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I meant that as a personal insult, not a song request. De-evolution could have been coined for Sevco FC.

Didn't realy work.

Try being more direct, you obsessed piece of shite. :pipe:

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What does that make him? :lol:

Seen tims at the walk on many occassions just using it for a day out, got to laugh. Might get slaughtered for not outing them but I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Some people seem to go by area so you get allsorts just out for a bevvy. It is usually people who don't go to games or take their football seriously. Most real Celtic fans I've got to know well have turned out to have a deeper hatred of our club than I do for theirs. This has has often seemed more to do with their professed religion and views on Irish politics. Until recently I never would have said I would like to see them die because of the effect on RFC. But I'm not surprised they want us to as I find most of them to be more hateful as I said. I've always seen them as more a source of amusement than something to be obssessed with hating. I was brought up during the 9-in-a-row so I've spent most of my life laughing at them. Do other Rangers fans think this too of them from experience? Maybe it's simply because we support the more successful club. I do think they hate more than us and I find it strange why their songs, chants, protests of hate seem to be tolerated whilst our club gets grief and our fans are given the image of being the more obsessed with hatred. I mean to hate your own country ffs. Just a wee bit of trivial nonsence but same subject, meant to say I'm not a bigot but I do reply when called an Orange cunt :uk:

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I'm sure Tony Blair is a RC.

He is now. He was not when he was PM although his wife (the one selling all the gear on eBay) was.

Is it a coincidence that with him at the helm the country went downhill faster than ever before?

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I don't know if this has been posted on here before:-

In the days when Protestants were burnt alive by Roman Catholic priests, the reformer would say: "By God's grace we will not give in to false religion. By God's grace we will stand for Jesus and contend for the faith'," he explained. "Papists started to call them bi-Godites". Over time it became bigot. "This is not a badge of shame."

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I don't know if this has been posted on here before:-

In the days when Protestants were burnt alive by Roman Catholic priests, the reformer would say: "By God's grace we will not give in to false religion. By God's grace we will stand for Jesus and contend for the faith'," he explained. "Papists started to call them bi-Godites". Over time it became bigot. "This is not a badge of shame."

Some one has it as their sig (tu)

Also alot of people don't realise that Protestants really were the victims of religious genocide

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I'd say that in the history of the world, Protestants are the only ethnic minority that an evil power has tried to exterminate that have ended up as the bad guys. Scotland became the best educated country in the world because the Kirk gave every wee area in the country money to build a school to teach the poor to read the word of the lord.

See all those wee primary schools you pass, that's how they came about. We gave the education system away, we gave everything away, we forgot our heritage, history and roots, and now the country is fucked. We deserve all we get and by fuck until we get a grip, we're going to get it.

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Orange Order criticises Church of Scotland leadership on morality

STV 2 July 2012 16:32 BST

Church of Scotland: Has lost 'public regard' says Orange Order

The Orange Order has voiced concern over the "dismal failure" of the Church of Scotland to lead in matters of faith and morality.

In a series of resolutions issued ahead of its marching season, the organisation said that it appears the Kirk no longer commands "high public regard and influence".

The order also warned that Scotland is a "nation in turmoil" and raised concerns over the "separatist campaign".

However, the Church responded by dismissing the Orange Order as "out of date and out of time".

Grand master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland Henry Dunbar urged members to back the Union as the parading season gets under way.

The events begin this weekend with main parades taking place in Kilwinning, Whitburn, Stirling and Glasgow.

In the resolutions published ahead of the parades, the Orange Order called on the Church of Scotland to stand up for the country's protestant heritage.

They state: "We are dismayed by the dismal failure of our national church, the Church of Scotland, to exert influential leadership in matters of faith and morality. It is a sad reflection that in today's society, many protestants now consider that the Orange Order is more in harmony with their values and aspirations than the Kirk.

"We as an institution never envisaged nor aspired to be in such a position, and it is an appalling indication of how far the Kirk deteriorated. Sadly, it appears that we are in a situation where the Kirk can no longer command high public regard and influence."

The organisation warned that the country's protestant heritage is in "real danger".

It said: "In this ever-increasing multi-cultural and anti-cultural society, we call upon the Kirk to stand up for our protestant heritage and speak with much greater conviction and authority for the protestant people of Scotland."

