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Training day at Ibrox

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This is my first topic so please take it easy on me!

I have been looking for something we could do as fans that not only helps the club but also helps bring through our younger fans.I think a training day at ibrox sponsered by the RFFF would be a good idea and was looking for some feed back (ideas). Have a training day at ibrox where fans could pay a small ticket price for entry maybe with child tickets free or for a £1. The RFFF could pay for some extra entertainment maybe including marching band, card display, competitions for kids under sixteen where you could go on the park and hit a penalty like they do at the basketball.We could also display all our throphies on the park. The RFFF could also arrange for guest speakers to talk about our proud history as the greatest club in the world with players past and present talking to the fans about their fondest memories at the club. Players like laudrup could talk about his header that sealed nine in a row! Was wondering if this would be possible and if supporters clubs and buses would back the day to ensure ibrox was filled to the rafters. These are the reasons i believe it would be a good idea

* raise funds(could help stave of redundencies for staff at ibrox, securing jobs for the next season to give the club time to review its finances and income streams)

* Help team morale ( show players and staff we are thankful for everything they have done for the club and that we will continue to support them no matter what)

* Allows us fans to see the gers, a bounce game between the reserves and first team could be arranged ( any excuse to see the gers!)

* Allows young fans the chance to meet and greet players. This will help dispell any negitive comments our young fans have heard, show them the real gers institution.

* Chance to parade our throphies round the park and celebrate being the most successful club in history. (not sure if the screens have been fixed as part of the re fit at ibrox if they are we could run a video of past glories)

* Have players past and present talk to fans live or by video about what the gers meant to them and of fond memories they have (Again teach our young fans our history)

* Chance for Mccoist to talk about coming season and maybe could announce captain for next year. (lets get back to football)

* Helps fans who cannot afford season tickets to take part in helping our club.(tents in carpark along with superstore could sell merchandise and tours etc player signings all for small charge.) again save jobs at ibrox help seal our family history.

* Chance for club sponsers to take part with promos etc. (large turn out will help ease any worries our sponsers have and show we dont do walking away.)

know this is a bit long winded sorry for that but just want to feel like we are doing something positive.

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This is my first topic so please take it easy on me!

I have been looking for something we could do as fans that not only helps the club but also helps bring through our younger fans.I think a training day at ibrox sponsered by the RFFF would be a good idea and was looking for some feed back (ideas). Have a training day at ibrox where fans could pay a small ticket price for entry maybe with child tickets free or for a £1. The RFFF could pay for some extra entertainment maybe including marching band, card display, competitions for kids under sixteen where you could go on the park and hit a penalty like they do at the basketball.We could also display all our throphies on the park. The RFFF could also arrange for guest speakers to talk about our proud history as the greatest club in the world with players past and present talking to the fans about their fondest memories at the club. Players like laudrup could talk about his header that sealed nine in a row! Was wondering if this would be possible and if supporters clubs and buses would back the day to ensure ibrox was filled to the rafters. These are the reasons i believe it would be a good idea

* raise funds(could help stave of redundencies for staff at ibrox, securing jobs for the next season to give the club time to review its finances and income streams)

* Help team morale ( show players and staff we are thankful for everything they have done for the club and that we will continue to support them no matter what)

* Allows us fans to see the gers, a bounce game between the reserves and first team could be arranged ( any excuse to see the gers!)

* Allows young fans the chance to meet and greet players. This will help dispell any negitive comments our young fans have heard, show them the real gers institution.

* Chance to parade our throphies round the park and celebrate being the most successful club in history. (not sure if the screens have been fixed as part of the re fit at ibrox if they are we could run a video of past glories)

* Have players past and present talk to fans live or by video about what the gers meant to them and of fond memories they have (Again teach our young fans our history)

* Chance for Mccoist to talk about coming season and maybe could announce captain for next year. (lets get back to football)

* Helps fans who cannot afford season tickets to take part in helping our club.(tents in carpark along with superstore could sell merchandise and tours etc player signings all for small charge.) again save jobs at ibrox help seal our family history.

* Chance for club sponsers to take part with promos etc. (large turn out will help ease any worries our sponsers have and show we dont do walking away.)

know this is a bit long winded sorry for that but just want to feel like we are doing something positive.

Good Idea Pal (tu) Would be great to go along and watch the team train and as you pointed out allow the young fans to meet the players. Reckon this would be a success if it was to happen

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Great Idea mate I dont understand why our Club dont have these open days, its a great PR tool ,and would be excellent for our young fans to savour the Team without going to a match .

