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Emails from a piece of work, *proper Rangers fan* edition


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Here's a good chain of emails from a man in Florida I'm sure some of you are familiar with, and the man behind Rangers Unite, who's made it a personal goal to try and blackmail and belittle any Rangers supporter who dares disagree with him on anything. As you'll see, not only do I run t-shirt shops and competitions to have people offed via deleted podcasts, but I'm prone to having sexy parties with Rangers bloggers whose phone numbers I have on secret speed-dial.

Just to be clear, there were 18 people CC'd on this initial email, plus a slew of others hiding behind a BCC, and this was all after an email dialogue and phone conversation with the instigator just a handful of days prior. I've chosen not to publish one-on-ones with some of the others who decided to take part in this ludicrous attempt to pin me down. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Anyways, just so I'm not publishing this on my own site so I can continue to rake in my finances from the cash cow that is the CRO and all its subsidiaries that don't actually exist, I thought I'd publish it here. Enjoy. (Warning: Includes ridiculous baseball analogies that anyone leveling on a "Yank" should never make when they can't use them in context.)

First from the man Graham Duffy himself. Just to set this up, after he emailed me a couple weeks back leveling many of the same absurd claims I offered to have him and Chris on the CROpod to hash this shit out. As you can see, it devolved from there.


Email #1:


What happened?

You agreed Chris "RFC" Graham would be on the CRO Podcast tonight to debate the following:

1. The mentality of writing a book outlining why RFC Parent Co failed.

2. Where the proceeds of this book would be going, inclusive of the contractual obligations.

3. Discussion regarding the foundation partnership of TRS.

4. Why I'm curious of Chris and his wee cabal circling individual supporters when they question their motive and ethics, never mind Morals at this time when the club demands unity?

5. Why you, as an American, based in Chicago, have gotten yourself personally involved in all things Rangers?

6. Why you, determined that, You being an American, Glasgow Rangers was a cause worth fighting for?

7. Why you mislead Rangers supporters by offering comfort in "fighting clothing" using Rangers Brand,

8. Why you reported my new twitter account for abuse when I questioned yours and TRS/Chris Graham motives.

9. Your motive "which I written evidence as Mr Blue of CRO.ORG", behind you being the Architect of the online campaign to "Sack Ally", which was when I disconnected from your website.

10. Why you decided to entice Chris Graham and ALL involved at TRS to open a competition in Scotland to offer a trip to Florida if the winner would comply with your enticement to kill me based upon Florida Statutes of "Stand Your Ground"?

These are only ten points of many Shane but I really would like your response, considering I have 100% in writing or your verbal podcast..

I hope you don't mind, I copied a few friends in on this email, but a lot more BCC.

I look forward to your response.




Thanks for inviting the party. Hi Jim, Alex, etc. Nice to see you again. Brought your whacking sticks as well?

Chris was unable to make tonight's show, sorry I didn't get back to you on that. He'll be back for the one in two weeks so we may be able to do it then.

1. Dunno what you're on about.

2. Not my book but the author's cuts are going to the RCF, confirmed by the Club. Talk to them.

3. Again, not me.

4. Obviously I don't speak for Chris, but your way of bringing about unity has a funny way to it, eg: this baseless attacking email right now.

5. I'm a supporter and always have been. Not sure what your Yank hangup is given you've chosen to set up shop in Florida but whatever.

6. See #5.

7. Didn't mislead anyone so keep going at it.

8. I didn't report your account; in fact I responded to it from my own. If you tweet people repeatedly who don't tweet you your account gets suspended, especially if it's a new one. It's happened to me before. Go read how "reporting" accounts works before you come at me with nonsense like that.

9. Bill wrote a story about his friend saying he felt his time was up. Go read it and take it up with Bill; I'm sure you know how to reach him. I don't speak for him.

10. Do you listen to the show? If so, you should understand that we have an entire regular segment about ridiculous American laws called God Bless America, which was the context of the Stand Your Ground law being brought up. Chris said there are some people he'd like to take to Florida, re: unhinged tims that we had been discussing already. It was a joke and wasn't even about you. The competition was another joke saying that we could convince similarly unhinged tims they had won a holiday via the Rangers website as that's all they read. I'd suggest you listen to the podcast instead of just going on what people have told you.

Any more, feel free to write back. I've similarly BCC'd a few on here just for the sake of posterity.


Email #2:

Not at the "office" then?

I respond in RED (italics here) under your response.

Kind Regards


On 7 Jul 2013, at 21:28, Shane Nicholson wrote:

Thanks for inviting the party. Hi Jim, Alex, etc. Nice to see you again. Brought your whacking sticks as well?

Chris was unable to make tonight's show, sorry I didn't get back to you on that. He'll be back for the one in two weeks so we may be able to do it then.

