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Bill McMurdo, Petition


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September 24, 2012 · by billmcmurdo · in Uncategorized I don't believe it's wrong to hate.

It's not wrong to hate evil.

It's not wrong to hate corruption.

It's not wrong to hate wrong behaviour.

Nor is it wrong to hate institutions that promote or practise evil.

But it is wrong to hate people.

Sadly, the world of football can be a hate-filled place.

We saw evidence of this at the Liverpool – Manchester United game yesterday, where, despite weeks of intense work by both clubs to prevent such incidents, both sets of fans engaged in mocking the other club's disaster.

In the case of these two teams, there is no discernible political or religious difference to exacerbate their footballing rivalry.

Proof, if any were needed, that people don't need any good reasons to hate.

Why would tens of thousands of fans, both wearing the same colours, loathe and detest each other so much?

It is a question that few, it would appear, are willing to ask.

Here in Scotland we have our own haters and they tend to gravitate towards football.

As I have previously blogged, hating Rangers FC has apparently become the new national sport in Scotland.

Rangers-hating and Rangers-baiting are all the rage.

When you examine the plan by the SFA and SPL to rob Rangers of five SPL titles and four Scottish Cups, it is not difficult to discern that bitter hatred and envy is the drive behind this plan.

Of course, when a crime is committed, police investigators always look for motive and this involves looking for proven malice, ill-will or sheer hatred shown by any suspect towards the victim.

This, I am sure, will be on the mind of any police officer presently investigating the Rangers situation.

The thing about hate is that it is hard to hide.

I have said before and will do so here again that it is beneath the dignity of a true Ranger to descend into mindless hate and bigotry; Rangers people should rise above this.

It's NOT wrong, however, to hate corruption and evil in the game. Nor is it wrong to hate the abusive behaviour and language of Rangers' enemies.

And Rangers fans must be vigilant in pouncing upon any hate displayed by the club's enemies, particularly now that hate crimes are such a fascination for the Scottish government.

This also applies to smears and slurs, such as the tweet last night by Raman Bhardwaj, the STV sports reporter, which appeared to imply that Rangers fans' support of John Terry was because they were racists.

Of course, John Terry himself is no racist as has been proved under trial.

Did Big Raman really try to paint Rangers fans with the racist brush?

That's not the point. The point is that Rangers fans won't let him or anybody else smear them ever again with impunity.

The days of stoic acceptance are well and truly over.

Rangers fans will not be smeared.

On that note, I announced yesterday that there is an online petition which includes a demand for a full government enquiry into the corruption in Scottish football.

Many bluenoses rushed to sign it.

As did many haters.

After careful consideration, the group who sponsored the petition have decided not to remove the disgustingly vile remarks of the haters but leave them there as a witness to all who read the petition of the hate generated toward the Rangers family here in Scotland.

Some remarks by spoilers were arguably banter but some were absolutely abominable – showing the deeply disturbed thinking of those who hold malice toward Rangers FC and its fans.

The petition is fast becoming a commentary on life in Scotland 2012 and is a powerful witness to what Rangers people have to endure in our so-called civilised society.

It has to be pointed out that every person who signs the petition with an abusive remark swells the numbers and makes it more likely that it will be read by a wider audience so their hatred is self-defeating.

The petition is actually validated by such abuse as it has been drafted to protect the Rangers family from hatred and abuse. So the haters themselves are proving the case!

Those who wish to register their protest at the treatment of the Rangers community are encouraged to sign the petition and differentiate yourself from the haters by your comments. Please do not indulge in discussion with the haters; it is a petition, not a messageboard.

And, while haters show their hate, let Rangers people maintain their dignity.

You can sign the petition here:-



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Despite being Unionist I'm not Protestant so the petition is obviously not for me. Shame as I think the second part of the petition is the important part for us Rangers fans.

I would have thought a generic one leaving religion and political view would have been better to get our support behind.

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Despite being Unionist I'm not Protestant so the petition is obviously not for me. Shame as I think the second part of the petition is the important part for us Rangers fans.

