all tit. Nobody has been fighting our corner or highlighting these scum buckets in their true light. Fuck them, it really is time to retalliate, these fuckers are writing/phoning/emailing mp's, coppers, embassy's, church's anyone with any power with the slightest complaint. Time to fight fire with fire or the real shame of this once proud nation will see us as easy pickings. NO SURRENDER

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The funny thing is when the video stopped (great btw) the next one on youtube was, Reasons to Support Celtic, which makes us look just as bad.

What we have to remember is, they like us, can say it's only a small minority of fans who behave like this.

If Celtic RC dis-associated itself from it's Irish Catholic links then the whole thing would die a death,they should have been made to remove the Irish flag when we accepted RC singnings, they can't be Irish and Scottish, RC biased and yet say they embrace all.

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why get worked up about that lot, no matter the bad press we have received, has anything actually happened to us

the famine song is still sung

the billy boys has been brought back with nothing done about it

both sets of fans have an idiot element

And long may it continue :praise:

Signed anyway, :crabflute:

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