1. Dunno what you're on about.

You have writers on your CRO Blog Site, you podcast the book and you "Dunno what I'm on about", but in item 2 you can give me details? Shane come on do you and your team believe we are all that naive. You have contradicted yourself on the first item.

2. Not my book but the author's cuts are going to the RCF, confirmed by the Club. Talk to them.

Thank You for confirmation, Chris Graham et.al REFUSED to even discuss the break out of the income never mind the profits. Chris confirmed that "they", "he" "sole Traders", Partnership". Limited Company" what ever their "The Rangers Standard" is. On the same subject is "CRO" and the fashionwear" .co.uk side registered as a for profit or not for profit charity, both in the US and UK?

3. Again, not me.

Well you should know being the sole owner of CRO.

4. Obviously I don't speak for Chris, but your way of bringing about unity has a funny way to it, eg: this baseless attacking email right now.

Baseless attack? Hmm sounds pish Shane. Did Chris inform CRO that he was and remains a forefront promotor of RST? Where you aware that mark Dingwall made a play on the supporters to enhance his objectives to retain his non reported earnings? Mark has a pact with Chris, they are the same faction, objective being to keep the Rangers Support in fear to profit.

5. I'm a supporter and always have been. Not sure what your Yank hangup is given you've chosen to set up shop in Florida but whatever.

I live in Florida, no dispute, but I'm Glaswegian and a Bear to the blood. My kids have that blood and have attended more games than you could imagine. I vest lots of money and capital in the best interests of RFC, I've selfishly invested another $ 5,000 in the past 6 weeks, on top of that I have ensured that at my expense two season tickets for Ibrox will be utlised by less fortunate supporters. I hope to increase that to ten within the next 3 weeks. I have NEVER taken an income from any of my organisations, in the UK or the USA. Can you say the same?

6. See #5.

Another deflection Shane. Please explain in detail not deflect.

7. Didn't mislead anyone so keep going at it.

Shane? We spoke last week when I was upset that you went "sleekit" on the supporters, as a marketing guy you accepted that you "deflected" your income via a .co.uk website. These T-Shirts cost $ 2 bucks and you are shipping them to supporters for £ 13.99, you agreed that you had the "knowledge" to byepass copyright and TM law, thats why you used the name Rangers and the situation to exploit the supporters, I recall you actually laughed that you had "curveballed it".

8. I didn't report your account; in fact I responded to it from my own. If you tweet people repeatedly who don't tweet you your account gets suspended, especially if it's a new one. It's happened to me before. Go read how "reporting" accounts works before you come at me with nonsense like that.

OK I had two people I tweeted, you have explained the rules, but Twitter told me different.

9. Bill wrote a story about his friend saying he felt his time was up. Go read it and take it up with Bill; I'm sure you know how to reach him. I don't speak for him.

I know how to reach Bill, he is a good Bear and always will be, I will ask him. That said why did CRO bring in CG et.al as their mouth pieces?

10. Do you listen to the show? If so, you should understand that we have an entire regular segment about ridiculous American laws called God Bless America, which was the context of the Stand Your Ground law being brought up. Chris said there are some people he'd like to take to Florida, re: unhinged tims that we had been discussing already. It was a joke and wasn't even about you. The competition was another joke saying that we could convince similarly unhinged tims they had won a holiday via the Rangers website as that's all they read. I'd suggest you listen to the podcast instead of just going on what people have told you.

Oh Shane I have the show on hard drive and it blows away your record above. Do I need to upload it to prove?

Any more, feel free to write back. I've similarly BCC'd a few on here just for the sake of posterity.

Sarcasm does not fit your profile Shane. I am here until you shut it and act like a real supporter, assist in building this Club back to where it belongs, I expect that YOU and CRO will donate ALL of the GROSS PROFITS to the CLub or RCF. Being nosey, are you a Chicago LLC or non LLC registered Charity?

I am very disapointed that Chris shat his pants, as YOU conformed and made arrangements for a good 4-1 debate, being ALL the fucktards at TRS against me alone. Smells like corruption to me.

Enjoy your night Shane

Kind Regards


PS Yes if you want to send me a box of wine, make it a RED.


And now Alex Thompson of Rangers Unite joins the party:


Long time no hear, seems like a world away when we hammered away on our Fan Ownership proposals together, actually it seems a million miles away.

Above everything else i am disappointed to see you cosying up to the RST and that lovely little advertising link you have on each others website, Chris must have packed some punch in his pitch to get someone so vocally against the RST and someone so vocally against Mark Dingwall like you to play nice, to my recollection Dingwall still bans Ranger supporters who have interests in other groups outside the RST and still profits of the support as seen with his recent FF £5 frenzy in Sheffield where thankfully most bears will go to free bars for their sing song and not be fleeced of a fiver for the privilege.

As you will no doubt remember that most of RangersUnite is made up of RST members.