The order also said it has watched the "separatist campaign" with "ever-increasing concern" and called on members to support the Union.

Mr Dunbar highlighted the support people have shown for the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

He said: "Over the coming months, the nation will become absorbed in the independence referendum that is being planned for 2014. It might seem ironic to some that the country should be considering a break-up at a time when the people of the UK have demonstrated such unity behind our Britishness.

"Whilst there has never been a majority amongst the people of Scotland to support divorcing Scotland from the rest of the UK, we should not be complacent. The Orange Order supports the Union, and the Union will remain stronger united, and my organisation will be campaigning hard to ensure that Scotland continues to flourish within the UK."

The Church of Scotland rejected the claims and said it was promoting dialogue and the core values of the Christian faith.

Sally Foster Fulton, Convener of the Church of Scotland Church and Society Council, said: "The Orange Order has shown itself again and again to be out of date and out of time. The Church of Scotland is proud of what our faith has given and continues to give our nation. 21st Century Scotland is a multi-cultural nation where faith, faithfulness and belief takes many forms. By celebrating difference we show confidence in who we are. It is those who demand that their voice be heard above others who have lost the moral high ground.

“Our concern in the referendum debate is to argue, whatever the outcome, for fairness in our economic system, support for the silenced and the dispossessed, care for creation, rehabilitation in our justice system and other core values of our faith. Our role in the referendum debate will be active and will be clear. We shall provide spaces where people of differing views can listen to each other in respect and in dignity. We shall support real dialogue between all the people who make up this nation as it is they, and not one institution or organisation, who shall determine our nation’s future."

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my son knows i am a loyalist thru and thru but also a 100%gers man where he is just your normal rangers fan with only one hate and that is scumtic ,i have never try to sway him to all things loyal he`s 25 now and has a great outlook on football and life.

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"By celebrating difference we show confidence in who we are".

There's a wee quote from that article from the Kirk girl.

Erm, no, by celebrating difference you get yourself walked all over. Tolerate difference from a position of strength, do not celebrate it. The statement from the Kirk shows it for what it is, a spent force. It's fire and brimstone time and with due respect the fact that the Kirk has a lassie speaking for it could not sum the thing up any better.

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"By celebrating difference we show confidence in who we are".

There's a wee quote from that article from the Kirk girl.

Erm, no, by celebrating difference you get yourself walked all over. Tolerate difference from a position of strength, do not celebrate it. The statement from the Kirk shows it for what it is, a spent force. It's fire and brimstone time and with due respect the fact that the Kirk has a lassie speaking for it could not sum the thing up any better.

Please don't shoot the messenger, I was only posting article, I agree cos have let us down big time, where else can we turn?

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"By celebrating difference we show confidence in who we are".

There's a wee quote from that article from the Kirk girl.

Erm, no, by celebrating difference you get yourself walked all over. Tolerate difference from a position of strength, do not celebrate it. The statement from the Kirk shows it for what it is, a spent force. It's fire and brimstone time and with due respect the fact that the Kirk has a lassie speaking for it could not sum the thing up any better.

I read about this war of words last week and think the COS have got it way wrong and their response was the exact thing the lodge was trying to explain to them and it was right over their head. Worrying times ahead for us all and the Kirk don't even realise they are losing their flock and are being led down a dark road by the RC church.

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Orange Order criticises Church of Scotland leadership on morality

STV 2 July 2012 16:32 BST

Church of Scotland: Has lost 'public regard' says Orange Order

The Orange Order has voiced concern over the "dismal failure" of the Church of Scotland to lead in matters of faith and morality.

In a series of resolutions issued ahead of its marching season, the organisation said that it appears the Kirk no longer commands "high public regard and influence".

The order also warned that Scotland is a "nation in turmoil" and raised concerns over the "separatist campaign".

However, the Church responded by dismissing the Orange Order as "out of date and out of time".

Grand master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland Henry Dunbar urged members to back the Union as the parading season gets under way.

The events begin this weekend with main parades taking place in Kilwinning, Whitburn, Stirling and Glasgow.

In the resolutions published ahead of the parades, the Orange Order called on the Church of Scotland to stand up for the country's protestant heritage.

