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HMRC Interest and Penalties

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Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, however I am new to this forum and feel that this is an issue that needs to be aired for those that are not perhaps aware of the ridiculous pressures being brought to bear on our club by HMRC.

I highlight these, as a small business owner myself, who has also come under pressure from the HMRC for falling behind in VAT and PAYE. I have come out the other side (after I, like almost everyone else, got royally fucked by the banks and government in 2008) and I've paid my dues. I'm not asking for judgement or looking for any kind of commentary, praise, criticism etc. I just want everyone to be aware of the ridiculous scenario that is being protrayed by HMRC and the HMRC LOYAL media with regards to RFC's Tax case - which I believe scares every Rangers fan to their core because of the ridiculous sums of money that are being bandied about as being owed.


Apparently the "small tax case" has gone from £2.5m in recent weeks to £4m to £9m to £15 Million - as reported today by the BBC.

Where do these people get their figures from?

A couple of years ago (or thereabouts) RFC owed about £20 (some) million in Taxes (PAYE and VAT - who knows!?) How accurate this figure was I have no idea.

Here's what I do know and here's what has never bee reported...

If you default your VAT (dont pay VAT when it's due) by 3 months - the HMRC charge you 5% on that sum.

PLUS INTEREST until it's paid.

If you default on your NEXT VAT as well - the HMRC charge you 10% on both sums owed.

PLUS INTEREST until it's paid.

If you default AGAIN on your NEXT VAT AS WELL - the HMRC charge you 15% on ALL sums owed.

PLUS INTEREST until it's paid.

Not including the interest chargeable, lets have a look at how this stacks up...

Lets say RFC started out by defaulting on VAT alone on their March 2009 Return on a £10M bill (purely hypothetical to get my point across)

By the time June return comes round, RFC owes £10.5M - £0.5 MILLION MORE

Take to the next stage and lets assume FOR SIMPLICITY that ALL VAT IS PAID ON TIME FROM HEREON.

When September return comes round, RFC owes £10.5M FOR jUNE'S RETURN plus £1.05M - £11.55 MILLION now

Fast forward to December's - 15% rate kicks in - amount owed jumps to £13.05M

In the space of Nine Months - HER MAJESTY'S Government demands a 30% PLUS return on amounts not paid - and thats NOT including FUCKING INTEREST!

Lets recap:

1 default: 5%

2 defaults: 10%

3 defaults: 15%

4 or more defaults: 15% thereafter

Guys - this is just a nine month period I'm talking about here. After the 15% rate kicks in, every Quarter thereafter is calculated at 15% which means that £10M costs £1.5M ALONE to service to the Government every bloody quarter!

Think about it.

A company in this kind of position...

After 2 years ALONE of this nonsense of non-paid VAT for one quarter of £10M, the company would end up oweing HMRC nearly DOUBLE at £19.05m


And that's just one quarter of difficulty - which Her Majesty's Government (Revenue & Customs) insists you get fucked over for.

Look at those figures and tell me the Sheriff of Nottingham is not alive and well and trying to take our club up the ass.

I don't know Craig Whyte and I think his PR is awful. But I know HMRC all too well and they are useless cunts who don't know what they are doing and they make a rich living out of (you and me) doing it.

be careful who you direct your anger at is all I ask: -

HER MAJESTY'S REVENUE & CUSTOMS (Trust me, the irony stings like a bitch) or...

Craig Whyte / SDM - who prior to the 2008 Banking FUCKUP were HUGELY successful and wealthy Businessmen

Lloyds TSB - their withdrawal of banking support in terms of overdrafts etc (which came at HUGE COST whilst they offered it) and ultimately resulted in RFC using HMRC as their short term 'Banking alternative'.

The whole thing stinks like a cesspit. You decide where your allegiances should lie. If you still bank with Lloyds / HBOS after this, shame on you. If (after reading the 5%, 10%, 15% incremental quarterly increases above) you decide you should still pay your taxes, well good for you.

Me? Where's Robin fucking Hood when you need him?

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Do HMRC tend to waive the penalties and interest, if the debt is paid?

I suspect the is a degree if wiggle room / negotiation; so long as the original sum is paid.

I think the punitive nature of the penalties, is to force you to deal with them sooner rather than later, otherwise they'll remove the Directors and replace them with people who will play the game / generally stick to the rules.

Hopefully, under a knew owner, who breeds confidence, HMRC would accept a fair and reasonable settlement, and we can get on with winning football matches!!

C'mon the 'Gers!!

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