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After all these weeks and months of trials, tribulations, disappointments and setbacks, finally we get this. The SFA come out and really show their colours.Others have already posited their not so hidden bias, and said it better than I would, so I won't repeat it. But watching Ally's interview, hearing his determination and dignity; seeing all the support and unity from our fans all over forums and social networks, including the impact of our beginnings of boycotts on major companies: All this makes me wonder - are the SFA really about to sink us? Or have they just possibly set their Titanic course blindly towards the Rangers iceberg? 90% of an iceberg is underwater after all. We, the support, have become more and more motivated, united and vocal with each body blow, stab in the back, and cowardly attack on our great club. We know we are not going away. Not walking, not disappearing, not taking any more of this lying down.

We are Rangers. We know you don't like us, and we really don't care. That's the way we like it. But you may be the ones with the rats jumping off all of a sudden and there will be the clue as to who is sinking.

We are the People - forever!

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