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Changing The Scottish Game - No Pain, No Gain

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The other SPL clubs are greedy though, they don't care how they make money, they just want to make as much as possible, as evidenced by their rejection of the previous, extravagant, SKY deal. Most of the SPL would be content with signing players from the junior leagues as long as they were given a slice of the SKY money - there is a lack of ambition from them, and it's purely their fault we're in the mess we are now.

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I disagree about the way you'd structure it, purely because I don't think Scottish football could sustain 5-10 years with little to no money coming in from TV. There are a lot of points I agree with, like the national team benefiting, but the players would be leaving for other countries where wages were higher and the Scottish leagues would go further downhill. I don't see it generating more interest and more money in the future, I can only see the exact opposite happening.

As far as the rest of the World is concerned, the Old Firm IS Scottish football. Reduce the OF games and you'll kill any outside investment.

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I disagree about the way you'd structure it, purely because I don't think Scottish football could sustain 5-10 years with little to no money coming in from TV. There are a lot of points I agree with, like the national team benefiting, but the players would be leaving for other countries where wages were higher and the Scottish leagues would go further downhill. I don't see it generating more interest and more money in the future, I can only see the exact opposite happening.

As far as the rest of the World is concerned, the Old Firm IS Scottish football. Reduce the OF games and you'll kill any outside investment.

How about, if we started off with the regional set up for teams not currently in league football, giving a promotion spot.

Followed a few years after by creating the initial 18 team set up, utilising Division 2 and 3. Leaving SPL and Division 1 as they are, but cutting the numbers down over a few years, with a view to combining the two?

Not such a radical change, but at least looks at the combined league and improved regional structure, before you change the SPL package.

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How about, if we started off with the regional set up for teams not currently in league football, giving a promotion spot.

Followed a few years after by creating the initial 18 team set up, utilising Division 2 and 3. Leaving SPL and Division 1 as they are, but cutting the numbers down over a few years, with a view to combining the two?

Not such a radical change, but at least looks at the combined league and improved regional structure, before you change the SPL package.

That sounds more realistic to me. It's a shame that we HAVE to keep the status quo (i.e. maximum OF games) to keep investment, as nobody likes their hands to be tied. It's inflexible, but I just can't see any way round it.

Your suggestion in that post could be a good one, if there was enough improvement and interest generated in a few years a discussion could be had about rearranging the top tiers.

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That sounds more realistic to me. It's a shame that we HAVE to keep the status quo (i.e. maximum OF games) to keep investment, as nobody likes their hands to be tied. It's inflexible, but I just can't see any way round it.

Your suggestion in that post could be a good one, if there was enough improvement and interest generated in a few years a discussion could be had about rearranging the top tiers.

It's actually a hard thing to look at, without red, white and blue tinted specs.

I'm basically saying in the piece that I want competition to improve to the level, where we don't have to rely on 500 OF games a season, to bring in TV money.

Look at the EPL just now, there is such a wide range of interest in various clashes from top of the table, to the bottom. Can you imagine Hibs vs Dunfermline, generating half as much interest as Bolton vs BLackburn did the other week? We are so far off, but there are things that can be done to increase the whole scottish package.

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It's actually a hard thing to look at, without red, white and blue tinted specs.

I'm basically saying in the piece that I want competition to improve to the level, where we don't have to rely on 500 OF games a season, to bring in TV money.

Look at the EPL just now, there is such a wide range of interest in various clashes from top of the table, to the bottom. Can you imagine Hibs vs Dunfermline, generating half as much interest as Bolton vs BLackburn did the other week? We are so far off, but there are things that can be done to increase the whole scottish package.

I don't have any other specs! :D

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there is too many teams to sustain in the scottish game

a population of 5mill, perhaps only 1million actually give a shit about football enough to offer any sort of money to their clubs, then you have maybe 60% of that declaring an allegiance to the old firm

so in theory thats only 400,000 football fans to spread out amongst the rest of the clubs, including junior clubs etc

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there is too many teams to sustain in the scottish game

a population of 5mill, perhaps only 1million actually give a shit about football enough to offer any sort of money to their clubs, then you have maybe 60% of that declaring an allegiance to the old firm

so in theory thats only 400,000 football fans to spread out amongst the rest of the clubs, including junior clubs etc

Would you keep the small leagues then, but reduce the number to just 2? Then introduce the regional pyramid set up?

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I really dont know the answer to Scottish football. Too many teams in certain areas, for instance roundabout the Falkirk region there is loads.

You cant ask teams to merge as even though there may only be 100 East Stirling fans they still hate Falkirk so why should they merge with each other?

An SPL 1 and SPL 2 with regionalised leauges. Scrap your leauge cup and have the one big cup. Think Holland do it that way.

I think i was in the minority that wouldnt have minded a 10 team leauge again as for the first few years of an 18 team leauge would have a lot of meaningless games. Scottish football has been allowed to just stagnate whilst almost all other European leauges changed. But it shows you how fucked up our country is when they wanted play offs for the title despite some of the teams who wanted it finishing around 35 points behind us last season. Too many teams care about themselfs in Scotland rather than for the good of the country.

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It's actually a hard thing to look at, without red, white and blue tinted specs.

I'm basically saying in the piece that I want competition to improve to the level, where we don't have to rely on 500 OF games a season, to bring in TV money.

Look at the EPL just now, there is such a wide range of interest in various clashes from top of the table, to the bottom. Can you imagine Hibs vs Dunfermline, generating half as much interest as Bolton vs BLackburn did the other week? We are so far off, but there are things that can be done to increase the whole scottish package.

I can take those Glasses off ,I think its the way ahead, and Love the Idea of the Pyramid System, and the Regional Games that would bring .

Imagine the Derby's it would have ,and the interest in these Games would be good ,old Rivals Like Montrose V Forfar , Cowdenbeath V East Fife,Petershill v St Rochs, Benburb v St Anthonys, and the Likes .

These Games would stimulate the Fans, and I think you would see an increase in Crowds.

I agree the SPL Provincial Clubs are Holding the Scottish Game back with their Greed and the Fact that Rangers and them have met 8 times in a Year is just way too much and just has to stop .

If this doesn't Happen then we are better off in the Lower English Leagues as there is no Vision, and no ambition in Scottish Football without change .

18 Teams the way ahead and Season from March to November for me.

No change =No gain IMO

Don't buy in to the Small Population thing ifr the product is there the Customer will Pay.Oh and get standing areas back along with Alcohol back in to Stadiums as a revenue Stream.

Better Facilities and treat Fans like Humans not Criminals.

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Everyone is fixated by money.

Scottish league is only ever going to be good again if the quality of the Scottish youngster improves considerably,

1. I've said it before but the pitches we ask youngsters to try and learn todays technical style on are usually horrendous.

5th gen public pitches throughout Scotland

2. Any Tom can decide to run and coach a youth football team.

Mandatory minimum coaches license for youth football.

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There are far too many so-called "senior" clubs in this country for the size of the population. We could get by on two divisions, or three at most.

A lot of the strugglers in one area like Fife could merge and form one credible new club - it worked in Inverness a few years ago.

And let a few of the better-run Junior clubs into the bottom tier instead of the deadwood who are clinging on by the skin of their teeth hoping for the rare big pay day of a Cup tie against us or the tarriers.

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