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Roughie Phone in

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right that's it. ah see big rough at the tescos in cumbernauld goes there for his messages. next time am gonae take a runnay fae the cheese counter .to the booze isle where he is usually lurkin about and boot him in the balls wae ma steel toe caps.

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right that's it. ah see big rough at the tescos in cumbernauld goes there for his messages. next time am gonae take a runnay fae the cheese counter .to the booze isle where he is usually lurkin about and boot him in the balls wae ma steel toe caps.

Naw yae wulnae, man.

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Guys I've been down this road so many times and it's my total bugbear .Was at the meeting last week and the club are now very aware of the media and what there up to.Its not the right time for pointing fingers but I would have to tell you there's a certain person that may return to defend us and hopefully he will be given free reign to do that Ok I'm sure not one of you would disagree that Media on the whole is one powerful and persuasive presence in Scottish football?????? Yeah Scotland is like no other Country It's our national sport along with drinking and the papers make killing because of this For me the tabloids are guilty of kicking anyone when there down and it's our turn although certain members should be sine died if we ever get power Let's do the Alex Ferguson way .he does not give a fuck who likes him or who respects him One word out of place and you get banned or punished .the media crap themselves from him.When we get back in control of things I'd ban all media outlets and let them work to get back in Using fair reporting I'd let them drip feed them back into our favour but I would exclude a certain couple of journos who I'd ban for life sine die and any media outlet that employs them.Real radio was impartial in the beginning but it's more pathetic that hurtful at this moment in time The two non comics would much rather laugh about some crude joke than talk football but on the whole I think there always just trying to get ratings up by being controversial .radio SNYDE on the other hand are very clever and have years and years of previous and experience of what makes Glasgow footballing devide work . They are most certainly number one enemy but it saddens me when Goram takes the money to go on the show and big bluenoses like ie bullet express sponsor them .they are ran by bauer media and if you complain you are put back to Lorraine hermiston head of new and sport where she will piss all over you complaint She says herself and Queers are big Rangers fans ??? They have got Rangers fc onside which baffles me as they are our worst enemy and I believe you should be aware of your enemies and not turn a blind eye to them .guys the time had come where the media issue has to be addressed when we are on our feet again .its paramount or we will be back here again discussing some other thing we have done wrong,sanction,punishment that the enemy feel the need to attack us with. We can't ignore our enemies.... There hurting us too much

big Lorraine, " i have in my hand" Herbison... :wub:

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