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Leggo - Celtic Hysteria


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Typical of the refugees; double standards.

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Just stop and think for a moment, if you would be so kind, Try and cast you mind back and recall the last team to emerge from Old Trafford with their goal intact after having played Manchester United.

Can you recall who it was?

Of course you can. It was Rangers. And it was more than two years ago.

The Champions League point Rangers got that night however, led to an outbreak of anti Rangers hysteria from the usual suspects. It seemed that Rangers were a disgrace to football. In much the same way they had been when they held an in-its-prime Barcelona side to a goalless Champions League tie at Ibrox in a previous campaign.

The phrase which emerged from that Barcelona visit to Ibrox was, anti football and it followed one reporter cunningly slipping it into the mouth of a then still young and impressionable Lionel Messi.

Efforts to pull that same trick in the zoo that is the UEFA Mixed Zone at Old Trafford, after Rangers produced a performance of tactical acumen and sophistication there, failed, while in the more relaxed environment of the interview room, Sir Alex Ferguson made it clear he had only admiration for the way Rangers performed that night.

But back to Barcelona and the mixed messages which followed in the wake of a visit to the Nou Camp of Scottish teams. When Rangers went there and finally succumbed to a bewitching performance by Barca, they were written off as having been exposed. It was conveniently forgotten that Barcelona were given the best possible start when Thierry Henry used his hand when Barcelona scored in the opening stages.

It is strange that this blatant form of cheating was ignored, as that was not the case when the same player did the same thing to get a winner for France in a World Cup play off against the Republic of Ireland.

But, I digress!

The real comparison is the way in which Celtic’s defeat to Barcelona in the Nou Camp has been portrayed as a moral victory for them and a shot in the arm for Scottish football. It is being spun to such an extent that I’m dizzy with all the birlin’.

Yet when Rangers kept the scoring machine of mighty Manchester United at bay for 90 minutes at Old Trafford, the opposite was the case. Rangers were portrayed as being both anti-football – again – and lucky.

Once again, because it was Rangers who were doing it, the fine and noble art of defending was downgraded. And how well did Rangers defend at Old Trafford that night?

The answer will lie in your recall of how many saves Allan McGregor had to make to rescue Rangers. Precisely.

And so we return to the Nou Camp this week where the Official UEFA statistics tell their story of how sorry Celtic were outplayed by a Barcelona team which, while still potent and formidable, is no longer at its peak.

Barcelona enjoyed not merely the lion’s share of possession, as they do in most of their matches, the actually had possession of the ball for 90per cent of the match, which even by their standards is unusual.

Celtic certainly defended doggedly and well, but not as well and as cleverly as Rangers had against Manchester United at Old Trafford. For a start, Manchester United failed to score against Rangers. Barcelona scored twice against Celtic.

Barcelona also managed to breach the Celtic defence 14 times to go close, with 13 efforts on target and one hitting the woodwork.

Those are the facts of the matter and not the hysterical nonsense, not the diet of pro-Celtic pap, or the warped view from the usual suspects which the public is being force fed.

The truth is that Celtic, when they went to Barcelona, attempted to do what Rangers did when they went to Old Trafford. They attempted to cut their cloth accordingly and try to frustrate an extraordinary team.

That they did not manage to achieve their goal – as Rangers most certainly did against Manchester United at Old Trafford – is no shame.

But please, will the usual suspects stop trying to force feed the public pap and make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. The facts of the matter, as produced in the official UEFA statistics, tell not merely the whole story, but the real story too.


The papish, paedo loving media that we have, should be ashamed of themselves. Another similarity is this jimmy saville sickness. The English have it all over their media - the Scots have it nowehere. And by the way, the police chief responsible for the hillsborough cover-up - has a papal knighthood. Just shows, it's no just paedophilia that they take part in, but fail to conceal, entirely.

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And by the way, the police chief responsible for the hillsborough cover-up - has a papal knighthood. Just shows, it's no just paedophilia that they take part in, but fail to conceal, entirely.

It's hardly surprising that someone involved in covering things up has a papal knighthood

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They are getting it in the neck in the papers this morning, not from our unbiased press right enough, the old anti football jibe coined for them long before us has reared its head, even calls for them to be thrown out of the competition for their display.

Unlike when it was us being accused and the press falling over themselves to print this old saying at every opportunity, this time the press don't agree, surprise, surprise.

