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Just now, Blue Avenger said:

It's a new fucking board we need. A clear out from top to bottom, otherwise we are in the shadow of the east end indefinitely

It's time the board stopped sleep walking over our on field situation and started to run us in a way befitting our clubs stature. Or you are right, it will be indefinitely and all our records will be gone, to them. 

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17 minutes ago, Amato said:

I like MW, he's trying to put in place a structure that will continue for years and should be given time. If we are in same position one year from now I agree, get shot, but think we will come good

I seriously fucking hope not! If his structure is anything like his playing system, we're fucked!

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2 minutes ago, Amato said:

Oh come on, we are pissing a top 3 finish

Yeah because those other teams are taking points off each other but we've dropped the majority of our points to lower half teams. There's no consistency. Sure, we'll get a shot at Europe but my point is we can't realistically be thinking about even beginning to compete in Europe when lower level teams in the League are taking points from us. We should be consistently beating these teams and we aren't. Forget Celtic, we're got a better budget then any of those teams but are under performing against them. We need consistency at that level before we even consider Europe in any sort of serious way. That's all I'm saying.

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4 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

It's a new fucking board we need. A clear out from top to bottom, otherwise we are in the shadow of the east end indefinitely

Where do you see this new board appearing from? There are no sugar daddies waiting in the wings

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Just now, SooperGers said:

Yeah because those other teams are taking points off each other but we've dropped the majority of our points to lower half teams. There's no consistency. Sure, we'll get a shot at Europe but my point is we can't realistically be thinking about even beginning to compete in Europe when lower level teams in the League are taking points from us. We should be consistently beating these teams and we aren't. Forget Celtic, we're got a better budget then any of those teams but are under performing against them. We need consistency at that level before we even consider Europe in any sort of serious way. That's all I'm saying.

Yeah don't get me wrong, we wouldn't be even remotely competitive in Europe at the moment and we need improvement. Doesn't stop me looking forward to seeing us have a go at it, especially in 7 months time when who knows how our squad will look

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36 minutes ago, Amato said:

They've had an unusually good start to the season. The league is shite, they aren't great and to be honest I don't see them keeping all of dembele, Sinclair and Brenda come next year

So they have the finances to buy like for like. We don't. We're pratted. We have a leader who spends OUR money and invests fuck all of his own, not that I believe he has fuck all in any case.

This league IS shite and it's that shite that we are 19 points behind THEM and they are shite and the sheep behind us can actually overtake us and they are shite so how much shite does that make us?! We are also pratted remember! The other shite that are top have pocketed near on £30 mil from the CL and on their way to another £30mil, so it looks like they are expensive shite, whilst we remain cheap shite and competing with all the other cheap shite for second, whilst the expensive shite go on tour in the CL, playing shite but getting paid as top shite, whilst we and the rest get paid as bottom shite.

However, the biggest shite of them all, is the Chairman shite, who through his manager, spends OUR money on shite and has them playing like shite!


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12 minutes ago, Amato said:

Where do you see this new board appearing from? There are no sugar daddies waiting in the wings

If there was a sugar daddy he wouldn't be paying king off to get rich, first and foremost. He would be waiting like a good businessman on the funds running out and then make his move.

It's honest men we need not a lying chancer. He puts in the square root of fuck all and spends OUR money on shite, but just enough shite to get a second, but we will NEVER be first under his tenure, that is well clear!


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