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F*** it, needs said.


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21 minutes ago, RDB14 said:


Both of you along with half the other fucking idiots posting along these lines are a fucking disgrace to our support. No surrender? You pair (especially fucking 1NachoNovo posting utter fucking drivel all over the forum) want to throw in the towel after 5 games. 

Fuck Mr King? Aye, he's much worse than Green, Whyte, Ashley, the Easdales and co has he? He has been instrumental in reshaping the club appointing our manager MW who is nothing but a credit to our club and supporting the recruitment of people like Frank Mcp. Particularly at 1NachoNovo as I keep seeing you quote this 30m figure - did you expect this all to be spent on transfer fees? If so you're a fucking idiot. Why do you think we should be able to go out and splash 5m on a player? Do you want us to go into admin again at one stage? I bet if we did you would ironically blame DK for spending money he didn't have.

Fuck MW (Clueless doesn't come close) - are you a total fucking moron? I agree he's had a tough start to the season and possibly trying to shoehorn Barton, Krancjar and co into our team when they aren't complimentary to last seasons style of play but fuck MW and being clueless?! He's the best manager we have had since Sir Walter left, has just signed a new contract, took us to the National Cup Final last season, won a cup we couldn't win the previous few years and generally coasted to the league title last season. He has lost 1 fucking game this season!!! Yes we have issues but getting rid of MW is not the answer. Give him time. I hate the thought of finishing 2nd behind Celtic but the fact of the matter is they are signing players with a greater pedigree than ours (Sinclair, Dembele, Toure are basically either much more proven or simply better players than Windass, Garner, Senders). I fucking hate Celtic, I hate losing and I hate seeing things go as wrong as they have today and in our games against Kilmarnock, Motherwell at various stages and Hamilton but I'm not fucking stupid so I can use my head and look at it sensibly. Our team have just come up from the Championship, are finding their feet and we have a glut of new signings. I'm not saying it will definitely come good but unless we fall miles behind whoever is 2nd then MW should not find his job under threat in the slightest. 

Please also keep in mind that MW has signed several players who have been top notch for us so far - Waghorn, Tavernier, Foderingham, Halliday, Forrester. I hadn't even heard of any of them outside Halliday before they signed! Rossiter signing could also go on to be a huge coup. Barton is a big big question mark for me but MW has shown previously he will get rid of any player who he doesn't feel is adding value so we need to trust him to handle this situation as it develops. 

MW needs to give himself a bit of a shake and work out how to get us back to playing the football that seen us dominate the ball against Celtic last year and playing the best football in the country. My fear is that I'm not sure how he can do this with Barton in the team in particular and he won't want to drop him. Regardless, he should be given every supporters support down to a man whilst he tries to do this and his track record with us in both recruitment and results should justify this. 

Stop acting like fucking idiots - look at the situation we find ourselves in objectively and support your team.

I support the team. I just don't support the people in charge of the team.

As for the rest of your shite that I didn't even bother reading. Get fucked ya prick!

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19 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

I support the team. I just don't support the people in charge of the team.

As for the rest of your shite that I didn't even bother reading. Get fucked ya prick!

FFS, we were outplayed today, not enough of our team turned up today. The tactics were non existant. As has been stated earlier, this mob struggled to defeat Red Imps and Hapoel. We knew a defence was an absolute necessity this year, and what have we got? MW needs to have alternative game plans for when his Plan A is not working(like today).

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1 hour ago, gersandy said:

If it was left to McCoist we wouldnt be playing in this league. Warburtons a good manager. He just needs to learn a few things, and a bit of investment.

He had the whole summer to learn that we needed to sort out that defence, after we chucked the Cup final away with 10 minutes to go. The problem is, this guy seems to refuse to learn from his mistakes.

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1 hour ago, gersandy said:

If it was left to McCoist we wouldnt be playing in this league. Warburtons a good manager. He just needs to learn a few things, and a bit of investment.

Well he has managed to gift us with the four worst central defenders in this league by a country mile. Can't change a game. Can't see that the majority of the players do not have the ability or mentality to play his system. Constantly picks his favourites no matter how shite they have been playing and tries to make us believe that King gives him enough candy to challenge the scum.

He obviously doesn't do learning as his MO bears testimony to and the only person he is now fooling is himself.

The clock is now ticking for him and hopefully King.

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28 minutes ago, True Azure said:

FFS, we were outplayed today, not enough of our team turned up today. The tactics were non existant. As has been stated earlier, this mob struggled to defeat Red Imps and Hapoel. We knew a defence was an absolute necessity this year, and what have we got? MW needs to have alternative game plans for when his Plan A is not working(like today).

My thoughts exactly mate. Can't argue with that.

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15 hours ago, gersandy said:

If it was left to McCoist we wouldnt be playing in this league. Warburtons a good manager. He just needs to learn a few things, and a bit of investment.

Warburton was responsible for who was on the pitch yesterday, and the subsequent outcome.

As for investment....please!!!

We are a fucking shambles, from top to bottom.

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