It really is disappointing when you see the likes of this and the constant patronising and belittling of Rangers fans on Twitter for daring to ask pertinent questions which are rightly being asked, and in my opinion being overly economical with words which does lead some fans to question it.

I made my feeling very clear to Chris and everyone else in that meeting that the BuyRangers plan was nonsense and we withdrew, we also stepped to aside and allowed the RST and the rest a free run at Fan Ownership because we didn't want to split the fans in a time when they needed one platform, thankfully they choose to do that through the club, due to the toxic nature of Mark splitting the fans, something the RST refuse to acknowledge, incredibly, i only hope that when the time comes for the fans to have genuine presentations and opportunities that benefit the club, will you guys will do the honourable thing and step aside in the best interests of letting the fans make their own mind without a battlefield of poison and dirty tricks.

We have been at least strong enough in our morals and principles to admit when we have got things wrong and learnt from them, and we have got things wrong, it is natural, but denying everything and passing the buck needs to stop from all sides.

Why do none of you talk about the way that Mark treats Rangers supporters on his message board, i would agree that it is his board but surely a man who treats Rangers supporters this way cannot be seen to be fit to be one of the main people and spokesman of the RST, why has nobody in these groups and podcasts sought justice for this?

Or why does Chris get to judge everyone and say what he likes about anyone he wishes to attack in the name of Rangers, but then why is he not publicly asked why he constantly belittles fellow Rangers fans for daring to have a different opinion and questioned to the strategy of this?

You were invited to the meeting last year at the Thistle, surely your man who was there must have told you everybody was unanimous that the RST could not join any plan for unity while they carry all the baggage from Mark?

Surely he must have informed you that i said on behalf of RangersUnite that i was happy to have the RST involved but it was to be a group decision and that everyone said as was i stated above, although we got hung out to dry for that when it wasn't even our job to release the statement.

Still nobody talks about the real issues and skirt around the real problems looking.

Surely to fuck somebody out there must actually sit and think, the club is a huge mess, the fan set up is a huge mess, it lacks leadership and any form of vision, the Assembly is a fucking joke, we need to do something about this.

The point being, you can have your "intelligent debate on TRS" you can your fun on the "CROpod" etc but what the hell are you lot doing with the platform you have, that benefits our club?

Can you point me in the direction of actual stuff you all achieve that helps the club? i must admit i am not really a forum guys these days as it drags me down, and i don't listen to the podcasts but i do check the clubs official site everyday and newsnow.

I started RU because shamefully there was nothing out there in Feb/Mar for the fans to grip on too, nothing at all and being egged on the by the usual crowd on FF to "do it yourself if your not happy" so i did and i took loads of shit for being truthful about the state of groups because people mistakenly thought RU was set up to unite the groups, which is was nowhere near set up for that, it was set up for fans to unite behind a plan for the fans to own the majority of the club, the only people who care about it.

But why is all this stuff going on, and why is everyone ignoring it, when facing it might just help, is it maybe because while the support is fractured and isolated in pockets it serves a lot of people well, mostly those you are now in bed with?

Why is everyone in these groups members of all the other groups, why are the same people involved in everything? can nobody see the thing is broken and to repair more of the same is not the answer?

It's a disgrace a club our size with a support as strong as our are being held up by the politics and poison of a few who wish to protect what they have rather than see the club grow, see the fans get together in a meaningful way and actually do some good for the club as taking a couple of Celtic fans to task on twitter is akin to trying to put out a forest fire with a water pistol.

When we all know that unity a majority of fans behind a steady and cohesive platform is the way to fight injustices and attacks, why do these people who continually divide the support not stand aside and say, ok i will support it from a distance, for the good of the club and the fans

These are the kind of podcasts i want to hear about, not 4 guys sitting about giggling and telling inane stories. (All alarmingly similar)

It has to stop, and i tell you the time might just be round the corner when it will be taken for them.

I only had 2 goals for RangersUnite, Majority fan ownership at a time when the club was crying out for a complete rebrand and renergise and for some majority Unity that would stand up for the fans as whole and yield enough of a voice to make people think before they attacked us or the club, the first was was meant to drive the second one and sadly the RST put paid to both with their greed and desire to be in control.

Reading your e-mail and seeing you deny everything, none of it is your fault, seeing Chris on Twitter and the forums behaving the same way and of course who cannot forget this has been the MO of the RST ever since Mr Divider gained control.

At some point we all have to stop blaming the big boy who ran away and take it on the chin, because you either want the best for the club or you want the best for your group.

I have maintained time and time again that if something better comes along i would happily fold RangersUnite and support it, my statement still stands because that is what we are meant to be doing, putting the club and the fans first, not our own group/club/brand/whatever.

I am happy to stand by that statement and have done so many times, how many others in our support will step aside for the good of the fans and the club?

