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Smith Playing The Waiting Game


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WALTER SMITH has revealed he is currently playing a waiting game after tabling bids for several players.

In an effort to recruit more new faces, the manager admits Gers have made offers for some targets and are now awaiting a response from the necessary clubs.

Although he wouldn't disclose the players' identification, Smith insisted the Ibrox side are making moves behind the scenes to secure his targets and are now playing a waiting game.

Walter told Rangers.co.uk: "I still hope to have a few more new signings in before the start of the season.

"It's never easy but we are hopeful of having some in over the coming weeks.

"We have bids out for a number of players and we are waiting on answers from those clubs.

"Once we get word back we will know where we stand and can go ahead from there."

Five signings have already been completed for the new campaign with Jean-Claude Darcheville, Alan Gow, Kirk Broadfoot and Graeme Smith part of the squad at Murray Park.

DaMarcus Beasley has been given 10 days' holiday, due to his involvement in the Gold Cup, but will be back in time for next month's trip to Germany.

Smith added: "We have had a really good reaction since the players came back, they are keen to progress.

"We have a fortnight here where the emphasis is mainly on fitness. We will have some games but the formation and tactics work will wait until we are in Germany.

"DaMarcus only finished playing for the USA last Sunday so he is away for a short break now.

"He will report ready to join us on July 11 and we are looking forward to that.

"The new lads already here have joined in well. It's always a little awkward for the new players when they very first arrive but everyone has settled quickly."

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Nothing we don't know then!

I'm not too worried...yet.

Except that bit:

"Once we get word back we will know where we stand and can go ahead from there."

Interestingly - we know what the result of the Naismith, McCulloch & Faubert bids were.....so have we gone back in with improved offers or have we bid on something the press havent picked up on yet?

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so have we gone back in with improved offers or have we bid on something the press havent picked up on yet?

According the The Evening Times, yesterdays or todays I can't remember, we were interested in 2 other players whom were not known.

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Bordeaux president Jean-Louis Triaud believes Rangers target Julien Faubert will have signed for another club by Monday.

The France international had been the subject of a reported £4million Rangers bid, but Bordeaux have so far refused Ibrox offers and expect to sell the player imminently to an undisclosed team.

Bordeaux had originally wanted to keep Faubert on board but are now resigned to losing him after he went on strike this week.

"It's simple," Triaud said. "The coach (Laurent Blanc) wanted to keep the player but the player wanted to play for another club.

"Given the player's wishes, we are prepared to consider it but it would need to be a significant bid. With Rangers the proposition was not significant for Bordeaux. So I don't think the deal will be done."

Triaud confirmed that Rangers had all but run out of time to submit a new bid for the 23-year-old midfielder.

"I think any offer that might come would come too late," said Triaud.

Declining to name which club was now looking set to sign Faubert - Roma and Fiorentina have been linked - Triaud said: "As soon as we have agreement with the player and the club we will announce it.

"But the player will have to undergo his medical so it might have to wait until Monday."

Ding ... fries are done!

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Bordeaux president Jean-Louis Triaud believes Rangers target Julien Faubert will have signed for another club by Monday.

The France international had been the subject of a reported £4million Rangers bid, but Bordeaux have so far refused Ibrox offers and expect to sell the player imminently to an undisclosed team.

Bordeaux had originally wanted to keep Faubert on board but are now resigned to losing him after he went on strike this week.

"It's simple," Triaud said. "The coach (Laurent Blanc) wanted to keep the player but the player wanted to play for another club.

"Given the player's wishes, we are prepared to consider it but it would need to be a significant bid. With Rangers the proposition was not significant for Bordeaux. So I don't think the deal will be done."

Triaud confirmed that Rangers had all but run out of time to submit a new bid for the 23-year-old midfielder.

"I think any offer that might come would come too late," said Triaud.

Declining to name which club was now looking set to sign Faubert - Roma and Fiorentina have been linked - Triaud said: "As soon as we have agreement with the player and the club we will announce it.

"But the player will have to undergo his medical so it might have to wait until Monday."

Ding ... fries are done!

Ah, the old, lets say others are interested to see if we can drive up the asking price game

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