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Police seek meeting with the upside down mob


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STRATHCLYDE POLICE last night demanded showdown talks with ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ.

And they insisted rogue fans are to blame for dropping Celtic in hot water - not Eddie Smith.

Assistant Chief Constable, Campbell Corrigan, held face-to-face talks with Parkhead chief executive Peter Lawwell yesterday after Record Sport revealed former top ref Smith's complaints about pro-IRA chanting had sparked joint disciplinary probes by UEFA and the SPL.

And Corrigan has asked Lawwell to fix up an urgent meeting between the cops and organisers of the supporters' group whose song sheet is being blamed for dragging the club into the dock.

The move came after match commander Smith came under fire on message boards and talk shows for reporting their chants to match delegates after recent games with Hibs and Rennes.

Corrigan has been appalled at what he sees is an attempt by some to blacken Smith's name while ignoring the root cause of the problem.

Speaking exclusively to Record Sport he said: "There is a lot of controversy surrounding Eddie Smith just because he was the match commander.

"This is absurd, Eddie was simply doing his job. Far from being unprecedented, Eddie's actions were in accordance with our normal procedure.

"It is his duty to conduct a debrief with the match delegate after every match, whether it's an SPL or European game.

"I'm really concerned, primarily for my officer. I can understand emotions are running high among the Celtic support but let's be clear - this is not Eddie's fault.

"It is the fault of supporters who are engaged in sectarian or hate-filled singing - or in this case pro-IRA chanting.

"This is a priority for the country to sort out. It's a priority for the Scottish government, the police and the courts. It's not Eddie who sets the agenda.

"It shouldn't be pinned on one individual who is merely carrying out his orders."

Celtic will be up on a charge of "'illicit chanting" at UEFA's Nyon HQ on December 8. SPL bosses are also conducting a probe into the unrest that saw two fans arrested during the 0-0 draw with Hibs on October 29.

Now Corrigan wants to meet with ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ to spell out in person the consequences of their actions - for themselves and for their club - should they fail to clean up their act.

He added: "We need dialogue with the supporters to put down a marker that we are not going to accept this any more.

"But we would prefer to find a solution which does not result in football fans ending up in jail or the club they hold so dear being penalised.

"As a result of my talks with Celtic I understand a meeting will take place with various fans' groups. ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ have yet to agree to the meeting but Peter Lawwell is working hard with us to try to bring a sense of perspective to this.

"Peter and Neil Lennon have both publicly asked the supporters to stop singing these songs. Paul McBride QC has said exactly the same. So the message could not be any more clear.

"The only people who can end all this are the people who are singing the songs. We're not asking for very much - just for people to take responsibility for their actions. We are talking about a very small proportion of the Celtic support who are causing a disproportionate impact on their club.

"Celtic are as keen as I am to stress the activity around tackling offensive behaviour and sectarianism is absolutely balanced. I have DVD recordings to show we are dealing with this in an almost identical manner with Rangers and Celtic. It's only the words of songs that change.

"We are keen to make sure our relationships with both clubs are as strong as they possibly can be because we must all work together if we are to eradicate this kind of behaviour."

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Half of them dnt have tickets for that section.

I worked as a steward for a while n a few times they put me on th stairwells at section 111 to 113 as fans wud enter the stadium as normal but then walk right round to that section. But what is 2 non liscenced stewards going to do to overpower a hundred of them lol the club, head stewards and even police were aware of what was going on and they didnt want to annoy them basically incase they sparked a riot.

I mind one time thier drum went missing in the storage areas in parkhead where they keep it.... Every single one of them protested by going down to the concorse(pie bit) n sat singing ul never beat the ira n stuff, actually got a black eye from one of them because i tried to get my hat back off them.

You dont realise how bad it is until your in about it trust me

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Half of them dnt have tickets for that section.

