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An Opportunity Missed


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I'm not ashamed to say that I watched yesterday's embarrassment on TV. Long gone are the says when I would blindly hand over money to our Club. That's not out of some new-found sense of frugality on my part. I have the money, but the simple truth is that I don't trust our board to do anything constructive with it. That's one reason of course, and on its own it's good enough to keep my hands in my pockets. But what I keep coming back to is this: I can't, in clear conscience, hand over my cash knowing that a single penny of it will find its way onto Ian Black's accumulator, or into Lee McCulloch's retirement fund, or go towards a box of Milk Tray for Amy McDonald. The idea that our players clock in for 3 hours a day and spend the rest of their time in blissful isolation, cocooned away from the reality of the world with their bloated bank accounts, while many of our fans struggle to put food on the table is abhorrent. Ian Black's face as he was substituted yesterday was telling. Clearly annoyed, both at being withdrawn and at the cheers that rung down from the stands as he disappeared into the dugout. Ian Black won't have a bad day today. He'll show up for a massage and maybe do some light cardio before heading home. His week will be free from worry and he'll pull on the jersey and line up against Hibs on Friday night as if nothing had ever happened. This is our problem. There are no consequences at Rangers anymore. A string of poor performances means nothing. We can't afford to simply cancel the contracts of malingerers, nor can we replace them with anything better. Sacred cows like McCulloch are undroppable, whereas enigmatic but talented players are shunted off on unproductive loan deals, or left to languish on the bench. I remember the genuine excitement the first time I saw Barry Mackay tear off down the wing in one of our early League 2 games. I imagined that players like him, Lewis MacLeod, Andy Murdoch and, latterly, the likes of Calum Gallagher would form the bedrock of a new Rangers, a Rangers that was self-sufficient and minimised the reliance on the sort of reckless fiscal dick-waving that led us to this point. After the initial shock subsided it really did feel like the journey from League 2 would be good for us, that we'd take whatever they can throw at us and we'd come back at them as this lean, well-oiled, impeccably run club with the best young Scottish talent at the core of a footballing revolution. I honestly envisaged these players walking out to the Champions' League music in front of a capacity Ibrox crowd. I don't think that was such a crazy idea. But we've been mismanaged from top to bottom, ravaged by thieves and imposters. Ally McCoist was never the man to lead the Rangers youth revolution. He served his time under Walter Smith, a man who would break into a cold sweat if forced to rely on a player brought through the ranks. Our mistake was to believe that, following the horrors of admin, nobody would be so brazen as to run the Club into the ground a second time. Blind sentiment ensured McCoist an easy passage right up until breaking point. Hindsight is always 20/20 of course, but even from our vantage point in early 2015 all of this seems glaringly obvious. We had a once in a lifetime opportunity with our Club at a paradigm shift; out with reckless over-indulgence and in with youth-focused common sense. Now where are we? Back where we started, hoping our white knight investor will swoop in and plough millions into an inadequate and embarrassing playing squad. Plus ca change right enough.

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The points you make on players past caring is the most damming of the lot, they seem happy to pick up their wage cheques without having to earn them.

I genuinely wouldn't grudge these players their money if they were giving their all and winning games with authority but sadly we are losing games and they don't give a fuck.

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The players are nothing short of a disgrace to the club and fans. I have been one of Ian Black's hardest supporter but now hes a waste of a wage. That cheer when he went off yesterday should mean he should never play for us again. 10k there sounded like 50k cheering him going off. Its really hard to watch Simonsen in goals, no reactions and just flaps like a budgie constantly. Ricky Foster just doesnt care, he seems to enjoy it when we get beat. Lee McCulloch eh, an absolute waster who is dragging the team to new depths, as a coach he should drop himself. Lee Wallace has just regressed horribly in the space of 4 months Nicky law still hides away, Kyle Hutton played one forward pass yesterday. Daly the usual what do you expect him to do score a header from 20 yards. Miller runs himself into the ground but just has not got it.

They do not give a fuck. Not one of them know what it takes to play for Rangers they really don't. None of them would be near a Rangers team if we hadn't been forced to division 3.

A joke from top to bottom. Hopefully it starts with King winning the EGM and we can move on and try for a second time in 3 years to build a proper football club

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