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TALKSPORT Even these guys cut you off

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You at it again? :lol:

shoosh with the first name mate.Taigs are watching and Im selling my house :rolleyes:

They cut me off yesterday mate and i heard a beggar on today so i thought id get my point across that they were hypocritical tossers with whatever they come out with.:uk:

Unfortunately they pulled plug again

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Good on ye, I just can't stomach listening to the scum that use these shows as a platform for their bigotry.

appreciate that mate.Im of the opinion if you cant beat them join them.Im sick of listening to the beggars coming on with there hate towards our club and if i hear any rodent talking shit Im going to challenge it best i can.

Wasnt a football comment but i made sure the Country listening knew that Beggars equals Hypocrisy Fc :uk:

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In fairness Talksport had a pro-Rangers show on Thursday with Durham and Goughie.

Can't stand that fat wank Brazil though.

tried hard to get on there but i couldnt. Have to agree with you there mate.Adrian and Goughie have been the most supportive of our situation and Durham shoots down any beggars normally.thank fuck theres a few sticking up for us.

On the Brazil subject.Spoke to the guy taking the calls.I said i dont want to speak to Brazil .Hes a closet beggar fan.The guy said to me 'he has come out of the closet.

Didnt seem like it on Friday as i definitely hit a nerve.Maybe he thought i was going to bring up the abuse thing as i know that would have hit a nerve with him but i wouldnt have went there on national radio .Would maybe just make us look bad.

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Well you tried anyway that's a positive.

cheers .Everything i do and say might not come out right sometimes but Im going to defend Rangers and usually most of our fans the best i can Snyde ,Real Radio Talksport whatever.

I know theres guys that will say dont listen to that shit .Fair dos but i feel some of us or at least the more the merrier have to fight back even in the slightest way

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In fairness Talksport had a pro-Rangers show on Thursday with Durham and Goughie.

Can't stand that fat wank Brazil though.

I spent over an hour on hold on Wed and was next to go on until the van Persie news broke. I was raging at the misinformation and lies that had been spouted as fact. I've emailed them begging for a couple of minutes to state the TRUTH. None of the "cheated" rubbish, "EBTs" or "bought players with tax money" crap. I'm going to phone them every day next week until I get on. I'm sick of the lies.

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Manchester was an embarrassment for the club, Neanderthals who can't control themselves, hooligans and mindless idiots. Birmingham all over again 4 generations later, insular inward thinking were the peepl mindset that embarrass time and time again is it any wonder there's no sympathy for us in the football world

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I don't agree when people say things like 'don't listen to these shows' or 'don't read those papers'. We need people to listen, read and contribute. Let's face it, Celtic are much better at pr and propaganda than us. We've got to try to match them. What happens off the pitch, and the perception of all the clubs, is going to be increasingly important in future years, especially if an opportunity for EPL comes about (which is unlikely, but still).

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Manchester was an embarrassment for the club, Neanderthals who can't control themselves, hooligans and mindless idiots. Birmingham all over again 4 generations later, insular inward thinking were the peepl mindset that embarrass time and time again is it any wonder there's no sympathy for us in the football world

Actually Birmingham (I assume you mean Aston Villa friendly match in 1976) was nothing like Manchester. That older game, the trouble kicked off due to provocation by Villa fans and in particular, those with an IRA flag. This was only a year after the IRA pub bombings in Birmingham. I could go on about that day but it would take too long. For the record, I was not one who started any trouble. :rolleyes:

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They cut people off all the time no matter what they're saying. They have so many calls to fit in before going to yet another advertisment break. Calm doon.

gave you a rep by accident rodent.Listen you numptie when someone says your going to get to say something and doesnt let you then its fair to say they cut you off.Now away back to your own site

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