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Artur Boruc


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He only blessed himself at the Rangers end, he didnt do it at the Celtic end.

Wonder why that was.

Not one to defend the fucker dado but I think he did.

Let's stick to the facts :D

Not that I seen. Not in front of the fans anyway.

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Why are you so quick to call your fellow bears bigots?

Why don't you answer minstral's question?

Didn't get that far down the page so i will answer it now.

What would happen? For a start he would have his flute confiscated because you are not allowed anything of the sort on a football pitch. Then he would probably be sent off for having it on in the first place. The OO is not the Prostestant Religion though and the Flute is not a Protestant symbol. There is no actual hand gesture (like blessing yourself) associated with the Protestant religion but i am sure that if there was then it would be treated the same as the Catholic one as anything less would be bigotted.

How can you not see that victimising someone for showing their religion is bigotted? It is not the way i want the club i love to be portrayed. I don't agree with any religion but am not an aetheist as i have said before, Manticore. I want to see religion banned from all football grounds wether it be the players or the fans. But as there are no laws preventing showing your religion on a football field then i will respect that. There are, however, laws which prohibit victimising someone for their religion and that is why i see this as bigotted.

Sorry if it is not what you expect to hear from a Rangers fan but this is the 21st century, not the 17th so stop living in the past and join the real world. We have moved on from Religious bigotry here.

okay if he is a member of the orange order takes a photo of william of orange on and hold it up then kisses it before each game as that is his god, will he be classed as a bigot as that is his god.

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Guest Manticore
The OO is not the Protestant Religion though and the Flute is not a Protestant symbol.

The OO is a Protestant religious institution and the flute is strongly associated with it, because its religious parades are commonly followed by flute bands.

So to help you unlock your depressingly literal mind set, let's make the flute in question imaginary, try that.

How can you not see that victimising someone for showing their religion is bigotted?

How have I done that? Feel free to quote me, but be alert for irony.

...stop living in the past and join the real world.

Care to justify that comment?

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okay if he is a member of the orange order takes a photo of william of orange on and hold it up then kisses it before each game as that is his god, will he be classed as a bigot as that is his god.

Saying this is just pathetic. There is no way he is going to get a photograph on the park unless it is printed on his vest, underneath his shirt. If that was to happen i would have no grudge against it as that is his belief and there is no law against him showing it. Whether the SFA and Police would agree with meis another matter. They could interprit it as inciting a riot if done infront of the Tic fans but if he did it after every half like Boruc then there is nothing they can do about it. Is that a reasonable answer to you?

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okay if he is a member of the orange order takes a photo of william of orange on and hold it up then kisses it before each game as that is his god, will he be classed as a bigot as that is his god.

Saying this is just pathetic. There is no way he is going to get a photograph on the park unless it is printed on his vest, underneath his shirt. If that was to happen i would have no grudge against it as that is his belief and there is no law against him showing it. Whether the SFA and Police would agree with meis another matter. They could interprit it as inciting a riot if done infront of the Tic fans but if he did it after every half like Boruc then there is nothing they can do about it. Is that a reasonable answer to you?

no we are always being told that there is no place in football for religion so let them cross themselves in the dressing room or in the tunnel ,why wait until thet get on to the pitch.

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The OO is a Protestant religious institution and the flute is strongly associated with it, because its religious parades are commonly followed by flute bands.

So to help you unlock your depressingly literal mind set, let's make the flute in question imaginary, try that.

If the flute is imaginary then fair enough. If that is his way of showing his religion then it should be allowed providing he doesn't just do it infront of Celtic fans.

How have I done that? Feel free to quote me, but be alert for irony.

I was not specifically talking about you but everybody who decided to shout at Boruc for blessing himself. I don't understand why people get so enraged by this. As i said, i find it sad that people do.

Care to justify that comment?

Gladly. If you are still someone who is bothered ny another human being expressing his religion then imo that is living in the past with a primitive mindset.

We are not going to agree on this matter mate, and i have said my piece. So feel free to slate me for it but unfortuantely if i don't get off this bloody website soon i am going to be late for work. It is just addictive.

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no we are always being told that there is no place in football for religion so let them cross themselves in the dressing room or in the tunnel ,why wait until thet get on to the pitch.

Why should it have to be that way though? Why can't people accept one anothers religion? That is all that i am getting at.

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Guest Manticore
If the flute is imaginary then fair enough. If that is his way of showing his religion then it should be allowed providing he doesn't just do it infront of Celtic fans.

So let's get this.

Should a religious Rangers player choose to celebrate his membership of the OO by playing an imaginary flute at every game, do you think that this would be tolerated?

If you really think that I worry for you.

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Cameras caught him crossing himself before the game started there

at the goals.. and the police said no action will be taken.. bloody shockin

btw :angry: hes a bloody w*nk bank! Trying to start trouble and all.. pwick!

x Mrs Burke x

He did it in front of the Copland AGAIN...he is a hand jiver. :angry:

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What I can't understand is why all you deeply religious people (of EITHER persuasion) were watching a football match on the Sabbath. Be warned, your names have ben noted, fire and brimstone and eternal damnation await each and every one of you. You're doomed, doomed I say.