I would have thought a generic one leaving religion and political view would have been better to get our support behind.

Aye ok, get it signed.

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Aye ok, get it signed.

Call me old fashioned but some of us care about details like this. The petition is poorly thought out as it has two completely unrelated points being made.

One for Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist asking for equal treatment. Secondly, these people are asking for an inquiry into Rangers fiasco, with the threat of withholding support.

It seems strange to pigeonhole our support into that narrow first definition.

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The rationale behind the petition is here:-


It is not a "proddy" petition.

Catholics are signing it because they identify with some of it.

The only objections so far are from Rangers fans who object to the word "Protestant"

And that's why it is in the petition.

When Protestant stops being an offensive word, we will have no need for a petition like this.

You will see that Unionists, Loyalists and Rangers supporters can be people of all faiths and none.

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The petition is poor. Make it about Rangers and I'll sign. Not wise to assume that all Rangers fans are interested in part 1 of the petition. I actually clicked the link to sign for an enquiry, read that the petition had been politically hijacked and didn't bother.

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The petition is poor. Make it about Rangers and I'll sign. Not wise to assume that all Rangers fans are interested in part 1 of the petition. I actually clicked the link to sign for an enquiry, read that the petition had been politically hijacked and didn't bother.

I agree, I am on here to support Rangers.

I do not support any organised religion but I do support their right to exist and peoples right to their faith, I also am not a unionist but I support peoples right to their opinion. If these issues were separated in the petition I would gladly sign the petitions but as it is it looks like the support for the club is being usurped to mean support for the other 2, this is wrong IMO.

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I agree, I am on here to support Rangers.

I do not support any organised religion but I do support their right to exist and peoples right to their faith, I also am not a unionist but I support peoples right to their opinion. If these issues were separated in the petition I would gladly sign the petitions but as it is it looks like the support for the club is being usurped to mean support for the other 2, this is wrong IMO.

Yes it seems to stereotype what the profile of a rangers fan is.

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The rationale behind the petition is here:-


It is not a "proddy" petition.

Catholics are signing it because they identify with some of it.

The only objections so far are from Rangers fans who object to the word "Protestant"

And that's why it is in the petition.

When Protestant stops being an offensive word, we will have no need for a petition like this.

You will see that Unionists, Loyalists and Rangers supporters can be people of all faiths and none.

Hello Bill, I seen this petition the other night when you first put it up. I have to agree that you should have left out the ''proddy'' part, it's does seem to have got a few peoples backs up. I am not Protestant myself, but I did sign it, and shared it in many places, purely because after the recent revelations, it is an absolute must that we get a public enquiry in to what's happened to our club. The official Rangers facebook page has over a quarter of a million "likes", so I don't think you will have a problem hitting the 50k target, I do feel you would get there a lot faster if you had left the protestant stuff out it though. Good luck with it, I sincerely hope we can get this enquiry we are all desperate for.

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The rationale behind the petition is here:-


It is not a "proddy" petition.

Catholics are signing it because they identify with some of it.

The only objections so far are from Rangers fans who object to the word "Protestant"

And that's why it is in the petition.

When Protestant stops being an offensive word, we will have no need for a petition like this.

You will see that Unionists, Loyalists and Rangers supporters can be people of all faiths and none.

Don't do that.

I come from mainly Protestant heritage and I have very strong sympathies with what is happening in Scotland at the moment with the demonisation of Rangers fans. I won't sign it because the petition is two VERY different aims.

I don't think it helps Rangers to pin our problems on the marginalisation of Protestant/Unionist views - these should be dealt with in wider political arguments.

We should keep the focus on Rangers on the contemptible manner with which the club was treated and continues to be hunted by conflicted member clubs.

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Despite being Unionist I'm not Protestant so the petition is obviously not for me. Shame as I think the second part of the petition is the important part for us Rangers fans.

I would have thought a generic one leaving religion and political view would have been better to get our support behind.

