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Something Inspired, By Radical Suggestions


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WV36RangersvMotherwell.jpgNot for the first time, the idea behind this article comes from one of our own posters on the board, who for the sake of ego, I won't name. His idea to rebuild the squad this month around four radical principles seemed to me to be an interesting one, and one I thought would be worth examining in detail to see where it would leave us for the season.

First off, let's have a butchers at these radical principles.

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Should be sold or shipped out comes up a lot,its much easier to write than execute, who in their right mind will take our much maligned cast offs?even getting rid of contracted players costs plenty, i do like the theory behind it but the practice may prove problematical, i seem to remember just to get rid of Beattie cost the price of a decent signing,paying £1.5m for the transfer fee and then paying the lump of wood a handsome salary for next to no productivity, its not too hard to get your financies tits up with a few of these scenarios.

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Makes me wonder how many quality players have we (or will we) potentially miss out on because they considered Rangers too much of a gamble and didn't want to spend their time warming a bench?

Is that how we want potential players seeing Rangers? Or ask yourself this question, if you were a young lad playing regular first team football in a reasonable league and Rangers came calling, seeing how the current squad is utilised, what would you do?

Get rid of the guys that aren't even making the bench regularly.

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Somebody is thinking to much....... for whatever reason. A rather bizarre approach to building a squad. I'm not his biggest fan but no mention of Lafferty at all in a matchday squad seems a bit strange.

Winning teams in any field can be made up of multi-skilled members (specialists in particular positions) and/or multi-discipline individuals (members who are capable of performing to a high standard in two or more skills). In the case of football it needs to be a blend of both. And that include the leader's immediate support team. Once you have that (to a reasonable extent) then it is the leader's job to inspire, motivate and ensure that the team sent out to perform does so to the best of their ability. As for instructions on how to succeed in a particular game that will depend on the leaders belief in the player's/team's ability to succeed, or avoid failure. I always prefer the former. Eg; It could be a game v Man Utd at OT where you park the bus and try not to lose or against an Arbroath where you change to an entirly different strategy with different players.That's the theory, anyway. In practice leaders are never going to get it right all the time. Ally needs time to blend that winning team and he doesn't have deep pockets. He has a really hard job and the question is- Can he succeed in it?. January will enlighten us a bit I expect. .

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Here's some radical suggestions:

  • Try to pass the round object called a football to other Rangers players.
  • Try to retain possession of the round object called a football rather than punt it back to the opposition.
  • Try to play at a high tempo with the round object called a football.
  • Try to create shooting chances with the round object called a football.
  • Tyr to score goals with the round object called a football.

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