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Roughie Phone in

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UEFA employed FARE to report on instances of racist/sectarian behaviour and then acted upon their report. Whether FARE should have been awarded that is a different matter entirely, but they were far more legitimate than a Real Radio programme.

I don't listen to it, so I'm unable to comment on why our signing policy was brought up.

What is legitimate about FARE?

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Must admit several people have a point the SFA appears to bend to the will of what it perceives as public opinion. Much as pains me to respond to the mono syllabic trash that is spouted about rangers on these programs surely it would not be to difficult to blow their ill conceived rants apart with reasoned argument. Lets not fall into the trap of sinking to their level and provide the media with more amunition to boot us with.

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OH FFS some of our own fans need to grow some balls - the whinging and moaning on here is stunning - whinning like a loas of wee'ns!

If the shoe was on the other foot we would be making as much of this as possible and loving it. Want to fight back - laugh at them, take the piss out of their own failures, but stop all the whinging and moaning.

(Right thats me stopping whinging and moaning about the whinging and moaning) time to get back to studying the balance sheets of our prospective buyers - NOW thats what real football supporters do ....(...these days)

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Roughy is far from being a tarrier. I'm sure that its his brother that has a season ticket for the club deck.

You may have noticed that when DJ went to RR, the dynamics of the show changed. It was always about Ewan being a jambo and roughy being a hibee. Now its about DJ being a bluenose and Roughy being a taig.(And peter martin being neutral :lol: )

Its all done for the purpose of getting listeners.

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Our following has always been a bit weird about this sort of thing. Half of us rage about "shower of bastards saying this and saying that, lets start a boycott" and the other half are like "no if we do anything like that then we'll be like THEM".

The bottom line is that we don't seem to have this "martyr" mentality thats baked into every tattie muncher that get's them out onto the streets and campaigning. It's a PR war and I hate to tell anyone this...but we're losing, big time. The scum have one of the worst records under the sun for fan behaviour, hitting refs with coins, taking dives off top stands, fans invading the pitch etc and yet to the media they are squeaky clean. Rangers on the other hand get associated with those twats who sent those things in the post.

So people need to decide, are we going to pick up the phone and complain to every tv station, regulatory body and sponsor every time we hear a terrorist song getting belted out by the septic loyal or are we just happy to sit back and take the slings and arrows. Because I for one am fed up of hearing about this shit, it's time for us to put up or shut up.

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Our following has always been a bit weird about this sort of thing. Half of us rage about "shower of bastards saying this and saying that, lets start a boycott" and the other half are like "no if we do anything like that then we'll be like THEM".

The bottom line is that we don't seem to have this "martyr" mentality thats baked into every tattie muncher that get's them out onto the streets and campaigning. It's a PR war and I hate to tell anyone this...but we're losing, big time. The scum have one of the worst records under the sun for fan behaviour, hitting refs with coins, taking dives off top stands, fans invading the pitch etc and yet to the media they are squeaky clean. Rangers on the other hand get associated with those twats who sent those things in the post.

So people need to decide, are we going to pick up the phone and complain to every tv station, regulatory body and sponsor every time we hear a terrorist song getting belted out by the septic loyal or are we just happy to sit back and take the slings and arrows. Because I for one am fed up of hearing about this shit, it's time for us to put up or shut up.

I for one wont be shutting up, there is a principal behind all of this and im not prepared anymore to sit back and accept the lies seeping out of these Radio Chanels any more.

Written complaints is the way ahead from now on.

I will let you all know how i get ob .If any of you are interested

There are tii many on here who arent .They know wgo they are and always pull the same mantrah , of oh FFS stop whinging or they always come out with dont listen.

Same old shite from some on here.t

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Roughy is far from being a tarrier. I'm sure that its his brother that has a season ticket for the club deck.

You may have noticed that when DJ went to RR, the dynamics of the show changed. It was always about Ewan being a jambo and roughy being a hibee. Now its about DJ being a bluenose and Roughy being a taig.(And peter martin being neutral :lol: )

Its all done for the purpose of getting listeners.

I thought it was peter maguire that joined recently!

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lol, there are much worse, and more harmful peopel out there than alan roughy.

big roughy & DJ aren't the sharpest tacks in the box and the RR fitbaw phone in is more light hearted than anything substantial, or sinister.

i dont disagree that we need to stand up for ourselves where the media is concerned, but take the independent for example, the published an article entitled "Rangers subside in disgraceful fashion" after the defeat to Kilmarnock and the article was more like a log of songs we sung for the 90mins, including whos the F in the black, and Super Rangers. These cunts are more interested in writing about the sensitive F word than anything else to paint us as bigots.

thats far more harmful and should be addressed by the club. The fitbaw phone-in isnt anything to worry about or take seriously, half the time DJ & roughy are giggling like school girls over sexual innuendos.

Totally agree. Roughy and DJ are thick as fuck and totally harmless.

There is no malice in either of them and even less brain cells.

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Roughy is far from being a tarrier. I'm sure that its his brother that has a season ticket for the club deck.

You may have noticed that when DJ went to RR, the dynamics of the show changed. It was always about Ewan being a jambo and roughy being a hibee. Now its about DJ being a bluenose and Roughy being a taig.(And peter martin being neutral :lol: )

Its all done for the purpose of getting listeners.

That is even worse; so they are playing a role and insulting the intelligence of their listeners?: that is the kind of sly double- standards I would expect from an MP, I'm not sure I am keen on it for my football coverage.