I'm an atheist, unionist and loyalist so, on the basis that 2 out of 3 ain't bad, I've signed. :7325:

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Here is the last page of comments on the petition

  1. 2101 Name: Ally McCoist on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: nom nom nom nom nom Flag
  2. 2102 Name: Nicki Minaj on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Starships were meant to fly, Rangers were meant to die, Dean Shiels has got one eye Flag
  3. 2103 Name: Perma Ragin on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Just struck me noo, McMcoist, thats a tarrier name if I ever saw one! Flag
  4. 2104 Name: Ian Robert Anderson on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Outraged I tell you, outraged. Flag
  5. 2105 Name: Brian Kennedy on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  6. 2106 Name: Tinytim on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  7. 2107 Name: Stuart Rankin on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: absolutely shamefull the attacks on rangers football club, the smears perpetuated against its fans. unionists in scotland will not return quietly to the dark ages of an independant scotland Flag
  8. 2108 Name: Mark Kerr on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  9. 2109 Name: Gazza on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Im pissed and i miss Ally Flag
  10. 2110 Name: Bill NG on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: hurro hurro u where ra billy boyz Flag
  11. 2111 Name: Bill Ng on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: hullo hullo we are the lady boys Flag
  12. 2112 Name: Alexander France on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: I'm concerned, with what I perceive is a concerted campaign to degrade, dehumanise and vilify those of a Protestant, Unionist & Loyalist heritage. We should be proud of our heritage just as much as any other religion or ethnic group. Any attack on our beliefs or background should not be treated with disdain but challenged and exposed, as would be the case if it was to happen to any other section of society. We will no longer accept the unacceptable. Flag
  13. 2113 Name: John Macallen on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  14. 2114 Name: A Salmond on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: After calling HMRC on Sevco's behalf I can categorically state Sevco are fcuked. Flag
  16. 2116 Name: Ally McCoist on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom Flag
  17. 2117 Name: Gordon Ramsey on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Geez a gemme!! Flag
  18. 2118 Name: Anonymous on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: The network involving Peter Lawwell, Harper-MacLeod,John Reid,Stuart Regan,Neil Doncaster,The SFA, The SPL, the serious-and corroborated- allegations of bribery,blackmail,blatant lies and dishonesty, all leading to the victimization of ONE football club and it's supporters HAS to be investigated. The Scottish game is wthout question corrupt to the core and will not survive this ongoing crisis unless these matters are adequately addressed. Flag
  19. 2119 Name: Gavin Miller on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Let the truth be told Flag
  20. 2120 Name: Michael on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  21. 2121 Name: Anonymous on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: A full government inquiry into the goings on at the SFA / SPL is an absolute necessity. These organisations have treated Rangers (+ their large number of voting supporters) and the law of the land with contempt. Flag
  22. 2122 Name: Michael Bruton on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: spl and sfa are scum sponsored by Celtic scum Flag
  23. 2123 Name: Caroline Mclean on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  24. 2124 Name: Jamie Boal on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: When will the authorities investigate the governing bodies of Scottish football regarding their constant attacks on Rangers Football Club? Who is behind these attacks and what have they and the identities they represent have to gain? Flag
  25. 2125 Name: Allan Millar on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Enough of the witch hunt.If we truly care,we must defend our club with our last breath. Flag
  26. 2126 Name: Garry McLachlan on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: It is time to make a stand against the vile powers which constantly attack my football club and all I believe in. Flag
  27. 2127 Name: Stuart Mckellar on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  28. 2128 Name: Alan Hamilton on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  29. 2129 Name: Al Allan on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag
  30. 2130 Name: Claire Benson on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: I fully support this petition as a rangers fan and protestant i feel we have been treated as outcasts for too long! Flag
  31. <a href="http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/the-people-together/signatures/page/43#sub-2131" title="Link to this signature">2131 Name: Andrew Armstrong on Sep 25, 2012 Comments: Flag

I think more taigs are signing it than us. Unbelievable.

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Also, if this was a purely Rangers petition. you could take it up to Ibrox at one of our home games and you would get very close to the 50k target in one day.

am sure there would be plenty of volunteers that would be willing to stand at each turnstile collecting signatures.

I would certainly do it.

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