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Happy Thoughts for Reconstruction Day

Guest Andypendek

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Guest Andypendek

Reconstruction day Pt. 1 is here!!! Hooray!!! Schools are off for the occasion and the bunting is up!

If only things were that positive. I wonder if there's anyone across the land who is actually waiting for the vote thinking 'if this goes through, it's gonna be great around here!' I imagine the best case scenario is something like 'if this goes through, at least we won't die!' which, while very Scottish, is hardly the most ringing endorsement one could give.

There's been far too much muddying of waters to have any other view, though.

All season long, we've been told how great the SPL is: young Scots players, attractive football, crowds per capita up there with the best in Europe, exciting runs in Europe, upsets in the Cup, but now we get to the crunch Dundee's chairman comes on the radio to inform us that the game is on its knees and without these changes many clubs will go bust.

Well, someone is lying. How, though, to tell who? Since we dunno any facts, we rely on media types to fill us in, with their direct line to various interested parties. Partick Thistle's chairman over the weekend poured scorn on this concept, chastising those in the media who regurgitate whatever they are told by their masters without bothering much whether its accurate or not.

A good example of this was the character assassination of David Longmuir by Mr Tom English, when the SFL clubs - not surprisingly, in my eyes - got cold feet about the SPL's bona fides. Buying into anything put up by the SPL is as sensible as investing in a Craig Whyte timeshare, but the SFL clubs have been, apparently, misled by this nefarious chief exec, who, furthermore, is suspiciously close to one Chas. Green, Esq., of Edmiston Drive, Glasgow.

Well, what more proof do you need?

If someone comes on the radio and calls his leadership embarrassing, as Mr English did, calls clubs wary of the changes 'refuseniks' (no pejorative overtones, there) and states 'I don't know what their reasons are but I do know they are being reckless' irrespective of not having any proof of any sort whatsoever* we should, I know, accept that and move on.

Call me fussy, but I don't think so.

Equally, over the weekend, Mr English's fellow radio type Stuart 'Not a Hypocrite' Cosgrove held forth about his twin obsessions, Rangers financial malfeasance and Charles Green's racism. I should note in passing that Dr Cosgrove has now adopted the last resort of the media type in a corner - 'criticism of me is based on my being anti-Rangers'. You might be, for all I know, or you might not be. All I have to go on is what you say on air and write in the papers and based on that, yes, you are anti-Rangers.

Someone could come out with 50 articles straight criticising The Raners on fairly solid grounds - our youth system, our scouting, the state of our ground, the Craig Whyte era, I need not go on. It wouldn't make them anti-Rangers. But if someone repeatedly tells lies about Rangers, misrepresents Rangers, badmouths Rangers fans and officials and screams, loudly, that everything in Scotland is Rangers' fault then, yes, it's reasonable enough to assume you are anti-Rangers.

Don't be ashamed, Stuart! Embrace your anti-Rangersness! You plainly don't care what we think, and everyone else will love you for it.

Saturday past, Dr Cosgrove was laying into the aforementioned Chas. Green on grounds of being a rancid racist, on the grounds of Mr Green colossally ill-advised 'Paki' statement. Even the most committed of racists would probably avoid such a public display of sentiment, and although Mr Green plainly was not being racist, you'd have to go far to find someone who thought it a good idea to give that interview.

All that said, it rankles to hear Mr Green chastised by someone in Dr Cosgrove's position. For is he not the chap who, for nigh on 20 years, has presented Off the Ball, a show which mocked Michael Mols for looking Chinese, mocked Chinese names when some players of that nationality were in Scotland, and finds that fact that females have breasts really, really funny? When someone called Stuart on Saturday to haul him up about about his stinking hypocrisy, he was cut off on spurious grounds of offensiveness.

Cowardly. Utterly cowardly. Willing to berate others but not willing to assess himself. A gutless, spineless, empty bag of wind who actually makes it harder to eradicate racism by being such a two faced toad.

So you see my confusion. I know no details, but am fed lies by either media or chairmen. People who do their jobs have their reputations trashed on the basis of gossip and innuendo. Other people who make mistakes are hounded by people who have done the same or worse. And all these people come together to draw up the plans for a bright new dawn that will see the streets black with people going back to the fitba.

Is it any wonder no one is enthusiastic? We talk about football being in danger of dying without change but I think we have actually missed the ferry heading across the River Styx with the corpse of the game on it. The game is already dead; what we hear is the gas escaping the corpse.

* I tweeted Tom about these things he's said but didn't get a reply as yet. If he does reply (unlikely) I will put up what he says.

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I'll tell you all something, if this doesn't go through after the current campaigns by the anti-Rangers mob(far too many to list) then what does that say about dunshover and his mates.

Please collect your P45 on the way out you dim-witted cretin as you're certainly not up to the job.

You and your mates didn't even manage to kill off Rangers either, so you're a failure in everything you do, or attempt to do more like.

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When will we hear any outcome?

I guess it depends if they get the decision they want.

If St Mirren and Ross County says no, then I can see it being a very long meeting indeed with lots of pressure put on them to change their minds.

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I don't think anyone is going to vote no!

The only difference between the clubs is two of them are holding out for some goodies to vote yes.

Fully expect after a compromise was agreed a yes vote was achieved.

Hope I am wrong though.

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