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Boyd to the Premiership - What if ?

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So now you are agreeing with me, well at least you think you are. Work ethic alone will add nothing to his value. He is the most incompetent football player since Ostenstad - he is simply an Egil Ostgenstad who can score.

PLG made the decision to leave, Murray did not wish him to go

The decision of when PLG went was made by Murray.

There was never anything mutual about it.

Is that your opinion Alba or are you stating facts???

If it is facts where is your source of this information that Murray didn't want PLG to go. Because as far as I can tell mutual consent means they both wanted it. PLG wanted to go and Murray wanted him to go. That is why the consent was mutual

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There's been a few people on here tonight saying they'd be happy if Boyd scored against everyone but Celtic.

Am I the only one that's astonished by this? A Rangers striker who can't score against Celtic? Should never be.

Ive been saying it for months Papa. :(

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Ive been saying it for months Papa. :(

Yeah, I've seen a few of your posts.

I can't actually believe it. Too many people hail Boyd as some great striker, but even Novo, Flo, Bo Andersson scored against that lot.

Scoring against Celtic has always and WILL always be a job requirement of a Gers striker.

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As far as some people are concerned Boyd can do No wrong

The same people that think Murray should go if he doesn't give us £20million a year transfer kitty.

i.e. fucking idiots.

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The same people that think Murray should go if he doesn't give us £20million a year transfer kitty.

i.e. fucking idiots.


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Is that your opinion Alba or are you stating facts???

If it is facts where is your source of this information that Murray didn't want PLG to go. Because as far as I can tell mutual consent means they both wanted it. PLG wanted to go and Murray wanted him to go. That is why the consent was mutual


Murray wanted PLG to stay, to manage, to do whatever was required.

PLG decided he wasn't going to stay - the culture was too rotten - his intention was to go in the summer

Murray did a Souness - No, if you are going, go now.

Nothing mutual - Murray was extremely hurt and let down by the situation. And furious at you know who.

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i could see him being the answer to Arsenals problems, they play sexy football but need that one guy to just pop it in the back of the net and BANG, theres kris boyd waiting.

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Murray wanted PLG to stay, to manage, to do whatever was required.

PLG decided he wasn't going to stay - the culture was too rotten - his intention was to go in the summer

Murray did a Souness - No, if you are going, go now.

Nothing mutual - Murray was extremely hurt and let down by the situation. And furious at you know who.

show me where it says this?

As far as evrything I have read it has always been maintained that it was mutual consent.

I think Murray was more upset over the fact that it didn't work not that he was leaving. He was also upset over the fact that PLG in his wisdom was not going to buy any more players in the January window believing the players he had could do a job. That was when Murray took him to the office for a discussion and leaving by mutual consent was the eventuality from that

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Mutual consent? Maybe - I believe PLG had been tapped up for the PSG job and could NOT get out quick enough.

It worked out WELL. PLG gone with NO compensation and WS back in to get RESULTS.

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show me where it says this?

As far as evrything I have read it has always been maintained that it was mutual consent.

I think Murray was more upset over the fact that it didn't work not that he was leaving. He was also upset over the fact that PLG in his wisdom was not going to buy any more players in the January window believing the players he had could do a job. That was when Murray took him to the office for a discussion and leaving by mutual consent was the eventuality from that

The one thing you can say for certain is that you will not read the facts in a paper.

You are probably correct, everything you read will say it was by mutual consent. That's what it always says in the paper. If that's the only place you get your facts from then that is what you will read.

Murray was solidly behind PLG. He authorised him to do whatever he needed to do to change the regime at Ibrox. He would have backed him on the captain issue as well.

PLG did not identify players because he had decided to go in the summer - he had lost the stomach for the fight - that disappointed Murray.

Murray did not take PLG to the office for the discussion that led to his departure. PLG initiated that one.

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PLG left coz the whole situation was a feckin shambles when he arrived and when he left and there is not much difference today, he obviously knew he wasnt going to get the money or time to sort it out and the internal problems with players didnt help the situation either.

The sooner you all learn we are in this situation coz of one man and one man only....Murray.

He has led us into this situation and its not PLGs fault or Boydies fault or anybody else its down to Murray

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The one thing you can say for certain is that you will not read the facts in a paper.

You are probably correct, everything you read will say it was by mutual consent. That's what it always says in the paper. If that's the only place you get your facts from then that is what you will read.

