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Have you ever asked a MOPE if they love Ireland so much why don't they go home?


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I know one or two, ok its outside Glasgow, but none take it as offensive at all. I've yet to meet one that wants it banned and thinks its racist in any shape or form.

The mhedia start there wee stories and let the chaos commence.

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Ive asked plenty of them. The one thing they all agree on is they are all a bunch of hypocritical liars. They love the attention they are getting in Scotland because any attention is better than none at all. Once they go back 'home' who the fuck have they got to complain to ??

Every single mope Ive asked has said they dont want to go back to the homeland. FFS. Howmany times, they flatly lie to your face and then behind your back ?

I honestly wish every single one of them would GTF out of Scotland.

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Spoke with a few - and some I dont know very well at all.

NOT ONE of them even cares about the song or any of the uther crap doing the round. They do think its hysterical Hullo Hullo got binned and that others will inevitably follow.

Almost all of them even said - if they told us not to sing a song - we would carry on regardless.... to quote one "fuck the bigwigs and spineless c**ts - fuck em all"...

And people in here want to play "nice" & "fair". And these songs are "RACIST" - but - the strange thing is - those who it is suppoosedly offending - couldnt care less - but there are so called "bears" on this very forum protecting those who are not the slightest offended... and causing noise where none is due, and then try to convince us we are bad people.... From my point of view "fuck em, fuck em all"... (cant believe I agree with thims now...)

FFS !!! <cr>

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Had an argument with a friend of mine who supports Celtic about it, tried to point out how blown out of proportion it all became and the fact that people who support Rangers, and those that live in Northern Ireland also have ancestors that were affected by the famine so they should stop taking it so seriously, the song might be distasteful and probably no point in it, but it was only banter, nothing malicious or rascist about it. She went on to speak about the Lennon incident and it amazed me how blown out of proportion that became as there never was any evidence of the perpetrators of the attack, and I pointed out the news coverage of that incident compared to the story about the youngster who was chased by four individuals wearing Celtic tops and subsequently severely beaten. Strangely enough she didn't have an answer to that and changed the subject.

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