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The Ghost Of David Murray

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The Ghost Of David Murray

The Sunday Mail reports today that a friend of Craig Whyte’s – Jim Park – has been hired as a consultant at Rangers.

The response from Rangers is that they did not know of Park’s Craig Whyte connection.

Surely they are aware of the Craig Whyte connection of Joe Dwek, who is a big player at Zeus Capital? Especially when Zeus Capital people are directors of Rangers.

Joe Dwek was chairman of Worthington Group PLC, a company which Liberty Capital has shareholdings in, along with Regenesis Holdings, who also happen to be run by Craig Whyte’s friends.

Are you following? Because chasing Jessica Ennis around would be easier than trying to keep up with the Scarlet Pimpernel a.k.a . Craig Whyte.

Or Craig White as he is sometimes known.

Which brings us back to Jim Park.

Mr Park is loathed by former employees of his at Powwow, the water cooler firm he acquired and subsequently flushed away.

But he also owned a firm called Murray White, based in Glasgow, which is a debt-collection firm.

I know of someone who claims to have worked for the company a few years back and he is adamant that it was well known in Murray White that the real owners were David Murray and a guy called Craig White. Or was it Whyte?

There’s a lot of talk of such doing the rounds and, if it is true, it leaves a certain David Murray with a lot to answer for in regard to his “I was duped” statement.

Because it would prove he did indeed know Craig Whyte/White prior to his selling the club to him.

Jim Park is also a friend of Craig Whyte’s dad, Tom. He is the man “sold” to Rangers fans as a bluenose. Now he might like the Gers but he is also known to another football team in the SPL as one of their fans, so much so he was a season ticket holder.

I recently blogged on the possibility that Craig Whyte is still involved at Ibrox through Zeus Capital and Blue Pitch Holdings. His SFA-imposed ban on being a director at any football club does not, as far as I am aware, preclude him from being an investor or shareholder, directly or indirectly through a front.

The way it would work is that he would take the money from Rangers while there and re-circulate it back – say through Zeus – and buy into Sevco. It’s done all the time.

Is this what happened? I don’t know but Rangers have a chance to prove myself and others like Bomber wrong that Craig Whyte/White is no longer involved in ANY way with the club. Prove, not say, that is.

Is it possible that Craig Whyte is still actually pulling the strings at Ibrox through a series of front men and front companies?

Some may question Craig Whyte/White’s ability to pull off such a convoluted move. He is not JR Ewing enough, it may be thought.

But do we know anybody who could be?

The prospect of Craig Whyte pulling the strings behind the scenes at Rangers will chill the blood of every bluenose.

But what if someone is pulling HIS strings?

What if the ghost of a certain David Murray is still over the club?

Is it true that David Murray and Craig Whyte knew each other and even had a business connection prior to their deal over Rangers FC? I couldn’t possibly comment.

Is it true that either Whyte/White or Murray still has an interest in Rangers?

If so, the repercussions of that will surely pull the whole of Scottish football down.



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This entry was posted on August 5, 2012 at 10:57 am and is filed under Uncategorized . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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The Ghost Of David Murray

The Sunday Mail reports today that a friend of Craig Whyte’s – Jim Park – has been hired as a consultant at Rangers.

The response from Rangers is that they did not know of Park’s Craig Whyte connection.

Surely they are aware of the Craig Whyte connection of Joe Dwek, who is a big player at Zeus Capital? Especially when Zeus Capital people are directors of Rangers.

Joe Dwek was chairman of Worthington Group PLC, a company which Liberty Capital has shareholdings in, along with Regenesis Holdings, who also happen to be run by Craig Whyte’s friends.

Are you following? Because chasing Jessica Ennis around would be easier than trying to keep up with the Scarlet Pimpernel a.k.a . Craig Whyte.

Or Craig White as he is sometimes known.

Which brings us back to Jim Park.

Mr Park is loathed by former employees of his at Powwow, the water cooler firm he acquired and subsequently flushed away.

But he also owned a firm called Murray White, based in Glasgow, which is a debt-collection firm.

I know of someone who claims to have worked for the company a few years back and he is adamant that it was well known in Murray White that the real owners were David Murray and a guy called Craig White. Or was it Whyte?

There’s a lot of talk of such doing the rounds and, if it is true, it leaves a certain David Murray with a lot to answer for in regard to his “I was duped” statement.