Who is doing it for the cause, and who is doing it for the limelight/self interest/profit/fame/narcissim - Delete where appropriate

Some of what i have experienced has been utterly disgusting behaviour and quite frankly shocking, IT HAS TO STOP

Everyone is damaging each other to protect their "land"

How can we moan about the disgraceful behaviour of the board when everyone in the supporters platforms are behaving in the same way.

When are people going to start doing actual stuff that serves the club well, or even the fans god forbid?

Or is everyone happy to procrastinate on Podcasts and phone ins while the empire crumbles?

I think i have made myself clear where i stand and i make no apologies for it, it is now time shit or get off the pot.

Kind Regards

Alex Thompson

Global Director

For and on behalf of RangersUnite


Back to Graham with a followup of absurd proportions re: his wife not being able to read:

No Sharon does not, then again why did your "CoplandStreatWear" brand then send a follow request to her private twitter account yesterday?

Maybe she was in conversation with another good female Bear from Jacksonville, or more sinister to follow the "bully a bear" campaign initiated by you and your "twitter gangstas", aka Chris Graham?


MY CoplandStreetWear brand. Anyway, my (Shane's) response:

I dunno where Chris is the day. Believe he was with the family. We don't talk every couple hours. In fact, I don't even have his mobile number! Crazy that, isn't it? Anyway...

1. The book isn't about why the Oldco failed; I'd suggest you read it first. On the whole, it's quite good.

2. I don't own a fashion site. You may have confused us with Copland Streetwear who advertises on the site and us on theirs. They also sell two shirt models with CRO's name on it. We receive 4 quid per shirt, a total of two (2) have been sold since February, both purchased by people who write on the CRO. That 8 quid would almost pay for one domain renewal.

3. We don't have any formalized partnerships with any sites outside Do the Bouncy forum and even that's pretty loosey goosey. There's people from all over the web who write for the CRO and take part in the pod.

4. Your claims against me have been wholly baseless, yes. Your problems with Chris I'd like to have you two hash out on the podcast which is what we're trying to do. Be good for everyone, I feel.

5. Please accept my apologies for being born in the States. It's not going to undo my memories of watching Rangers on the old SportsNet with my granda as a young boy. And again, you obviously have far more money than I do; that doesn't detract from what I put into the Club every year in terms of shirts, books, RTV, etc. And I laid out exactly the money the CRO has made and where it's gone; it's not a business, it's something I do for fun. I punch a clock working a full time job in media and design; I believe Alex knows full well my abilities in those fields.

6. Being an American has nothing to do with being a Rangers supporter; my son will grow up one as well.

7. I reallllllllly think you have me confused with Copland Streetwear or someone else due to my original "Rags4Rangers" site which existed for a month, sold around 21-23 shirts. I detailed this fully and completely in our last email rounds. All proceeds went to RFFF, RCF and two charities over here.

8. No prob. I've fallen afoul tweeting journo's repeatedly before.

9. This mouth piece thing I don't get, and I see Alex has expanded on it in his email. I'll get to that.

10. It's online, anyone can listen to it. Believe it was number 23? Angela Haggerty was the butt of one of those jokes.

CRO's not a registered company anywhere because it's not a company. It's a website that I run in my spare time. I've attached a snap of the Paypal account I use for it. Sarcasm's all I do. You should read some of my stuff. I'll getcha that box of red in the post soon.

On to Alex here... (and cheers, mate. Hope you're well)

I dunno where to start. I'll get a link for you guys on there when you've got a site up, or would you like it to go to the twitter?

Just for the record, I offered to design a new site for RU after I left, though I did tell you I needed to do it in short order as I was going back to work. I don't believe I was given an email to use to complete the design until the day before I had to return to the office, probably after about a week or so(?). In any case, I was trying to help you guys out because I still believe in the platform and work you've done.

As for the RST, they retweet and post our stories; I put a link up for them as a thank you. I'd like to find anything anywhere that shows me endorsing the RST in any way. They've asked me about doing something re: fan ownership on the site before and I've turned them down as I have fundamental issues with them, as they know. But the CRO isn't a fan ownership platform; it's a site of ideas and discussion.

I keep seeing a lot about Chris: Any of you can contact him anytime; I'm not his gatekeeper. He's on the pod and has written I believe four (?) articles for the site all told. I find it hard to take that it upsets you how Chris behaves re: fans yet Graham's little job on me the past week is okay..? We talked for hours and hours, Alex; have you any doubt of my credentials as a supporter? I've written three essays worth of emails to Graham this week and we chatted on the phone for 30 minutes, yet I'm still having to explain that the CRO isn't a company, doesn't make shirts, I don't make a living off it or any money in fact, and now he's brought in all the neighbors to see, too. Good, glad you guys have seen this. "I am here until you shut it and act like a real supporter" - unbelievable. This is being a real supporter, is it?