Murray was solidly behind PLG. He authorised him to do whatever he needed to do to change the regime at Ibrox. He would have backed him on the captain issue as well.

PLG did not identify players because he had decided to go in the summer - he had lost the stomach for the fight - that disappointed Murray.

Murray did not take PLG to the office for the discussion that led to his departure. PLG initiated that one.

Who told you he initiated it??

Who told you he had already chosen to leave and that was why he didn't identify players. If you are leaving in the summer you still identify players before you leave. Just like McCleish done before he left. So that arguement is right out the window. You try to leave your next manager with as little to do as possible. In his arrogance PLG decided to work with the players he had bought to prove everyone wrong and make them see that HIS players were up for it. In his arrogance he wanted us, the supporter to believe that HIS players were right up there with the cream.

In his arrogance he just wouldn't admit he was in too deep and couldn't do a job.

It took Murray to tell him and it took mutual consent and the prospect of working with PSG to oust him. Although I know he would have gone even if the PSG job wasn't there. Murray knew he wasn't doing a job. All he had to do was look at a vast majority of the support who were having demonstrations outside Ibrox after games to see this.

Murray knew he had to do something or he would have lost what little support he has left.

Of course he would have backed him up over the captain issue. If he were to stay it would be PLG running the team affairs not Murray. So he would always back his manager. Just like he done with Dick Advocaat when he stripped Amoruso from the captaincy. It is his job to back the manager

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Who told you he initiated it??

Who told you he had already chosen to leave and that was why he didn't identify players. If you are leaving in the summer you still identify players before you leave. Just like McCleish done before he left. So that arguement is right out the window. You try to leave your next manager with as little to do as possible. In his arrogance PLG decided to work with the players he had bought to prove everyone wrong and make them see that HIS players were up for it. In his arrogance he wanted us, the supporter to believe that HIS players were right up there with the cream.

In his arrogance he just wouldn't admit he was in too deep and couldn't do a job.

It took Murray to tell him and it took mutual consent and the prospect of working with PSG to oust him. Although I know he would have gone even if the PSG job wasn't there. Murray knew he wasn't doing a job. All he had to do was look at a vast majority of the support who were having demonstrations outside Ibrox after games to see this.

Murray knew he had to do something or he would have lost what little support he has left.

Of course he would have backed him up over the captain issue. If he were to stay it would be PLG running the team affairs not Murray. So he would always back his manager. Just like he done with Dick Advocaat when he stripped Amoruso from the captaincy. It is his job to back the manager

The Rangers supporters who felt depressed about PLG's departure - I include myself here - are in my mind people who saw the writing on the wall as regards future investment in the standard of player Rangers could afford to buy. As long as we were to remain in the SPL the quality of player we bought in the past would be for the forseeable future a thing of the past. Murray must have watched the dross that McLeish served up was not merely McLeish’s fault (if it was at all) but at worst a combination of player and coach. Given the financial regime there was - and could not be (failing some reckless investor!) - a step up in quality. What to do? Vary the other factor: the coach. Bring in an acclaimed coach who could do what McLeish could not do: produce gold out of relatively mediocre players (players who would not be bought by any leading premier league team). In Murray's mind there was no alternative - there is no big money to spend nor will there be it seems (WS will buy the same standard pf player as PLG and he will be berated when as will happen some of them flatter to deceive or simply cannot play football to the required standard - so we will be left with the same standard of player barring the odd miracle here and there).

Back to the point: Murray's plan was that PLG would take an ordinary bunch of players and get them playing TOGETHER to their maximum potential (achieve for example the kind of results that Rosenborg achieved at one time - beating teams like us who were at the time mucher richer clubs). He clearly did not expect that our results would put our CL place in jeopardy but still persevered with the notion that the team would come good. he was willing to give PLG time to achieve this - and barring real financial pressure brought on by such failure - would have persevered even had we not qualifed for the CL at the end of the year.

To repeat: the only other alternative given the tight financial situation was to go back to the McLeish era (it is no coincidence I think that McL took over from WS at Scotland and vice-versa at Rangers). And I for one agree here: I would have given PLG 3 years even had we finished 3rd or 4th (even 6th as someone else suggested was impossible). Murray's bold plan might indeed have failed. We dont know. Some people clearly believe it had already failed. Their view may have turned out to be right. But Murray and others believed that PLG should have been given time because the alternative was simply unending mediocrity (under any coach of McL's ilk).

