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  1. And the pension fund has a £100m surplus.
  2. If you are boycotting Ashley, then you should have been boycotting Debenhams before now, but maybe you weren't aware He bought 4.6% in January 2014, increased that to 6.6% in April 2014 - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/10768782/Debenhams-boss-I-dont-know-why-Mike-Ashley-bought-stake.html then up to 16.09% in March 2017 - https://www.investegate.co.uk/debenhams-plc--deb-/rns/holding-s--in-company/201703311232391950B/ then 21.2% in October 2017 - http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/AN_1509374444281274300/update-sports-direct-exercises-further-debenhams-put-option-(alliss).aspx and in March 2018, it went to 29.7% http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5456087/Mike-Ashley-swoops-struggling-Debenhams.html There was another jump to 23% before that, but I can't find it right now. His usual method is to take bets that the share price will fall. If the person placing the bet loses, they lose their stake; if they win, they get to sell him Debenhams shares at a price a bit higher than the market value.
  3. Debenhams is about 29.7% owned by Ashley, basically just below the level where he has to make a takeover bid. Therefore if you have to boycot Frasers, it follows you also have to boycot Debenhams. The female logic seems sound to me.
  4. What Frasers looks like now https://www.houseoffraser.co.uk/men/trousers/ What a department store owned by Ashley looks like https://www.heatonsstores.com/mens/mens-fashion/trousers-and-denims
  5. You can get Clinique in big branches of Boots. Same price and you get Advantage Card points.
  6. He owns a chain of department stores in Ireland (+ 1 in Northern Ireland) called Heatons. Does anyone know what they are like, as I guess Frasers will end up looking the same.
  7. A medically induced coma is a normal part of the treatment for brain haemorrhage.
  8. This station https://www.getreading.co.uk/news/reading-berkshire-news/green-park-station-plans-given-13398939 which is going to be built in the middle of a field, will cost £16.5m, and take 15 months to build. The stuff you see round about in the pictures is a new housing estate that's going to be built round it. For Ibrox, I think at least £20m, probably more.
  9. Is there space to put a platform there now? The line looks too close to the M8 to get a platform on that side. You could move the line a bit away from the M8, but then it starts to get very expensive. Then can you get a big enough entrance to handle all the people going to Ibrox?
  10. And behind on goal difference. We are currently on +4, they are on +2. 2 wins would put them on +4 or higher, 1 loss would put us on +3 or lower.
  11. 114 years. They have lost more cup finals than any other team in the world.
  12. The thing is, Celtic aren't actually that strong a team. Look at their performance in Europe where they got completely humped in pretty much every game they played, whereas about 10 years ago, they could expect to give them a good game and perhaps win some of the time.
  13. They have about 10,000 more seats than us. That's what drives the earning capacity, and therefore the value of the stadium.
  14. I though it was something like 50% of TV money to the team that finishes 1st, 45% to the team that finishes 2nd, and 5% split between all the other teams.
  15. Is it still the case that there is a massive difference in prize money between 2nd and 3rd place? If so, I think that is more important in terms of having funds to buy players for next season.
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