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Guys I've been down this road so many times and it's my total bugbear .Was at the meeting last week and the club are now very aware of the media and what there up to.Its not the right time for pointing fingers but I would have to tell you there's a certain person that may return to defend us and hopefully he will be given free reign to do that Ok I'm sure not one of you would disagree that Media on the whole is one powerful and persuasive presence in Scottish football?????? Yeah Scotland is like no other Country It's our national sport along with drinking and the papers make killing because of this For me the tabloids are guilty of kicking anyone when there down and it's our turn although certain members should be sine died if we ever get power Let's do the Alex Ferguson way .he does not give a fuck who likes him or who respects him One word out of place and you get banned or punished .the media crap themselves from him.When we get back in control of things I'd ban all media outlets and let them work to get back in Using fair reporting I'd let them drip feed them back into our favour but I would exclude a certain couple of journos who I'd ban for life sine die and any media outlet that employs them.Real radio was impartial in the beginning but it's more pathetic that hurtful at this moment in time The two non comics would much rather laugh about some crude joke than talk football but on the whole I think there always just trying to get ratings up by being controversial .radio SNYDE on the other hand are very clever and have years and years of previous and experience of what makes Glasgow footballing devide work . They are most certainly number one enemy but it saddens me when Goram takes the money to go on the show and big bluenoses like ie bullet express sponsor them .they are ran by bauer media and if you complain you are put back to Lorraine hermiston head of new and sport where she will piss all over you complaint She says herself and Queers are big Rangers fans ??? They have got Rangers fc onside which baffles me as they are our worst enemy and I believe you should be aware of your enemies and not turn a blind eye to them .guys the time had come where the media issue has to be addressed when we are on our feet again .its paramount or we will be back here again discussing some other thing we have done wrong,sanction,punishment that the enemy feel the need to attack us with. We can't ignore our enemies.... There hurting us too much

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OH FFS some of our own fans need to grow some balls - the whinging and moaning on here is stunning - whinning like a loas of wee'ns!

If the shoe was on the other foot we would be making as much of this as possible and loving it. Want to fight back - laugh at them, take the piss out of their own failures, but stop all the whinging and moaning.

(Right thats me stopping whinging and moaning about the whinging and moaning) time to get back to studying the balance sheets of our prospective buyers - NOW thats what real football supporters do ....(...these days)

One of David Murrays foot soldiers has just spoken :praise: .............................................................:wanker:

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this is the fone in that I listen to as the Snyde just irritates me. IMO its a pretty unbiased show, DJ annoys me more than roughie, DJ either lies down to cel**c fans or slates Rangers. Alan Rough was a cel**c player and basically admits being a fan, unlike DJ who sounds like he couldnt care less about Rangers yet still claims to be a Rangers man

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this is the fone in that I listen to as the Snyde just irritates me. IMO its a pretty unbiased show, DJ annoys me more than roughie, DJ either lies down to cel**c fans or slates Rangers. Alan Rough was a cel**c player and basically admits being a fan, unlike DJ who sounds like he couldnt care less about Rangers yet still claims to be a Rangers man

He wasnt unbiased last night I can rest assure you they both allowed some scumball to rant on about Rangers old so called signing policy.Saying it was only 25 years ago when we signed our first Catholic and how he would like us to liquidate.

Absolute embarrasment the lot of them.


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In my opinion if you don't care about what the media are up to especially after this last 18months then your either a beggar rodent muppet that shouldn't be on this site or your a David Murray apologist that used to sit in a wee corner and toss off to every single word he said with his arrogance that we are/were indestructible and not to bother about the othe lot motto being win the games , nothing else matters well that's got us fuckin no where

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Our following has always been a bit weird about this sort of thing. Half of us rage about "shower of bastards saying this and saying that, lets start a boycott" and the other half are like "no if we do anything like that then we'll be like THEM".

The bottom line is that we don't seem to have this "martyr" mentality thats baked into every tattie muncher that get's them out onto the streets and campaigning. It's a PR war and I hate to tell anyone this...but we're losing, big time. The scum have one of the worst records under the sun for fan behaviour, hitting refs with coins, taking dives off top stands, fans invading the pitch etc and yet to the media they are squeaky clean. Rangers on the other hand get associated with those twats who sent those things in the post.

So people need to decide, are we going to pick up the phone and complain to every tv station, regulatory body and sponsor every time we hear a terrorist song getting belted out by the septic loyal or are we just happy to sit back and take the slings and arrows. Because I for one am fed up of hearing about this shit, it's time for us to put up or shut up.

Its a point i have made on here before, but i'll make it again anyway.

We have to be organised if we are going to complain, i have been writing letters of complaint to the SFA, my MP, BBC, and various other media outlets.

All you get back in reply is a wee e-mail or letter patting you on the head and "reassuring" you that there is no disparity in the way that the 2 clubs are treated.

Its got to a point now where i simply cant be bothered, no one person can make a blind bit of difference.

I feel like i have been trying to do my bit, but its simply not going to work, someone in power has to do something, or we need to start organising ourselves into coherent, organised groups.

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Like I said it has to be the Alex Ferguson way .ban them, don't give a fuck what they think of you.look at every one with contempt rather than trying to my liked by all every time .they will just stab you in the back anyway as soon as they get the chance .Im very positive club has plans for this now. How couldn't they after all the attacks lately but we will just have to be patient as time just ain't right

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