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Shellic and Gary Barlow

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I read an article a few months ago by William Poole, it was about shellic directors and players being involved in a film industry investment scheme. In the past couple of weeks it has emerged that Gary Barlow used a similar scheme for tax avoidance called a music industry investment scheme and was taken to court by HMRC and has been ordered to pay them £20m. I wonder if the authorities and media will pursue shellic with the same vigour as we were, is it too much to expect?

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A number of Celtc players did have to pay tax bills when their film partnership scheme was deemed a tax avoidance vehicle. Most people who enter into these schemes do so in the knowledge that it isn't guaranteed to work. As long as the scheme is registered with HMRC then there are no penalties to pay if the scheme fails, only the tax due. The member of the scheme is no worse off than if they had just paid the tax at the start.

These schemes are entered into by the individual not the company (football club) so it is beyond the football authorities remit. We are all well aware of the media and the way it operates. There is more chance of hell freezing over than the media pursuing Celtc players

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