I'm not part of any group, I'm not in any little cliques, I don't know how many more times I can say that. My site is me and the seven or so guys that write for it, the handful of regular guests, plus the podcast. It's exactly what it presents to the world on its face. Graham is here wishing that there was more to it somehow to throw me under the bus for not being enough of a Rangers man in his eyes; it's simply not the case.

What do we to help? I dunno, played a part in Imran walking out without his one million pound payoff, outed some sick bastard trying to use the Rangers name in the fake death of a runner at the Boston Marathon, got Alex Thomson to say all the cunts who spend every day attacking us are just a vile and disgusting as we all know they are, constantly tear down lies perpetrated on the Club by the media... I think criticizing what we do before taking the time to take it in is a bit disingenuous. Yeah, the pod's a lot of fun; we also talk about a lot of serious issues. We must be doing something right as it's listened to nearly 40,000 times a month.

Anyway, this seems to be a Chris Graham problem for you guys and I'm not Chris. And to say tearing down supporters is antithesis to the good of the Club then sit here while I'm getting raked... naw, doesn't wash. You can't have it both ways.

And Graham, saw you just emailed again there. To make this as clear as possible, I do not run/own Copland Streetwear nor am I in anyway connected to it beyond what's already been laid out above. It's been there for far longer than the CRO. I believe the guy in charge of it is named David. Email them if you want to know about their business, I'm sure there's a link on the site. And we do some work/pub for the Jacksonville Youth Soccer Club, btw, promote their tournies and whatnot. Good guys there.

All the best,


Graham again:


You had me in tears.

I have no intention of harming RFC, on the contrary, YOU via CRO started something you are backtracking on.

YOU portray earlier that your conversation was about the "tims", misleading at worst, deflection at best.

YOU as am individual clearly stated on the embarrassing podcast that "I was a dirty piece of work", YOU "highlighted the " Florida Stand Your Ground Statute", stating podcast 23 is a fake, it was 24 which you have now removed. You did not respond as you awaited a response from Chris. (Shane here: For the record, deleting a podcast from 8-10,000 individual machines after they've already downloaded it would be something for the NSA to do. "Local files" are called "local" for a reason.)

I do NOT and will not attack a Bears, I have YOU screen shotted doing that to Bears, in conjunction with Chris and his wee minions.

What RSC club are you a member of in Chicago? or to make it easier, what RSC in Chicago were you a member of?

Your deflection of selling goods is as credible as Chris being a "wannabe journo", a bit like Phil, oh how we sell our souls for................?

You have tried to ensure being a victim of "false information", you forget I was Mr Blue for CRO when you were vouched by RU to correspond with me, YOU informed me that CRO was a site, set up by a fan for the fan...........really?

I have the proof that you went on a one man crusade to test your websites influence by starting the "Sack Ally" crusade. That is when I told you I would never support such a campaign.

A wee question for you and your "cunt" patners, what did you all do in 2009? How much of your money did you spend ensuring avoidance of Admin and Liquid? How much? fuck all Shane? oh thats right you and your wee gangs at RST went on a crusade to attack me, my wife and kids, a trait that Chris continues to this day, thats when Chris was still blaming a Kidney infection for pissing his bed.

You again contradict yourself below, as you did in your initial response.

What I will highlight now is that YOU demanded that I give you the evidence that SDM was opposed to RFC surviving, evidence I have.

I hope your ten bob profit for a few T-Shirts keeps you going in durex in the Chris Love Ins.

You demanded I be on the 4-1 CRO Podcast today with CG and Gays, you set it up, you confirmed CG was up for it, then you ignore the demand from them,,,,,,,4-1 in their favour?

You have CG mobile number, as you called him on it to set up, you have mine. If Chris wants to avoid then OK?

On a separate note, You mentioned CRO was "open" to all bears, that being in the case and in the absence of "MSM" debate, I will submit requests for info from CG via CRO, unconditionally, he can request info from me, I think that is fair, but our audience tonight are also coped in.

Please confirm that this is acceptable and also ask Chris and his bullies if they want a recorded debate, one that can be given to MSM and 100% of proceeds given to Charity.

I think this is fair Shane.

Kindest Regards



And Alex for one more: Again, Alex's words in italics

Shane as your e-mail is quite lengthy i will respond in red to the bits that are aimed at/involved by me

1. The book isn't about why the Oldco failed; I'd suggest you read it first. On the whole, it's quite good.

The book is about of condescending supporters telling supporters what supporters went through, no thanks, i do not class Richard Wilson in that bracket, but when you see the list of all the Authors it's not a widespread group, more of a pally clique.

2. I don't own a fashion site. You may have confused us with Copland Streetwear who advertises on the site and us on theirs. They also sell two shirt models with CRO's name on it. We receive 4 quid per shirt, a total of two (2) have been sold since February, both purchased by people who write on the CRO. That 8 quid would almost pay for one domain renewal.

