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Everything posted by onlythestrongsurvive

  1. ye I get that, as much as pressure is part of the job, you don't want to see folk losing it.
  2. That's what I thought as well - strange comment to make
  3. Not working - need to change things if Beale is staying Personally I'd go for something like a 3-4-1-2 Butland Balogan Goldson Davies Tav Cifu Dowell Matondo Cantwell Danilo Roofe
  4. Him and Lammers are shit.. Still have hope for Danilo - would like Danilo and Roofe as a pair up top (3-4-1-2)
  5. His team - he lives and dies by it no. No excuses. Lost to a shit Killie team, lost to a shit celtic team and hammered in CL qualifying. Needs to go
  6. 5 behind - need to get shot quickly as if goes to 9 the league is gone.
  7. Ryder Cup picks tomorrow - got a feeling Donald will pick Padraig Harrington as one of his six wild cards. Been playing consistently and has that experience missing with the absence of Garcia, Poulter, Westwood etc.
  8. just pointing out it was additional money we didnt account or budget for (season ticket money is known before hand) - but then you already know that and just been sarcastic as usual eh
  9. ye get that, was just showing if anything we've actually taking in more in transfers than spent but could see someone pointing that out as an extra expenditure (same as agents fees)
  10. yep, which makes it even more galling we never brought in a starting LCB
  11. Don't think it is mate - Beale said figures quoted for Danilo, Lammers and Dessers were way over exagerated, so prob £9m or £10m for the three of them and £1m for Cifu.... Sakala, Colak, Kamara and the Tilman money is more than that. Add in signing on fees etc for Butland etc., and it probaby breaks even or there abouts. Don't forget the additional £5m for beating Servette, which would not be accounted for.
  12. Thing is we've basically got a net spend of fck all - think the board will wait now to see how we do up to January and either back him or sack him.
  13. Was going to be pretty tough no matter who we got - pretty happy as confident of three home wins. Limassol will be the wipping boys.
  14. As we are breaking even in the transfer market, and promised biggest budget in years, no reason not to give a new man a few million tomorrow to bring in a couple of new players
  15. ye he was a twat but he beat some good boxers (Kevin Kelly etc.) - He came up against Barerra who was a fantastic boxer, no shame in getting beat by him
  16. Think Dubois will get his ears boxed off and can see it being stopped in the 8th
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