This is what Murray and PLG thought that BF failed to understand -- along with KB, and PB, and perhaps AMcG. BF thought it was just about a game of football on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. He couldnt see that there was no alternative to giving PLG absolute authority to make decision even when he disagree and even when he, BF, thought that these players were not good enough (in this he is right but to repeat: no alternative) and that he had to do their job for them (has that changed under WS?: note BF asking for [non-existent] funds to be released in the summer for WS to buy new - and much better - players. it is not going to happen). Had Richard Gough been the captain he would have grasped the bigger picture: that the alternative was perhaps the dark. This I guess is the reason PLG had a go at BF's questionable intelligence: it appeared he could not see the bigger picture (and I presume he thought the same of KB).

With the departure of PLG Murray knew that his great plan had failed. He knows it might have failed anyway. We will never know. But he knew the certain alternative was a variation on the theme of McL. So he has lost his appetite for the future because at the present time there isnt one - or at least not one that recalls the halcyon days of the past. He knows that the best Rangers can do is win the SPL or ensure that they qualify for the CL every year and maximise their income at the group stages. But beyond that Rangers as a name on the European scene will gradually recede. WS knows he cannot work miracles with the players he has and he has no doubt that he is not going to be able to buy much better (he knows the reality behind Murray's recent statement on the strategy that Rangers will follow in the medium- if not long-term future). He also knows that unless we can vary the other significant factor in producing a great Rangers side - the quality of player - we will remain above the hearts and the hibs and the aberdeens but not much else.

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Hopefully someone casts the anti Boyd posts up at the end of next season when he has scored a shitload! Very similar to Hutton earlier on in the season!

Seems that there are a lot of bandwagons on this forum!

As someone else said earlier in the thread.....Only a firking imbicile would want shot of Boyd. His goalscoring record is phenomonal! Guys like Dado are good players, but dont have the required goal getting attributes! Boyd must spearhead the title assault next season!

Judge Boyd on facts.....and the fact is undoubtedly he scores a shitload! No-one remembers the workhorse, only the goalgrabber! If Boyd wasn't Scottish you would all love him - tell me the diff between KB and Negri?

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Hopefully someone casts the anti Boyd posts up at the end of next season when he has scored a shitload! Very similar to Hutton earlier on in the season!

Seems that there are a lot of bandwagons on this forum!

As someone else said earlier in the thread.....Only a firking imbicile would want shot of Boyd. His goalscoring record is phenomonal! Guys like Dado are good players, but dont have the required goal getting attributes! Boyd must spearhead the title assault next season!

Judge Boyd on facts.....and the fact is undoubtedly he scores a shitload! No-one remembers the workhorse, only the goalgrabber! If Boyd wasn't Scottish you would all love him - tell me the diff between KB and Negri?

Take the best teams in Europe at the moment:

Man Utd






etc etc

I'd say that AC Milan apart, as they have Inzaghi, none of these teams start with a player like Boyd, who does nothing but score goals. The rest of the teams have players like Rooney, Drogba, Kuyt, Eto'o, Fred, Ibrahimovic who can play a hell of a lot outside the box.

If we're talking about facts, how many goals against big teams has Boyd scored - none. Fact.

We all want to be in the Champions League every season..Boyd needs to up his game for it (and against Celtic). The defenders we'll get in the CL will eat the current Kris Boyd for breakfast, and, as it has been like in the SPL for the past 5 weeks, we'll be playing with 10 men.

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Hopefully someone casts the anti Boyd posts up at the end of next season when he has scored a shitload! Very similar to Hutton earlier on in the season!

Seems that there are a lot of bandwagons on this forum!

As someone else said earlier in the thread.....Only a firking imbicile would want shot of Boyd. His goalscoring record is phenomonal! Guys like Dado are good players, but dont have the required goal getting attributes! Boyd must spearhead the title assault next season!

Judge Boyd on facts.....and the fact is undoubtedly he scores a shitload! No-one remembers the workhorse, only the goalgrabber! If Boyd wasn't Scottish you would all love him - tell me the diff between KB and Negri?

If we are going of facts, here are 2 more for you.

Kris Boyd is fat and lazy. FACT

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Murray wanted PLG to stay, to manage, to do whatever was required.

PLG decided he wasn't going to stay - the culture was too rotten - his intention was to go in the summer

Murray did a Souness - No, if you are going, go now.

Nothing mutual - Murray was extremely hurt and let down by the situation. And furious at you know who.

"Murry furious at you know who" I take it you're talking about The Fish? :Animation44:

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