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Mccoist calls on fans


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"I would not for one moment want anyone to interpret my remarks as a signal to engage in any form of threatening behaviour," said McCoist.

"Such activity disgusts me and anyone who engages in it does Rangers Football Club nothing but harm. No Rangers supporter should get themselves involved in it - not now nor at any time.

"I hope that our appeal can be dealt with by the SFA as quickly as possible"

"Our focus has got to be firmly on ensuring that the club's case in appealing the sanctions imposed on us is put forward robustly and in the appropriate manner."

"I would like to make quite clear my position in relation to the decision by the SFA's judicial panel which earlier this week imposed sanctions against Rangers which have far reaching consequences for our club and Scottish football," added McCoist.

"I firmly believe that decisions of this magnitude should be fully transparent and everyone should have confidence in the system that has been created to deliver such a finding.

"When I called for full transparency on Tuesday I took the view that the decision by the judicial panel should be subject to proper scrutiny. It is unthinkable in any walk of life that such a significant punishment would be meted out without full transparency.

"I fully understand that there are difficult decisions to be taken in football and they will never suit everyone but in this day and age clarity and transparency are surely of paramount importance.

"Rangers Football Club was a victim of what happened during the tenure of Craig Whyte. The club was not an accomplice, a co-conspirator nor a perpetrator of wrongdoing. We suffered from it and still are.

"I hope that our appeal can be dealt with by the SFA as quickly as possible as the situation for the club and the possible ramifications for Scottish football are very serious."

Once again everything McCoist said is bang on. 00000042.gif

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Given the ludicrous insinuations in the media and from certain fans that McCoist is to blame for this, then I suppose he really had to make it clear that he stand by his comments but that he is disappointed that threats are being made.

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"Rangers Football Club was a victim of what happened during the tenure of Craig Whyte. The Club was not an accomplice, a co-conspirator nor a perpetrator of wrongdoing."

Absolutely spot on, and sums up exactly why the SFA penalties on the club were so unfair.

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:wanker: the lot of them.

In this day and age and with the powers the cops now have, if anyone has been 'abusing' or 'threatening' I'm sure they'll be up in front of a judge pretty soon.

Meanwhile, the press can have a field day implying good honest Bears are threatening poor SFA workers.

Anyone want to take a bet no-one will end up in front of a judge?

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1 sentence that speaks volumes

"Rangers Football Club was a victim of what happened during the tenure of Craig Whyte. The Club was not an accomplice, a co-conspirator nor a perpetrator of wrongdoing."

Sadly the 3 clowns the SFA hand picked can not see this.

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on a serious note if any bear has done this then leave the support,we don't want or need you,brings nothing but more troubles to our great club,times are tough as it is without this pish as well,stop and think what your going to achieve,nothing!

O would some Power the gift to give us

To see ourselves as others see us!

It would from many a blunder free us,

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We all know that there are imbeciles who make these empty threats, malicious calls and texts and whatever on the internet. We also all know that the media has already and will continue to blow it all out of proportion but the simple point is: THESE THREATS BRING THE NAME OF RANGERS FC DOWN. Plain and simple, this behaviour harms our cause big time. A lot of sympathy towards us disappears with every stupid threat or telephone call. There are people on RM who thought it was funny yesterday, well Ally McCoist isn't laughing and neither are any sane-minded Rangers fans. Of course the punishment from the SFA panel was ridiculous but these stupid threats won't change it. Organised protest in the correct manner is much more likely to succeed.

The SFA should have issued the names of the panel at the outset and should have made public the reasons for the verdict. Reading between the lines from what Regan and one of the panel members has said, it would appear that an appeal is most likely to succeed. If this is the case then all the information should have been released at the same time. The lack of transparency, which was promised by Regan, has caused only suspicion in this matter. There would still be the outcry by all connected to RFC but I'm certain the other nonsense would not have happened to the 3 people on the SFA panel.

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Do the SFA really think that sticking the boot into Rangers an institution that is burned into soul of 100.000's of fans for generation after generation is not going to cause a reaction,they must be mad,this could get a whole lot worse they are bloody idiots

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