This isnt always affordable but what you are proposing is excellent.

Hope this could get off the ground.

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Great Idea mate I dont understand why our Club dont have these open days, its a great PR tool ,and would be excellent for our young fans to savour the Team without going to a match .

This isnt always affordable but what you are proposing is excellent.

Hope this could get off the ground.

hope so to mate can only think of benifits from doing so

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good idea, just got to balance it with how much it would cost to run

was hoping for some ideas of costs etc from members.

rent ibrox, carparks etc - free (surely club will not charge itself)

players - dont think would need to pay them extra for training in front of fans? for players to meet and greet would asume as part of their contracts they have to fufill some corporate and hospitality needs.

Staffing ground for day - Would imaging this would cost around the usual for a gameday anyone any idea of how much that would be?

entertainment- marching band- around £1000 or would hope one if not more bands would donate their time for the privalige of marching round ibrox park infront of 1000s of gers fans.

video for screens - can be old tapes or clips the club owns the rights too, so nominal fee again i would think

magicians or other light entertainment £1000 - £2000. other marques would pay rent for right to sell merchandise or burger vans etc. (so could offset its self)

ex players to talk - would hope this year after comments they have made several including the likes of laudrup would be happy to help out for free or atmost if we cover their travel expenses - depends on how many speakers around £2000. we already have deals with old players to speak at corporate gigs so would think costs could be closely estimated for this.

security peolpe ambulance - crews would be similar to gameday minus strathclyde police

would hope the ticket price if sold in enough numbers would cover all costs leaving merchandising, rent from venders, sponsers .... etc leaving profit margins for the club including selling of season tickets to younger fans rising and memberships to youth groups all rising, and also the history of our club being taught to another generation of future bears.

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was hoping for some ideas of costs etc from members.

rent ibrox, carparks etc - free (surely club will not charge itself)

players - dont think would need to pay them extra for training in front of fans? for players to meet and greet would asume as part of their contracts they have to fufill some corporate and hospitality needs.

Staffing ground for day - Would imaging this would cost around the usual for a gameday anyone any idea of how much that would be?

entertainment- marching band- around £1000 or would hope one if not more bands would donate their time for the privalige of marching round ibrox park infront of 1000s of gers fans.

video for screens - can be old tapes or clips the club owns the rights too, so nominal fee again i would think

magicians or other light entertainment £1000 - £2000. other marques would pay rent for right to sell merchandise or burger vans etc. (so could offset its self)

ex players to talk - would hope this year after comments they have made several including the likes of laudrup would be happy to help out for free or atmost if we cover their travel expenses - depends on how many speakers around £2000. we already have deals with old players to speak at corporate gigs so would think costs could be closely estimated for this.

security peolpe ambulance - crews would be similar to gameday minus strathclyde police

would hope the ticket price if sold in enough numbers would cover all costs leaving merchandising, rent from venders, sponsers .... etc leaving profit margins for the club including selling of season tickets to younger fans rising and memberships to youth groups all rising, and also the history of our club being taught to another generation of future bears.

to be honest i think you could probably even get a band for free. i think the only things that would need money are:

security - would cost a fair few thousand (strathclyde police for a match day are £17,000 so i'd imagine security would be about £8000??)

ambulance crews

light entertainment

big tents/people to set them up

staffing (not sure how much tbh)

still sounds like a fantastic idea

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would think even a ticket price of £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for kids would cover all the main costs leaving plenty of room for profit from the usual places. As stated earlier i would like to see the RFFF pay to cover the costs the first year with that maybe even being paid back to them from ticket money and all other profit going towards a fund to secure jobs for staff at rangers who are looking at losing their jobs. Even if we could raise £100,000 after any costs that could cover atleast 4 jobs for a season on 1 year contracts till the club has a better understanding of what kind of finances it will have at its disposale in the lower leagues. This maybe enough time for rangers to pick up these contracts the following season or we could hold a fans day for this cause at the start of each season till we are back in the sphell. Obviously i am talking about the cleaners, drivers, doorman, shop assistants who have been part of the rangers family for decades now. Lets stand up for our own. WATP

Before anyone asks! I dont have a job at ibrox or any family members etc working there i just want to protect our club and everything it stands for.

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This is a brilliant idea.

Only thing is, I remember when I was doing the tour that we couldn't go on the pitch.

Does anyone know if thats always the case, or was that just a one off that we weren't allowed on?

As i stated further up dunfermline have there's week after last game of season on the pitch as normally work to repair pitch for the next season takes place couple weeks later.. also all first team players must attend

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