Because it would prove he did indeed know Craig Whyte/White prior to his selling the club to him.

Jim Park is also a friend of Craig Whyte’s dad, Tom. He is the man “sold” to Rangers fans as a bluenose. Now he might like the Gers but he is also known to another football team in the SPL as one of their fans, so much so he was a season ticket holder.

I recently blogged on the possibility that Craig Whyte is still involved at Ibrox through Zeus Capital and Blue Pitch Holdings. His SFA-imposed ban on being a director at any football club does not, as far as I am aware, preclude him from being an investor or shareholder, directly or indirectly through a front.

The way it would work is that he would take the money from Rangers while there and re-circulate it back – say through Zeus – and buy into Sevco. It’s done all the time.

Is this what happened? I don’t know but Rangers have a chance to prove myself and others like Bomber wrong that Craig Whyte/White is no longer involved in ANY way with the club. Prove, not say, that is.

Is it possible that Craig Whyte is still actually pulling the strings at Ibrox through a series of front men and front companies?

Some may question Craig Whyte/White’s ability to pull off such a convoluted move. He is not JR Ewing enough, it may be thought.

But do we know anybody who could be?

The prospect of Craig Whyte pulling the strings behind the scenes at Rangers will chill the blood of every bluenose.

But what if someone is pulling HIS strings?

What if the ghost of a certain David Murray is still over the club?

Is it true that David Murray and Craig Whyte knew each other and even had a business connection prior to their deal over Rangers FC? I couldn’t possibly comment.

Is it true that either Whyte/White or Murray still has an interest in Rangers?

If so, the repercussions of that will surely pull the whole of Scottish football down.



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This entry was posted on August 5, 2012 at 10:57 am and is filed under Uncategorized . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

All hearsay....................why did he not show proof of what he claims.

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They just can't stand the fact our club survived the assassination attempt so he drags out any tenuous link to whyte that can be made. Something a little more definitive showing whytes still involved has still not been shown. With everycunt and his taig looking for dirt I'm almost sure it would have been revealed. Until I see real proof whyte still has a controlling interest in Rangers I'll take these story's with a pinch of salt.


No Surrender.

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They just can't stand the fact our club survived the assassination attempt so he drags out any tenuous link to whyte that can be made. Something a little more definitive showing whytes still involved has still not been shown. With everycunt and his taig looking for dirt I'm almost sure it would have been revealed. Until I see real proof whyte still has a controlling interest in Rangers I'll take these story's with a pinch of salt.


No Surrender.

But why would McMurdo want to do that ??

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After what weve been through recently, Im struggling to trust any cunt. The only guy I trust just now is Super Ally. Because he is the one guy I believe is doing what is best for Rangers and the fans. After all he could have walked away back to TV, he didnt need to take on all this crap, but he stayed for a reason, he loves the Gers. And what did Green say "expect the unexpected".

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Neither David Murray or Craig Whyte has anything to do with Murray White.

Anyone who says they do, without showing some evidence is talking Murray White.

I've had a look through companies house and Jim Park and his wife Violet feature heavily but nobody else.

That name was a gift from heaven for the conspiracy nutters, who conveniently ignore it's not even spelt right.

Are we to believe they thought they had us fooled by simply spelling his name differently ? what a fucking fiendishly clever plan. :lol:

They must be getting desperate to bring in both bogeymen into the same theory rumour.

Jim Park might be a bit dodgy, most folk who lose their jobs have little love for their former employer. Having said that, he's not done much at Rangers and isn't an employee or investor.

I thought we'd put this scaremongering behind us, but it seems some are still pushing their agenda.

I'm only too happy to listen to them but unless they back it up with some evidence, they lack credibility.

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If this is the Jim Park I think it is then any appointment of him is a good thing for Rangers.

I can assure everyone, he is a good, rabid bluenose, who absolutely hates tims, and certainly does not support any other teams.

He made his money by being a turnaround specialist. you are not going to make friends with the employees of the companies you are turning round in that business.

I'm not saying any more because I dont know for sure it's the same guy, although I think it is.

Also, if it is him, and I blab about it on the internet, I doubt any inside info will come my way!

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This has been doing the rounds aswell...


Can't believe you are still here.....................is that not the chapel bells we can here

How does a priest give a nun anal.................................................................get her to dress up as an altar boy.

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