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STRICKEN Rangers star Kevin Thomson may be sidelined for up to three weeks after collapsing during Saturday's pre-season clash with Falkirk.

Thomson suffered a horrific ordeal at Westfield, slumping to the ground and vomiting repeatedly as anxious medics rushed to his aid.

The £2million midfielder was later diagnosed as suffering from an ear infection and has been put on a course of antibiotics.

Thomson spent yesterday convalescing at home. Although he hopes to be given the all-clear to return to face Ajax tomorrow, he has been warned by doctors that he may face an extended spell out.

Thomson will undergo further check-ups today but has been told he might not fully recover until the middle of next month.

That worse-case scenario would see the 22-year-old missing Rangers' opening ties in the Champions League qualifiers and also sitting out the start of the SPL season.

Thomson has been told not to comment on his condition while the medics run their checks but a close friend said last night: "Kevin is feeling a great deal better than he was on Saturday.

"He has been feeling a bit sluggish for a while now and was under the weather when the team arrived at Falkirk. He just assumed it was because of the the long bus journey.

"But when the game started he was totally drained. He tried to keep on going but after 35 minutes there was nothing left in the tank. He collapsed and started throwing up.

"It was terrifying for him because he didn't know what was wrong. It was a frightening ordeal but his mind was put at rest when the doctor told him it was a simple ear infection.

"Now it's just a question of how long he'll be out. The doctor has told him he could be fine in a couple of days but also that it could take three weeks to clear up."

One man who knows what Thommo is going through is former Falkirk boss Alex Totten, who is making his recovery from serious illness.

And if ever Totten needed a tonic following his recent health scare, the sight of Alan Gow running out as a Rangers player would perhaps have been as timely as anything.

Now the Rangers new boy is vowing to help his mentor on the road to recovery by making the sort of impact at Ibrox he'd be proud of.

When Totten lay in hospital fighting for his life after picking up a blood disorder while on holiday in Portugal, Gow felt utterly helpless.

The 24-year-old made the summer switch from Falkirk to Ibrox still in awe of Totten whose testimonial on Saturday was a tribute to all the years he served his beloved Falkirk with such glorious distinction.

Gow, one of a host of summer signings who featured at the weekend, knows competition will be fierce.

And he's declared himself ready for the battle for first-team places in a manner that would have Totten bursting with pride again now that he's back on his feet.

Gow said: "It means a lot to me because I'm good friends with Alex. Now I'm just hoping he recovers.

"Things have been going great for me. Adam Owens, the fitness trainer, has come in and the lads are all looking really fit.

"I've got to make sure I take the opportunity when I get my chance."

Thankfully Totten was well enough to take his seat in the stand to receive a hearty welcome home from the Bairns faithful who will forever be indebted to the man who led Falkirk to the 1997 Scottish Cup Final.

Gers fans caught their first glimpse of five new signings and one of those, Lee McCulloch, got his first goal for the Light Blues on Scottish soil when his first-minute volley fizzed past keeper Robert Olejnik.

As ever, a stream of substitutions followed in the build-up to the real stuff getting under way but there was still a competitive edge to keep the healthy crowd engrossed enough.

Falkirk's equaliser came through Pedro Moutinho, who took advantage of Carlos Cuellar's hesitancy to nip in and lob a shot over Roy Caroll who had replaced Allan McGregor at half-time.

It was, all in all, an ideal work-out for Smith's men ahead of next Tuesday's first leg Euro champions League qualifier with either FK Zeta or Kaunas.

Totten and Gers boss Walter Smith once had a brush with the law which saw the pair end up in court. That was back in the days when Totten was manager of St Johnstone and Smith was in his first spell at Ibrox.

As Smith paid tribute to Totten, he recalled the day the pair clashed. He said: "We ended up in court together after a wee clash. Anyone who knows him knows football is his passion. He's always been enthusiastic.

"The illness he had was a concern to everyone but we're delighted that it looks to have run its course."

Meanwhile, Bairns keeper Olejnik insists he's ready to make the No.1 jersey his own.

Bairns boss John Hughes admits he's in the market to bring in another keeper but Olejnik said: "It's my aim to make the gaffer's mind up as quickly as possible."

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Sounds like he's had a bad time of it. Hope it doesn't take an age to recover but I don't think it's wise to rush him back. Says a lot for him though, playing to the point where he made himself ill. A lot of players would have called of sick well before. It may have been a bit unwise but shows he's willing.

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some thing very similar to my dad recently. He went for a long hike and collapsed in front of the house at the end. Couldn't reach the doorbell and had a few traumatic minutes till someone walking past raised the alarm.

Thankfully after some antibiotics, he is better but his confidence took a hell of a hit - as he said, if it had happened while he was up in the hills, it could have been more serious.

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Ear, nose, throat etc. Any infections in these areas that have an effect on pressure release from the skull should come with a weeks rest.

It's crazy letting a player play (even in a pre season) with any sort of infection, especially upstairs!

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think it can if u exercise alot like playin a football match u can become sick and very exhausted

it also causes people to lose their balance, so you can imagine the combination of top flight football, exhaustion and an ear infection will cause the most severe reaction in people, that being dizziness, nausea and a damn sore head!

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