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Justice no chance.

Lets go 55

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38 minutes ago, Lets go 55 said:

Well Mr  blue me and forever and ever I would suggest you two thick idiots open your eyes and see what is going on right in front of you.

Who needs enemies when their are clowns like you on the go,if you can't see or are to thick to understand what is and has been happening for year's in this country and against the football club you pupport to support is beyond me.Learn about those who tried to kill us off and at the least try and educate yourselves about the enemy before you try and ridicule me for trying to point out the obvious but then again there are none so blind that cannot see.

Get intae them mate, they are the kind of wee fannies who call themselves H uns to their taigy pals imo.

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8 hours ago, Lets go 55 said:

 Prosecution of The effigy hangers f.ucked up by the Crown and their cohorts in the police ,The same rhabid Frankie who praised the groin brigade for the wonderful atmosphere they create,no doubt he and humza useless and the rest of the season ticket holders at the crown office would be joining in with the craicsters medley of hate,betcha when he saw the hanging dolls his first thought was,brilliant lads,second was make sure we f.uck up any prosecution and a wee phone call to the P.F. Office,job done.
You have these charlatans going into overdrive because a song was sung ,a song they no doubt have sang themselves only it's alright for them to do so because it's an Orange bastard on the receiving end.
These poor oppressed Irish Catholic immigrants who would have you believe they are subjected to discrimination and hate on a daily basis haven't half done well in the face of this oppression.
They control the judiciary,they control the biggest council's in the country,they control the narrative set by the media and you have a Government who will pander to their objectives all in the name of Independence based on nothing else other than their hatred of Great Britain and everything it stands for.
Who stands in the way of their aims,the indiginent people of this country and they see Glasgow Rangers and their supporters as the enemy wether you believe in an independent Scotland or not doesn't matter, in their minds we are H** Scum and we should know our place, what is our place ? Could it be cattle trucks to God knows where,wearing a blue star to identify you as an enemy of the state.
Some might find this a bit far fetched but when you let Nationalistic tendencies run free your f.ucked, Hitler and the Balkans are examples of this madness.
Soldier made a scapegoat whilst the scum get letters telling them they will not be prosecuted for their crimes.
It's just like watching Rangers attempt to play football,your f.ucked before a ball is kicked,the opposition know they have the freedom to foul at will and the referee and his assistants will do nothing ,again this has been the result of the Catholic inferiority complex of never defeated always cheated mentality and persistently backed up by the lickspittals in the media.
Kick them Out for their abhorrent crimes against children.

Is that gaelic?

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