I worked as a steward for a while n a few times they put me on th stairwells at section 111 to 113 as fans wud enter the stadium as normal but then walk right round to that section. But what is 2 non liscenced stewards going to do to overpower a hundred of them lol the club, head stewards and even police were aware of what was going on and they didnt want to annoy them basically incase they sparked a riot.

I mind one time thier drum went missing in the storage areas in parkhead where they keep it.... Every single one of them protested by going down to the concorse(pie bit) n sat singing ul never beat the ira n stuff, actually got a black eye from one of them because i tried to get my hat back off them.

You dont realise how bad it is until your in about it trust me

Fucking scumbags mate.

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Half of them dnt have tickets for that section.

I worked as a steward for a while n a few times they put me on th stairwells at section 111 to 113 as fans wud enter the stadium as normal but then walk right round to that section. But what is 2 non liscenced stewards going to do to overpower a hundred of them lol the club, head stewards and even police were aware of what was going on and they didnt want to annoy them basically incase they sparked a riot.

I mind one time thier drum went missing in the storage areas in parkhead where they keep it.... Every single one of them protested by going down to the concorse(pie bit) n sat singing ul never beat the ira n stuff, actually got a black eye from one of them because i tried to get my hat back off them.

You dont realise how bad it is until your in about it trust me

Imagine the smell off they pish stained jakey bastards.

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From the today's record.

I think this groin brigade are finally going to bite of more than they can chew.

Celtic fans 'Green Brigade' snub Strathclyde Police plea for talks over IRA chants

Nov 17 2011 By Alan Marshall

ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ last night knocked back Strathclyde Police's invite for showdown talks over pro-IRA chanting.

Assistant chief constable Campbell Corrigan spoke out in Wednesday's Record Sport to request a meeting with the Celtic fan group whose songs have sparked disciplinary probes by both UEFA and the SPL.

Corrigan was keen to spell out the consequences if they refuse to clean up their act and ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ have now responded by issuing the following statement: "Over the past few days Strathclyde Police have orchestrated a media campaign to tarnish our group as bigots, as justification for their power-grabbing and the Scottish Government's new anti-Football Bill - a Bill that criminalises football fans and the Celtic support in particular.

"Realising they face a challenge from fans opposed to the Bill, the politicians and police need a scapegoat and they've decided we fit the bill.

"Lurid headlines about our supposed 'songs of hate' have been followed up with a demand from Assistant Chief Constable Campbell Corrigan for us to meet him for a dressing-down.

"We have yet to be formally invited to meet Corrigan but we are happy to respond to his public offer with a public response, and to tell him in the firmest possible terms that we have no intention of meeting him and letting him wag his finger in our face.

"Corrigan's police force have spent hugely disproportionate resources on policing and gathering intelligence on the Celtic support, and ourselves in particular, including constant video surveillance at matches and a range of petty harassment.

"Out of concern with the policing of football fans and the Offensive Behaviour at Football Bill we, alongside the other established Celtic fan organisations, formed Fans Against Criminalisation.

"On October 29 we held a peaceful and very successful demonstration in George Square to oppose the SNP's anti-Football Bill.

"In what seems like a direct response, Corrigan's police force have since acted against us and the Celtic support.

"At the match v Hibs that afternoon the police, with no regard for fan safety, waded into our section of the ground in an attempt to make arrests of unknown fans.

"Match commander Eddie Smith then made a complaint to the SPL about offensive chants and after the subsequent match with Rennes in the Europa League he made a similar complaint to UEFA. Such a complaint is unprecedented."

The statement continued: "Campbell Corrigan has today been on radio shows, further scapegoating our group. We note he is also insisting he will be meeting Celtic fan organisations to tell us all how to behave.

"After the police's attack on Celtic fans following the Fans Against Criminalisation demonstration, two Celtic fan organisations asked them for a meeting to discuss their behaviour.

Match commander Eddie Smith refused to meet them and his superior, Wayne Mawson, refused to speak of the events of that day."

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