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But Traynor said on BBC Scotland news night (last night) that it was the company that went into admin!!! Very confused man indeed.

You'd be confused too if you were a low IQ ridden fucktard without the capacity to stick to a position on something between articles two weeks apart.

I'm pretty sure half of his articles are ghost written by a work experience candidate from the nearest "special" school.

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As I blogged on CRO last night, it is evident that the BBC in Scotland are ramping up their propaganda war against The Rangers FC.

In addition to the interview with Craig Whyte, clearly timed to damage the Rangers IPO, BBC Scotland news reports were speaking gleefully of the death of Rangers Football Club – a reference to the pending liquidation of the old company that ran the club.

It is also apparent from checking Phil Multi-Names’ blog on Tuesday that he was aware of the upcoming BBC “exclusive” on Whyte.

So the BBC are quite happy to collaborate with a man “tarred with a sickening sectarian brush” in their quest to damage the biggest club in Scotland.

You would think that the Biased Broadcasting Corporation would have much more important matters to address, particularly as it is becoming clearer by the day that they have been involved in one of the biggest child abuse scandals in British history.

On the matter of Rangers being a new club, I see Jim Traynor is also still peddling that mess in today’s Record. JT really needs to make up his mind once and for all if Rangers are Rangers. It shouldn’t be too hard.

The stadium, the strip, the trophy room, the fans, the SFL place should help Jim Traynor and other Rangers-deniers – particularly at the BBC – realise that the club playing at Ibrox is the famous Glasgow Rangers.

Rather than sniping at The Rangers, Associate Editor of Sport at The Daily Record James Traynor and Chris McLaughlin, Chief Sports Reporter for BBC Scotland, should be addressing the real story in Scottish football this morning which is the ramifications of the annual study by accounting firm PKF on the state of the game in Britain.

This study clearly shows that SPL teams are hurting because The Rangers are missing. You know, the big team in the huge stadium on Edmiston Drive in Glasgow?

Scottish football is in crisis. The national team is a joke. The “top tier” is in meltdown. But all the McLaughlins and Traynors can do is make digs at Rangers being a new club.

Old or new, Rangers are the one ray of hope for Scottish football.

As PKF’s Charles Barnett says, “Nobody can deny these are worrying times for Scottish football. But there may be something more positive which arises. For example, this season Rangers are substantially increasing revenues among Third Division teams.”

Not bad for a dead club.

Scottish football is in a parlous state today because it chose to bite the hand that feeds it. Taking down the big, bad club at Ibrox was more important for the Rangers-haters than the health of the game. To their shame, many “fans” of other teams notoriously chose their own club’s extinction over showing any leniency to Rangers.

The media in Scotland joined in with glee on the gorefest that attacking Rangers became.

But being bounced out of a World Cup campaign astonishingly early, failure to fill grounds even for top-of-the-table clashes and inability to pay players their wages are only some of the repercussions of trying to kill Glasgow Rangers.

Yet Rangers are not dead.

Despite the protestations of media snipers and thousands of Celtic fans.

However. if Rangers did, indeed die, then they have been resurrected.

Surely that concept will not be lost to fans of a club which proudly and openly aligns itself to the Catholic faith.

If it helps those who are obsessed with Rangers dying to believe it has happened, then that’s OK.

But let us rejoice for the great miracle that has taken place.

For The Rangers live!!

Now, then and forever.



Hits the nail on the head not least when he talks about how the SPL clubs bit the hand that fed them. He has a point though, the latest BBC coverage of Rangers is a nice deflection from the other issues surrounding Scottish football. We Rangers fans were told that we buried our heads in the sand over many issues and to be fair many did (myself included). But now we have the football authorities and their cheerleaders burying their heads in the sand over the state of the game in Scotland at all levels, ignoring the real story of what is going on and instead decide its way better to get their digs in against Rangers and remind everyone of what a big bad club we are etc etc.

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