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Rangers FC. Everyone else owns our income streams.

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We sell season tickets...somebody else gets a large chunk, because we borrowed money against it, and we have to give thousands of tickets away at a discounted price.

We sell shitloads of merchandise...somebody else gets the benefit, because we got a set amount of money in advance for possible sales, and when sales go up we get fuck all.

We sell loads of food at games...somebody else has already paid us for catering, so the catering company gets the benefit when our support's fat bastards get hungry.

Every way we turn, Murray and Whyte have given wads of cash away to outside agencies for the privilege of getting money in early to pay our bills.

Our new owners need to inject money into the club to get us back to a situation where we get full value for the money fans are spending, and not giving swathes of it away to outside companies.

This means they need to pay our debts off, and negotiate new contracts where Rangers fans' money stays with Rangers.

Paul Murray and his cohorts are not going to cut it, unless they have the money and clout to do this.

I'm sick of paying money to Rangers, knowing that loads of it is fucking off elsewhere.

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Playing devils advocate for a second but keeping all the profits means we pay all the costs as well and don't get a set return while having these deals allows us to know exactly how much we get back from them.

How does paying middle men the hard earned cash of Rangers fans, benefit Rangers?

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Going to the Megastore, be it Ibrox or on-line, and spending money gladly to help the cause does become a bit disillusioning when walking out and realizing that actually bugger all of the money you've just spent actually goes to the club.

The catering being in-house again would be another boon.

Really bites you on the arse at times such as these, where thousands of supports want to perhaps buy some extra Rangers things or eat at Ibrox to bring the club in extra revenue. Only to find, however, we've sold off our avenues of making extra income and that said extra support doesn't even benefit us as a football club.

Also, doesn't help that the range of Rangers merchandise in the JJB stores is less than exiting, though the JJB deal is supposed to be a good deal financially, or at least it was up until recently I believe.

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How does paying middle men the hard earned cash of Rangers fans, benefit Rangers?

It keeps us with a certain profit going by the sales JJB makes the make roughly a three million pound profit after all costs have been paid. Production,staffing etc etc, we get paid I've seen figures varying from a little over 2 million to well over 4 million which is gareenteed to us every season. Depending if we hit bonus targets etc.

However if we didn't have this deal then there would be a chance that the profits would be smaller than we currently earn and it was felt at the time that money up front was the best solution.

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There is a price for certainty of income. We have just been caught out unfortunately by the fact that perhaps demand is at a high because of our recent troubles. In a financial sense, assuming the "pricing" was right, i would be in favour of selling income streams, providing the money was not spent on one off capital sums, rather was used to fund the ongoing overheads of the business.

I think the mistake that kents like SDM and Whyte made was to monetise all of our income and then blow it all in one hit, leaving nothing to live on.

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There is a price for certainty of income. We have just been caught out unfortunately by the fact that perhaps demand is at a high because of our recent troubles. In a financial sense, assuming the "pricing" was right, i would be in favour of selling income streams, providing the money was not spent on one off capital sums, rather was used to fund the ongoing overheads of the business.

I think the mistake that kents like SDM and Whyte made was to monetise all of our income and then blow it all in one hit, leaving nothing to live on.

Like selling the family silver?

As I understand it the more we spend in the megastore and Rangers Direct the bigger bonus we get from JJB

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Playing devils advocate for a second but keeping all the profits means we pay all the costs as well and don't get a set return while having these deals allows us to know exactly how much we get back from them.

Very good point you make, but(always one laugh.gif) these people who have the agreement would not enter into any agreements with us unless they could get their profit margins.

Of the subject a bit here, something Paul Clark said at the weekend, whoever buys the club will have the Stadium, Murray Park and the players. No mention whatsoever of the Albion!

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Playing devils advocate for a second but keeping all the profits means we pay all the costs as well and don't get a set return while having these deals allows us to know exactly how much we get back from them.

Very good point you make, but(always one laugh.gif) these people who have the agreement would not enter into any agreements with us unless they could get their profit margins.

Of the subject a bit here, something Paul Clark said at the weekend, whoever buys the club will have the Stadium, Murray Park and the players. No mention whatsoever of the Albion!

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Very good point you make, but(always one laugh.gif) these people who have the agreement would not enter into any agreements with us unless they could get their profit margins.

Of the subject a bit here, something Paul Clark said at the weekend, whoever buys the club will have the Stadium, Murray Park and the players. No mention whatsoever of the Albion!

Has no one down the local shop ever mentioned economies of scale to you before ?

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We sell season tickets...somebody else gets a large chunk, because we borrowed money against it, and we have to give thousands of tickets away at a discounted price. The admins reckon we don't owe a bean on this.

We sell shitloads of merchandise...somebody else gets the benefit, because we got a set amount of money in advance for possible sales, and when sales go up we get fuck all. £18m up front, £3m min a year. Goes up if we sell more

We sell loads of food at games...somebody else has already paid us for catering, so the catering company gets the benefit when our support's fat bastards get hungry. Rangers still get a share of the profits regardless

Every way we turn, Murray and Whyte have given wads of cash away to outside agencies for the privilege of getting money in early to pay our bills.

Our new owners need to inject money into the club to get us back to a situation where we get full value for the money fans are spending, and not giving swathes of it away to outside companies.

This means they need to pay our debts off, and negotiate new contracts where Rangers fans' money stays with Rangers.

Paul Murray and his cohorts are not going to cut it, unless they have the money and clout to do this.

I'm sick of paying money to Rangers, knowing that loads of it is fucking off elsewhere.

Bit of a negative worst case scenario there.

Things aren't that bad, apart from possibly the catering deal. You seem to have missed that the amount we can make is not limited.

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Very good point you make, but(always one laugh.gif) these people who have the agreement would not enter into any agreements with us unless they could get their profit margins.

Of the subject a bit here, something Paul Clark said at the weekend, whoever buys the club will have the Stadium, Murray Park and the players. No mention whatsoever of the Albion!

JJB and others will make there profit margin by either mass producing the merchandise and buying it in bulk to save money or buy selling it at a more expensive price than the club would.

There's always the option that the goods are produced cheap enough at cost price to allow JJB to pay us the terms of the deal and make enough of a profit from it to make it worth their while.

I don't know what the answer is but it will have positives and negatives for both parties though and from our point of view at the time pros outweighed the cons.

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Edit: double post however with regards to the Albion I don't think we own enough of that to sell pretty sure we only own a small chunk of that I could be wrong though.

Also I think the administrators can only sell things that are fully owned by the company that they're involved with but I'm not sure on this.

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