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The Leveson Inquiry into Press outrages. Will Rangers benefit?

Colonel Mustard

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:lol: I was not expecting that.

(tu) Fair play to you, a lot of folk will not give in on here, even if they're presented with irrefutable evidence on any subject.

He's talking about a jim traynor article concerning the Osasuna game....

Not sure why the Leveson enquiry would apply to any of these stories, maybe the OP is confused

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He's talking about a jim traynor article concerning the Osasuna game....

Not sure why the Leveson enquiry would apply to any of these stories, maybe the OP is confused

I think some folk get a bit muddled when distinguishing between certain journos being against us/pro-timmy and their paper being so.

I still won't buy the Rebel because I think it's a pro-tim rag, but that doesn't mean I think it's got any agenda against us.

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I've never, ever, ever seen any newspaper claim that about the bouncy.

It was fat Jim Traynor on the Beeb, i remember him saying it.

Although i should point out i believe the 'ongoing demonisation' is highly, highly exagerated and that fans of other SPL clubs could provide a list of examples about how they are being demonised too.

My view is thats the media for you. If they get an inch they'll take a mile and they dont care who its about.

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It was fat Jim Traynor on the Beeb, i remember him saying it.

Although i should point out i believe the 'ongoing demonisation' is highly, highly exagerated and that fans of other SPL clubs could provide a list of examples about how they are being demonised too.

My view is thats the media for you. If they get an inch they'll take a mile and they dont care who its about.

Well, the inquiry into print journalists won't stop him blabbing on air.

Agree totally with the rest. (tu)

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It was fat Jim Traynor on the Beeb, i remember him saying it.

Although i should point out i believe the 'ongoing demonisation' is highly, highly exagerated and that fans of other SPL clubs could provide a list of examples about how they are being demonised too.

My view is thats the media for you. If they get an inch they'll take a mile and they dont care who its about.

No you don't....

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Hmmm what?

I heard Jim Traynor say the Bouncy was in reference to jumping on Catholics heads on his radio show a while back and if you dont want to believe me thats fine. Its possible, by the way, for people to air their opinions more than once.. (if you saw it written somewhere else)

Do i think he was talking nonsense? Yes.

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he wrote it in the paper its perfectly possible he said it on radio. its clearly how he feels.

Don't know if it helps, but on this thread...


is this post:

"Jim Traynor just defending his article on the radio there. Said there were a few hundred Rangers fans besmirching our club's good name by abusing an opposing religion for several hours, and he believes that type could benefit from a good hiding.

He said HE is due the apology for being subjected to the poison, and no apology is forthcoming from him."

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Hmmm what?

I heard Jim Traynor say the Bouncy was in reference to jumping on Catholics heads on his radio show a while back and if you dont want to believe me thats fine. Its possible, by the way, for people to air their opinions more than once.. (if you saw it written somewhere else)

Do i think he was talking nonsense? Yes.

That was Gerry Mcnee :rolleyes:

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It may well have been actually. My mistake if thats the case.

My initial point was to confirm to Jimmy it was in fact claimed on the radio a while back and wasnt a baseless claim by a Ger, not that i support the demonisation theory.

If he said that and still believes it, then he's an utter fud.

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I doubt it very much, although would like to see it stop. One thing I would say is that I wouldnt be surprised if Rangers employees, past and present have had their phones hacked especially when you consider the stories which have come out which really should be kept inhouse. I have a hunch that a certain blogger based in a country which shares a land border with the UK has been hacking phones to get his 'stories'. Just a hunch but I would be interested to find out whether the club has taken steps to establish if phones have been hacked into.

Seeing as absolutely nothing he has ever written about us has been correct, then Id doubt that very, very much.

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Don't know if it helps, but on this thread...


is this post:

"Jim Traynor just defending his article on the radio there. Said there were a few hundred Rangers fans besmirching our club's good name by abusing an opposing religion for several hours, and he believes that type could benefit from a good hiding.

He said HE is due the apology for being subjected to the poison, and no apology is forthcoming from him."

good find. not like chico to be wrong.

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I very much doubt the Leveson Inquiry will have any effect on the club.

The inquiry is about press ethics and privacy ie about how journalists go about getting stories, not so much about what they write.

I'm afraid you are wrong.

The inquiry is delving into how information which has been gained (by whatever method) is twisted to demonise people like Steve Coogan, The McCanns, and Hugh Grant...to name but a few.

Some of the (lack of) ethics being discussed are very similar to the smear tactics used against Rangers, and against those associated with Rangers.

Scottish newspapers have already been pounded during evidence (Sunday Mail and The Herald in particular). It doesn't take a genius to join the dots between these papers demonising the likes of Diane Watson to satisfy an agenda, and those at the same newspapers who want to demonise anything to do with Rangers for their own agenda.

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