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Millions to be earned with Miller.

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I doubt very much there is much if anything to be made in the US for Rangers. 99% plus of yanks have no idea who the US soccer players are and still won't have when most of us are pushing up the bluebells. Ask yourself this, how many punters have you seen walking about glasgow with a Portland timbers top on despite 99% of football fans in Scotland knowing about a Scottish player playing there?

I hear its going to be raining forever.

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I think commercially we have been shocking and it's something we need to expand in .

Which is quite a spectacular fall, since Rangers' commercial savvy under Holmes and Fletcher in the mid-to-late-1980s was much admired by clubs south of the border ... heck, Newcastle United even poached Fletcher from the Gers.

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I doubt very much there is much if anything to be made in the US for Rangers. 99% plus of yanks have no idea who the US soccer players are and still won't have when most of us are pushing up the bluebells. Ask yourself this, how many punters have you seen walking about glasgow with a Portland timbers top on despite 99% of football fans in Scotland knowing about a Scottish player playing there?

That's my point to a degree as we haven't been marketed yet in the USA but if we were it could be massive. Soccer is on up in America and they hate been considered as a mino in any thing so the feeling I got when I was out there few months ago that they want to progress rapidly.

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I doubt very much there is much if anything to be made in the US for Rangers. 99% plus of yanks have no idea who the US soccer players are and still won't have when most of us are pushing up the bluebells. Ask yourself this, how many punters have you seen walking about glasgow with a Portland timbers top on despite 99% of football fans in Scotland knowing about a Scottish player playing there?

I'm getting burnt... Tims get buried. doh

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After the 94 world cup everyone including Pele was creaming themselves over USA saying the would dominate world football before the turn of the century. 18 years on and they are still shite. Football/soccer will never be huge over there. It will always be behind American football, Basketball and baseball. i would much prefer to try and crack Asia. Look at Man U and Arsenal (tu)

The problem is that soccer is largely seen as a sport for whites or Hispanics ... if the African-Americans from the inner city areas such as Detroit ever take and interest then the USA could become a powerhouse.

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After the 94 world cup everyone including Pele was creaming themselves over USA saying the would dominate world football before the turn of the century. 18 years on and they are still shite. Football/soccer will never be huge over there. It will always be behind American football, Basketball and baseball. i would much prefer to try and crack Asia. Look at Man U and Arsenal (tu)

Who do you think have been better for their respective clubs mate in the respect you are talking of, Nakamura, Cha, Ki, Du Wei and Mizuno or Reyna, Edu, Bocanegra and Bedoya?

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The problem is that soccer is largely seen as a sport for whites or Hispanics ... if the African-Americans from the inner city areas such as Detroit ever take and interest then the USA could become a powerhouse.

Someone forgot to tell Maurice Edu then... :lol:

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Absolutely no point in Asia either then?


Marketing needs revamped for sure - spoke to a guy just now (3 hrs ago) who does stuff for a team that plays in red. They have a millions of ideas that I have absorbed/stolen/taken/etc - we are so behind the curve it is actually amazing.

But in saying that, there are offers there to be had.

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Think Miller will have to at least spend £25m of his own money right away that's a lot more than any of the other bidders would have put on the table.

£11m for the cva pot plus £10-15m working capital, thats one thing people have forgot about TBKs they were going to borrow £10m from ticketus now they have walked away how were they going to get working capital into the club right away?

Miller wont be doing this alone would expect a new board to be in place before the end of the season, hopefully some good Rangers men coming in.

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Absolutely no point in Asia either then?


Marketing needs revamped for sure - spoke to a guy just now (3 hrs ago) who does stuff for a team that plays in red. They have a millions of ideas that I have absorbed/stolen/taken/etc - we are so behind the curve it is actually amazing.

But in saying that, there are offers there to be had.

Asia is a whole different ball game and offers much greater opportunities ... the USA is a mature market and it will be hard to really exploit the Rangers brand there, but the emerging markets in Asia are another matter. That's what I don't understand about the NFL's desire to expand into Europe ... Europe is a similarly mature market with a predominant sport.

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The amount of football parks over here is unreal and all very very nice grass parks.

Everybody seems to play it at school and with all the mexicans taking over here the supporters are here just need to build up the teams more.

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There are over 300 million yanks over there.... an amazing market to be tapped :)

I'm all for stars on the footy tops or stripes on socks.... it's the colours that matter most.

It would be all Red White (not he) and Blue.... (tu)

Years back when Souness took over as manager my mate always took his USA flag to games and it never looked out of place given the colours East enclosure bout twenty -thirty steps back diagonally from the dugout ... you may have seen ... if not then you'd have heard us ... shouting at the rest of the ground to 'try singing' whilst belting out all the numbers not allowed anymore sadly :)

:21: :21: :21::uk: :uk: :uk:

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Think Miller will have to at least spend £25m of his own money right away that's a lot more than any of the other bidders would have put on the table.

£11m for the cva pot plus £10-15m working capital, thats one thing people have forgot about TBKs they were going to borrow £10m from ticketus now they have walked away how were they going to get working capital into the club right away?

Miller wont be doing this alone would expect a new board to be in place before the end of the season, hopefully some good Rangers men coming in.

I presume capital may come from season ticket sales?

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The amount of football parks over here is unreal and all very very nice grass parks.

Everybody seems to play it at school and with all the mexicans taking over here the supporters are here just need to build up the teams more.

Do you think the MLS system hold teams back? Isn't it the league that decides who can buy who etc? Strange!

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Do you think the MLS system hold teams back? Isn't it the league that decides who can buy who etc? Strange!

Like most sports in the USA it is fed by the college system via a "draft".

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The problem is that soccer is largely seen as a sport for whites or Hispanics ... if the African-Americans from the inner city areas such as Detroit ever take and interest then the USA could become a powerhouse.

This is true to a point. Even with the amount of whites and Hispanics in the USA its still not a big enough draw to have a huge market pull.

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