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The only slight problem with Leggo's article is that Barcelona are a much, much better side than Manure. Are we to hold that Stirling Albion are better than Motherwell because we lost to Albion but beat Motherwell? His logic is laughable, like everything else about him, especially the Freddy Kruger photo at the top of his page

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Superb piece, this is what Leggo does best.

it's a shame this will be ignored by the rest of the mhedia in Scoland.

make no bones about it, the rest of world football will look at that record breaking 90% possession from a slightly below par Barcelona with themajority of it's defence missing and think it's pretty embarrassing for Selik, while in Scotland the hysteria will continue for many weeks to come.

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The only slight problem with Leggo's article is that Barcelona are a much, much better side than Manure. Are we to hold that Stirling Albion are better than Motherwell because we lost to Albion but beat Motherwell? His logic is laughable, like everything else about him, especially the Freddy Kruger photo at the top of his page


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I used to subscibe to Leggo, but I gave him up as I don't agree with his politics. There's enough right-wingers in this world as it is.

Having said that, I agree with everything he has to say about the septic media going ape-shit about septis's performances.

PS. Saville is also a good catholic boy, which makes you wonder exactly who it was he could threaten with 'bringing them down' with him?

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The only slight problem with Leggo's article is that Barcelona are a much, much better side than Manure. Are we to hold that Stirling Albion are better than Motherwell because we lost to Albion but beat Motherwell? His logic is laughable, like everything else about him, especially the Freddy Kruger photo at the top of his page

He knew you were going to say that - so Leggo mentioned that barca "while still potent and formidable, is no longer at its peak".

BTW - your post belongs on a fenian thread.

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So 77, you say that sdm's policy is the way to go.

Fuck that - & never again.

No. I didn't say anything remotely like that.

I said quite clearly, in big bold capital letters, that we need to stop talking about them.

If we want to separate ourselves from the "Old Firm" pish then we actually have to do that. Not just say that's what we want.

Leggo is an embarrassment in my opinion, wrong more often than he's right and the type of press we can do without.

Any reputable, Rangers supporting blogger would have issued a full page apology to Charles Green for the posts against him over a long period of time.

I've no time for him.

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Tweeted about this after their game when I saw the result.

The facts are, the media in Scotland, especially wee tits like @STVGrant, we're doing their upmost to portray it as a heroic, and brave, and unlucky result, coupled with a tremendous defensive performance. Funnily enough, not one of them came back to me when I laid the facts bare to them.

Posession- 90:10

Shots at goal- 26:4

On target- 13:1

Corners- 15:1

Now, if that's brave, heroic and unlucky, then I'm blind.

If their defensive performance was so good, how did Barca manage 13 shots on target??

As leggo mentions, we went to Old Trafford, and while we were under the cosh for large parts of that game, rangers stil managed close to 46% posession. And limited utd to 7 shots on target.

Also, when we played barca at the now camp, we had 34%possesion, and limited them to 9 shots on target and 3 corners.

The reason I give these stats is that the Scottish media fell over themselves to lambast Rangers, and Smith for laying in that manner, yet it was relatively effective, especially against utd.

In contrast, the clatty clan, get absolutely pumped, as the figures show, and clowns like STVgrant and his media cohorts are doing their best to paint a completey different picture.

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I personally can`t be arsed with the Leggo geazer but I can`t deny his defence of our club and fans is welcomed. Too long has the mhedia slagged our club off with no thought of comparing incidents with other clubs history like performances or bigotry.

BUT I must admit the over the top quotes and mentioning of the Bheasts are taking over this site. We need to get back to relevant Rangers topics with a hint of them to spice things up lol...

Lastly, the only reason this site is littered with their followers Is because of so many threads that are about them.

Small dozes fellow bear pups xx

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Good article, but the papers today and yesterday have higlighted the fact they had 10 men behind the ball. Rangers fans need to stop caring about what people say about these cunts, different division than us, let them be obsessed. Every day theres more and more articles about them and the way they're portrayed by the media, its old news so lets get over it, frankly I dont care what the media says and Id hardly want the media bowing down to us like they do with celtic. From what I can tell its mostly the 15-18 year olds in the support that are determined to sing and talk about them. As has been said time and again, lets just get on with it.

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The only slight problem with Leggo's article is that Barcelona are a much, much better side than Manure. Are we to hold that Stirling Albion are better than Motherwell because we lost to Albion but beat Motherwell? His logic is laughable, like everything else about him, especially the Freddy Kruger photo at the top of his page

Man Utd are still good enough to have scored against every team they have played at OT since, though. The point is not who's better, but how the two performances have been portrayed and there's nothing laughable about his logic there

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