3. We don't have any formalized partnerships with any sites outside Do the Bouncy forum and even that's pretty loosey goosey. There's people from all over the web who write for the CRO and take part in the pod.

4. Your claims against me have been wholly baseless, yes. Your problems with Chris I'd like to have you two hash out on the podcast which is what we're trying to do. Be good for everyone, I feel.

I would love to see this happen, maybe on Rangers Chat, if that is still a neutral venue.

5. Please accept my apologies for being born in the States. It's not going to undo my memories of watching Rangers on the old SportsNet with my granda as a young boy. And again, you obviously have far more money than I do; that doesn't detract from what I put into the Club every year in terms of shirts, books, RTV, etc. And I laid out exactly the money the CRO has made and where it's gone; it's not a business, it's something I do for fun. I punch a clock working a full time job in media and design; I believe Alex knows full well my abilities in those fields.

Yeah, i can vouch for the quality of your work in that field

6. Being an American has nothing to do with being a Rangers supporter; my son will grow up one as well.

7. I reallllllllly think you have me confused with Copland Streetwear or someone else due to my original "Rags4Rangers" site which existed for a month, sold around 21-23 shirts. I detailed this fully and completely in our last email rounds. All proceeds went to RFFF, RCF and two charities over here.

8. No prob. I've fallen afoul tweeting journo's repeatedly before.

9. This mouth piece thing I don't get, and I see Alex has expanded on it in his email. I'll get to that.

10. It's online, anyone can listen to it. Believe it was number 23? Angela Haggerty was the butt of one of those jokes.

CRO's not a registered company anywhere because it's not a company. It's a website that I run in my spare time. I've attached a snap of the Paypal account I use for it. Sarcasm's all I do. You should read some of my stuff. I'll getcha that box of red in the post soon.

On to Alex here... (and cheers, mate. Hope you're well)

I dunno where to start. I'll get a link for you guys on there when you've got a site up, or would you like it to go to the twitter?

I'm not bothered about a link on the site, i wasn't asking for one and the RangersUnite site has been up for many moons, we just don't court publicity so we do not do articles or statements that are not relevant to fan ownership. but it has been live for a long time

Just for the record, I offered to design a new site for RU after I left, though I did tell you I needed to do it in short order as I was going back to work.You did I don't believe I was given an email to use to complete the design until the day before I had to return to the office, not really my thing so it took ages but i got the site problem fixed and moved away from Yahooprobably after about a week or so(?). In any case, I was trying to help you guys out because I still believe in the platform and work you've done. i don't really believe that and i think if you were honest with yourself you would admit you don't really give a shit!

As for the RST, they retweet and post our stories; I put a link up for them as a thank you. Is that all it took? I'd like to find anything anywhere that shows me endorsing the RST in any way. Ffs sake Shane, you have a link to their website on the website you own, how the fuck can you spin that is not an endorsement when it's under "friends of the CRO" They've asked me about doing something re: fan ownership on the site before and I've turned them down as I have fundamental issues with them, But happy to promote them on your site and have them promote you, as well as lots of twitter exchanges, hardly fundamental mate, come on, you used to have fundamental issues, seems Mark has tilted the view somewhat as they know. But the CRO isn't a fan ownership platform; it's a site of ideas and discussion. Isn't fan ownership a fundamental fan issue? or the fundamental fan issue

I keep seeing a lot about Chris: Any of you can contact him anytime; I'm not his gatekeeper. He's on the pod and has written I believe four (?) articles for the site all told. I find it hard to take that it upsets you how Chris behaves re: fans yet Graham's little job on me the past week is okay..? Firstly as the man who wishes to speak for the fans i am surprised you are not a bit wary of his behaviour towards other fans, seeing as both TRS & CRO are using the Rangers support to heighten a profile, surely those fans must have some kind of right to question people? you claim it is a discussion and ideas site, but apparently everyone who acts against the Rangers fans are "fair game" except the ones you wish to choose/utilise? We talked for hours and hours, Alex; have you any doubt of my credentials as a supporter? I've never questioned your credentials as a supporter, i have questioned where your change in views have come from, to my knowledge the same people still run the RST that you openly dispised etc, but then again hanging around with those who wish to jump on whichever horse looks like winning will rub off on folk is.I've written three essays worth of emails to Graham this week and we chatted on the phone for 30 minutes, yet I'm still having to explain that the CRO isn't a company, doesn't make shirts, I don't make a living off it or any money in fact, and now he's brought in all the neighbors to see, too. Good, glad you guys have seen this. "I am here until you shut it and act like a real supporter" - unbelievable. This is being a real supporter, is it? Your e-mails with Graham are between you both, whether it is a company or isn't a company isn't my beef, the fact that anyone working against the fans is fair game but when your colleagues do it, not a fucking peep is said, i find that part very disturbing, as much as i do the "it's never my fault defence" You know people who question Chris are told they are jealous of his "profile" when people question Mark they are referred too as "internet crackpots" and these are the two most prominent people in our support and yet none of these sites that supposedly champion the fans to support it never question this "dictatorship"

Your blog/podcast etc is all about asking the questions, but when you are asked questions then our support is questioned, baffling. so it is ok go after Rangers haters and those who go after fellow bears but it is ok to condone colleagues treating them like second class citizens? i find this baffling to say the least.

