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Lawn Bowling


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Last week I posted some Lawn bowling stuff on here and mentioned I had the Chicago Championships to contend in over the weekend

Well, I am now champion of Chicago - had a really good 2nd day of competition - arrived to find that the green had turned rock hard and had burnt so it was running ridiculously fast, conditions I have always enjoyed. Won my forst 2 games so played the last knowing that a tie would be good enough - went 12-0 up and coasted - played they last end 13-4 up and took the trophy

So really chuffed at that - it came rather easily than I expected but still feels good

So basically got the pairs final to play in now and a big touney in Milwaukee in October - The Chilli Bowl - where I will be going up against some of the best bowlers in the States - so if I can win the former and show well or win in the latter, then this season will have been a great success.


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