Oh, BTW, well done all you posters, best laugh I've had in ages. :lol:

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I have listened to real radio tonight and read this thread further, all i can say is I am stunned. There are many reasons why;

1 Artur Boruc blesses himself, so what, big Amo did it regularly, so I don't care.

2 Did Boruc do it in a provocative manner? No, not his time

3 Many people are taking offence, feck knows why, most of us don't go to church therefore why be offended.

4 Why are the few papers making a story of this? Well phone calls from Rangers fans feigning disgust. Or just extremely thick "rangers" fans.

Lets get a few things clear, we are now in real danger of people not being allowed to do anything in public without worryign about someone taking offence. There have been many examples recently, celtic fans wanting WATP banned coz they say it is sectarian, now yesterday.

The biggest problem of the lot is this;

When the original offence took place at Ibrox before, all newspapers printed stories of Boruc being cautioned due to the act of blessing himself. This was clearly not the case what did we get around 4 days later, a small, barely news worthy piece on him being charged for provocative gesture, not blessing himself. This was then followed by Jakie McConnell and the rest of the MSP freeloaders trying to win votes by being PC and saying being cautioned for a religious act was out of order - wrong end of the stick as usual. Boruc then has his poor wee me say in the redtops. Then only two weeks ago the MSPs are on about it again, even tho' the police had denied it many many times before. FFS we now have no guidance from the leaders of the country on what is acceptable and what is not so everyone one wants everyone else done it is truly pathetic and childish. Sorry folks but the only people that can sort this out are the politicians. Not you and I the football fans.

Why can we all not just share a few <beeer> <beeer> <beeer> and get on?

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Guest Manticore
This story has apparently made the papers again. I saw a sandwich board from the Daily Mail, I think, suggesting a 'cross row' going on.

A row about cross dressing?

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Guest greengrass

Whether he made gestures or not in Feb remains "unproven" - how come there is no evidence? Can you defend, or explain, the uproar amongst Rangers fans exhibited in the above vid. There is no antagonism whatsoever yet the crowd goes ballistic - Boruc is looking at the ground!!! Why the uproar???

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Whether he made gestures or not in Feb remains "unproven" - how come there is no evidence? Can you defend, or explain, the uproar amongst Rangers fans exhibited in the above vid. There is no antagonism whatsoever yet the crowd goes ballistic - Boruc is looking at the ground!!! Why the uproar???

GG he accepted a caution, he has to for it to be issued there fore the gestures were, by definition, made by Boruc in February.

Please make a real point. Please read all of my post (above) we are in real danger of being scared to say or do anything in Scotland, i for one believe that would make Scotland one very unhappy place.

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Guest Manticore
Whether he made gestures or not in Feb remains "unproven" - how come there is no evidence? Can you defend, or explain, the uproar amongst Rangers fans exhibited in the above vid. There is no antagonism whatsoever yet the crowd goes ballistic - Boruc is looking at the ground!!! Why the uproar???

He accepted the caution.

Therefore he accepted his guilt.

He could have refused it and gone to court.

But no, he decided to be guilty but use the mhedia to claim that he's the vicTIM.

Only a fool would defend him after that.

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i think you will find boruc did look at the fans then crossed himself,then we are told its only his religion .we are always told there is no place for religion in football so people cant have it both ways unless its only the protestant religion thats not allowed.

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Guest greengrass

he will do it next week, and the week after that , and the week after that,..

and the next old firm game... deal with it ..

the guys entitled to prepare whatever way he wants ... as longs as he is not directing to any oppsoing footballfans. in a gesturing manner.. yesterday he did nothing wrong .. yet the hoardes of baying hatred mob was evident again...

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Guest greengrass
i think you will find boruc did look at the fans then crossed himself,then we are told its only his religion .we are always told there is no place for religion in football so people cant have it both ways unless its only the protestant religion thats not allowed.

u talk shit mate watch the video again .. he does the exact same ritual every week i see him clearly easily offended..

hes looking at the ground .. did nothing wrong.. same as always.


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he will do it next week, and the week after that , and the week after that,..

and the next old firm game... deal with it ..

the guys entitled to prepare whatever way he wants ... as longs as he is not directing to any oppsoing footballfans. in a gesturing manner.. yesterday he did nothing wrong .. yet the hoardes of baying hatred mob was evident again...

it should all be done in the tunnel , and as i have said before every game should end a draw if there is a god.

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if hes allowed religious acts

how come we cant sing religious based songs

Oh dear, if you can't see the difference between someone crossing themselves and someone singing "up to our knees in fenian blood" (i.e. glorifying acts of ethnic cleansing) then you need to either

A) get yourself a better education


B) Kill yourself before you procreate..

Sorry, I'm a Rangers fan of the strongest oprder, but there's no need on our side for ignorance - leave that up to them.

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i think you will find boruc did look at the fans then crossed himself,then we are told its only his religion .we are always told there is no place for religion in football so people cant have it both ways unless its only the protestant religion thats not allowed.

u talk shit mate watch the video again .. he does the exact same ritual every week i see him clearly easily offended..

hes looking at the ground .. did nothing wrong.. same as always.


brilliant - i love the picture at the bottom of your posts!

What a classic sad paranoid f**k!

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