I'm not part of any group, I'm not in any little cliques, I don't know how many more times I can say that. My site is me and the seven or so guys that write for it, the handful of regular guests, plus the podcast. It's exactly what it presents to the world on its face. Graham is here wishing that there was more to it somehow to throw me under the bus for not being enough of a Rangers man in his eyes; it's simply not the case.

I guess the main point to this is, if you don't like being shot at, don't go seeking the fans opinions, or like the rest of your new found friends is it only opinions that are the same as yours that count?

Mark get's shot at all the time, as you know by the names i have you you and i call him for a start, but that is part and parcel of trying to get a profile and make a name, you are there to be shot at.

Chris get's now because he has taken that mantle on and Mark maybe has finally realised he is too unpopular, somehow i doubt that and i know Chris has strong links with the RST so it doesn't take a genius to work out how the link for RST has about, again if you cannot see how you have turned full circle, maybe you are all looking for the same horse each time.

You claim to have a side for ideas and discussion, you will have people against you, is it selective discussion, PRO CRO/TRS/RST/WATP etc only or as a supporter is Graham not entitled to give his opinion because it isn't aligned?

What do we to help? I dunno, played a part in Imran walking out without his one million pound payoff, Was that with the help of the leaked tape? or again because it is one of your guys it is ok to leak damaging stuff on the internet, because we know if a Journalist had done that, Chris would have been all over him like a rash, as you would have outed some sick bastard trying to use the Rangers name in the fake death of a runner at the Boston Marathon Ok not sure the significance of this, and ow that would have affect the club but fair play, got Alex Thomson to say all the cunts who spend every day attacking us are just a vile and disgusting as we all know they are, How does this help Rangers? constantly tear down lies perpetrated on the Club by the media...how does it help the club?again putting out a fire with a water pistol I think criticizing what we do before taking the time to take it in is a bit disingenuous. Yeah, the pod's a lot of fun; I never said you couldn't have fun but of the 3 podcasts ive listened too i haven't listened to any of them a second time, we also talk about a lot of serious issues. except the problems dividing the support, who just happen to be your bed bedfellows, these leave the door open to the club being attacked as a weak support offers little resistance and maybe that is the answer, maybe it is beneficial for everyone involved if we have a fractured support We must be doing something right as it's listened to nearly 40,000 times a month. Well done

Anyway, this seems to be a Chris Graham problem for you guys and I'm not Chris. And you accuse us of not reading what is being said, i have been quite clear in naming others too ffs play the game and change the record And to say tearing down supporters is antithesis to the good of the Club then sit here while I'm getting raked Ok so it is ok for you all to do it, and then claim it's sarcasm/jealousy/crackpots but we should just shut up and let everyone act the way they want... naw, doesn't wash. somehow a blameless ideal was expected You can't have it both ways. we don't want it both ways but seeing as the RST/Chris etc have all been told plenty of times about their antics and have never bothered to change them or heed any kind of warning maybe you as someone is "isnt in any group" but gives at least one of these a platform would be in a good position to say, you know Mark/Gordon D this is not on, have a word with Chris to reign in the belittling and patronising of fans and stop his bully gang ganging up on people because it makes CRO look bad as we are giving you a platform to 40,000 listeners each month and it's not on

They have constantly ignored advice and pleas to stop their behaviour and nothing has come of it, the fact that your ideas and discussion show never mentions this is incredible, i know if i was advertising a site with a link to it classed as friends and one of their directors was charging bears £5 to get into a pub in Sheffield i would be worried how that would look to my site


My final response to the group amassed:

Right, this is going to be quick because this has become absolutely tedious.

There was no CROpod 24. We skipped a number because I can't count, not the first time it's happened. It's either in 23 or 25 but obviously you have it downloaded there; the number or show title is always in the file name. Take a look.

Here's David's email, drop him a line and ask him about all the money I make selling shirts: info@coplandstreetwear.co.uk

You've absolutely come in here and attacked me in front of ex-colleagues and people I'd call friends, 100 percent, and in a delusional fabricated form. You've made up connections, that I have this massive empire of shirts shops and fuck knows what else that I'm using to fleece the club of money. That I've got secret deleted podcast floating around. You're wrong about me on so many levels and I've clearly explained how and why. I'm glad so many people have gotten to see it.

