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Everything posted by Unionblue

  1. Can't stand Braehead, its like shopping in a greenhoose
  2. Been there when it held over 100k and the atmosphere was far better when you could get pished oot yer skull, strangely ! edit, not for internationals, fuck that pish
  3. He really is a strange individual who knows next to nothing about the game of football and has made a living writing about anything other than what happens on the park, a failure of a journalist.
  4. Walter is a legend, never forgot his roots in Carmyle either, a top bloke and a true blue.
  5. Scotland flag to be replaced cos it's too blue watch this space
  6. You have to laugh at sad people who are important on no other platform in life other than their social media shite, to their pre-approved friends
  7. May have been an unintentional pun but very ironically astute , what a fuck up the SNP have made of the Islanders lives, any who voted for them must feel pretty fucking stupid.
  8. It was pretty clear when we done them on the park they would go into a full on frenzied attack through their usual media and political channels, the OP is right, they are fucking raging
  9. Is the OP suggesting that any "political" beliefs should be welcome amongst the fan base? the implications of that are mind numbingly toe curling.
  10. snp wasn't so long ago they were regarded as a joke outfit, and they generally still are by anyone with at least the ability of critical thought.
  11. Is the Daily Rhebel still going? can't think of the last time i seen anyone with a copy
  12. Imagine being a Sellik fan ffs, what a horrible fate
  13. let's not forget the immortal words of the odious creep Spiers "Sellik were the moral victors"
  14. I'm sure this was predicted on here a while back, wasn't hard to see it coming.
  15. the p.r . campaign to big them up and stop the car park protests begins, they're fucking rotten and Hart is done
  16. It's a fantastic time to be a bear. Always is, mind you
  17. Good luck in your new place in Loyalist Ayrshire pal
  18. More Car Park riots, the meltdown is never ending
  19. Sellik have found their rightful place, nowhere
  20. The Evening tims or Glasgow Tims which is normally Sellik daft have very little mention of them on their website tonight how odd
  21. Is there anything better than seeing those cunts shut the fuck up and vanish for a Summer? I think not.
  22. Badly needed money right down the shitter for Sellik
  23. his latest article was a riot, absolutely fuming
  24. If you know your history what a shower of shite
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