They state: "We are dismayed by the dismal failure of our national church, the Church of Scotland, to exert influential leadership in matters of faith and morality. It is a sad reflection that in today's society, many protestants now consider that the Orange Order is more in harmony with their values and aspirations than the Kirk.

"We as an institution never envisaged nor aspired to be in such a position, and it is an appalling indication of how far the Kirk deteriorated. Sadly, it appears that we are in a situation where the Kirk can no longer command high public regard and influence."

The organisation warned that the country's protestant heritage is in "real danger".

It said: "In this ever-increasing multi-cultural and anti-cultural society, we call upon the Kirk to stand up for our protestant heritage and speak with much greater conviction and authority for the protestant people of Scotland."

The order also said it has watched the "separatist campaign" with "ever-increasing concern" and called on members to support the Union.

Mr Dunbar highlighted the support people have shown for the Olympics and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

He said: "Over the coming months, the nation will become absorbed in the independence referendum that is being planned for 2014. It might seem ironic to some that the country should be considering a break-up at a time when the people of the UK have demonstrated such unity behind our Britishness.

"Whilst there has never been a majority amongst the people of Scotland to support divorcing Scotland from the rest of the UK, we should not be complacent. The Orange Order supports the Union, and the Union will remain stronger united, and my organisation will be campaigning hard to ensure that Scotland continues to flourish within the UK."

The Church of Scotland rejected the claims and said it was promoting dialogue and the core values of the Christian faith.

Sally Foster Fulton, Convener of the Church of Scotland Church and Society Council, said: "The Orange Order has shown itself again and again to be out of date and out of time. The Church of Scotland is proud of what our faith has given and continues to give our nation. 21st Century Scotland is a multi-cultural nation where faith, faithfulness and belief takes many forms. By celebrating difference we show confidence in who we are. It is those who demand that their voice be heard above others who have lost the moral high ground.

“Our concern in the referendum debate is to argue, whatever the outcome, for fairness in our economic system, support for the silenced and the dispossessed, care for creation, rehabilitation in our justice system and other core values of our faith. Our role in the referendum debate will be active and will be clear. We shall provide spaces where people of differing views can listen to each other in respect and in dignity. We shall support real dialogue between all the people who make up this nation as it is they, and not one institution or organisation, who shall determine our nation’s future."

. Don't give a monkey's f uck about the Orange Order ,...... F uck all to do with Rangers
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. Don't give a monkey's f uck about the Orange Order ,...... F uck all to do with Rangers

This thread has certainly opened my eyes to the enemy within, smoked them out too, a great idea OP.

Its easy to see why we are in this mess currently, the club has lost its identity thanks to the malaise cause by our supposed fans...'The Murray Generation' shall we call them? Some of the excuses and statments on these pages have made me sick. Just when did we throw in the towel to Rome?

The one great possible outcome from our current troubles, the resolution I dream of (no matter should it momentarily make us a 'smaller' club in financial terms) is that we can revert to the old Ranger traditions (and songs) that made the club what it is today.

Its clear that the day to day mixing with these...exotic peoples.. have weakened the resolve of many.

Burn your bra well away from me Murray Generation, when this land becomes overrun by these ancient enemies you seek to shelter and befriend.. don't say you were not warned, our ancestors weep for you all.

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Our club is dying, and all you want to do is blame and hate Catholics.... You just don't f uckin get it !

In all of the 30 pages I can't remember blaming catholics for anything.

And the fact that you think this thread is about our club "dying" just shoes, YOU dont fuckin get it!

Those who matter need no explanation, get fucked taig.

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This thread has certainly opened my eyes to the enemy within, smoked them out too, a great idea OP.

Its easy to see why we are in this mess currently, the club has lost its identity thanks to the malaise cause by our supposed fans...'The Murray Generation' shall we call them? Some of the excuses and statments on these pages have made me sick. Just when did we throw in the towel to Rome?

The one great possible outcome from our current troubles, the resolution I dream of (no matter should it momentarily make us a 'smaller' club in financial terms) is that we can revert to the old Ranger traditions (and songs) that made the club what it is today.

Its clear that the day to day mixing with these...exotic peoples.. have weakened the resolve of many.

Burn your bra well away from me Murray Generation, when this land becomes overrun by these ancient enemies you seek to shelter and befriend.. don't say you were not warned, our ancestors weep for you all.

:praise: :praise: :praise:

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