I'm not in a RSC nor have I ever been. I don't live in the city and quite frankly I don't know that the Chicago club is still active. Last I knew they were at Duffy's but their website's down and has been for some time. Prior to this I lived in Knoxville for a decade which obviously had no clubs, and prior to that I was a boy in school.

In 2009 my ex wife was pregnant with my son. I was working for a design firm in Knoxville, TN. I spent my $300 on RTV, bought the home and away strips, a couple DVDs, usual fare. I think I made $36,000 that year and with the boy coming I probably didn't lay out quite as much as I normally do during a season. Congrats on your massive wealth and thank you for your efforts to stave off the lunacy of SDM and what eventually came; sorry I couldn't cut a check to help. If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd buy the Club myself.

Yep, you were Mr Blue on some emails in the fall, which has been readily acknowledged in more than one space over and over. Again, as we discussed the other night, as I believe was in my email from the other night, Alex proposed using anonymous email handles for that. Thanks for your help with the stories we did at the time.

I think Alex probably has Chris's mobile number from last summer. I have an email for him, that's how we communicate. You want me to pull my phone records from the night we talked so you can see that your call at 1 a.m. was the only one incoming or outgoing? Satisfy the need? Or would you then suggest I have a second phone from all the massive income I make from all these sites I'm not even part of?

You wanted to talk to Chris. I asked if I could set that up would you go for it. You said aye. Chris wasn't around today, he won't be in next week. At this point given the fact you can't admit that things you've said about me here are patently false I could really give a toss. Take Alex's suggestion of a "neutral" site, get hold of Rangers Chat or whatever, go on there and have it out.

Alex, mate, I'm not going to sit here and have it out with you. You know why I left RU at the time. I tried to respond to you best I could there. Call me on the Skype sometime and we'll have a chat; both said a while back we needed to catch up anyway. I'll send you an email with my handle.

Really, this seems to be devolving into the issue of a platform: If anyone wants to write something, feel free, I'll publish it. Or get any of the other sites that do this to put it up, or use the RU site, or when's rangerstruth.com coming online?

That aside, this dialog's over. Get hold of Chris yourself, I'm not his secretary. Here's his email: cgraham@thecoplandroad.org

And thanks for adding those colorful homophobic slurs to the conversation, Graham. Really heightened the level of discourse.


So yeah, basically a load of baseless claims as Duffy's done before against any number of Rangers supporters, except he wants to perpetuate this one after his mad delusional theories have been debunked. Good on Graham and on Rangers Unite, people who I gave a lot of time and effort to, on taking part in this email siege.

Hopefully I got all of their references italicized in there properly. Only 40,000 some odd characters to scroll through.

And hey, look! I didn't post it on my own site so I'm not making any of my riches off it! Unless of course I secretly own Rangers Media and it's just another part of my vast empire of Rangers-related businesses.

Remember folks, a "private" email isn't private when you invite a couple dozen people along without asking one of the parties involved first.

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The ramblings of a mad man. As I said on Twitter the other day, Rangers Unite is the most ironic name for a group that has ever been constructed. And I include Bhoys Against Bigotry.

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PS Duffers, I also get paid $16.90 for every mention of Copland Street Wear, which Shane owns. That's $33.80 in this thread alone. Bazinga.

I await the "he doctored the emails" response. Anyone who wants an original copy, my email addy's on the site for all to find. That'd be "TheCoplandRoad.org" and not any of the numerous other sites I run and profit from. Allegedly.

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This whole saga could have been shorter if I was a rich man sending emails to Shane.

Email #1


You are a baseball-loving-bampot with shite microphones.

Email #2


Chris Graham's "buckles:agenda" ratio is dramatically swinging to the right.

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got a bit bored halfway through but a couple of points. If someone is running a business selling tshirts or whatever and is making a profit out of it. Good on them. I have no issues with that. I also don't like people making themselves out to be an uber fan by saying they invested this, bought that etc. Finally, if you are an American, martian or from a zoo, It shouldn't matter as long as you support rangers. I understand where he is trying to come from with that (i.e, only in it for the money) but he comes across like an arsehole.

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is this typical of what Rangers supporters get up to during the close season? from the outside looking in and not really knowing what anybody is on about, it all looks as sad as fuck.

its basically what happens to anyone who doesn't spend their whole day trying to oust Mark Dingwall. Rangers Unite couldn't run a bath nevermind Rangers yet they sit around giving themselves fancy titles and writing emails full of half-cocked conspiracies and bad grammar. They can't see the forrest for the trees, they spend so much time trying to discredit anyone who's linked with Dingwall (mostly links they've made up themselves) that they've totally lost sight of what something like RU should be about. Most ironically named group ever.

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