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Everything posted by DinViesel

  1. DinViesel


    Is anyone allowed to do Signature requests or only those in the RM Design team Group?
  2. should get rid off the following come end of season- weir, dally, gow, miller, mcculloch, adam, burke, darche, s smith, hemdani Wise business decision.
  3. These bastards are the scum of the universe. Talk of "Scotland's shame." Thank god these fuckers class themselves as Irish, I for one would never want to be tarred with the same brush.
  4. clause in the contract killed that plus euro v pound situation at the time That actually helped us. If the sale was done 6-8 months before we would have been looking at around £6.5million.
  5. Aye! Try that one Declan! The cunts just don't want to have to look at Boruc's fat arse.
  6. You know any other midfielder to lock their chairmen in the bogs? Seems pretty unique to me.
  7. I was garry.mcnally@netscapeonline.co.uk and my dial up bills ran into the hundreds because of "efeds"
  8. But Dunne is their captain........... Future captain. Far as I see it, Micah IS City. Until he is replaced with Ferdinand in January
  9. Imagine the headlines when they all go bust and have to sell up. Berbatovs a bear! Ronaldo the Ranger! Drogba at Murray Park! Robinho signs 4 Year deal with Rangers! Celtic closing in on new bhoy Faye! I cant wait
  10. Some people just love to have an advantage.
  11. The shit will hit the fan sooner or later but until then they are going to keep getting bigger and bigger whilst making us and other teams outside the EPL look smaller and smaller as we stuggle to complete. I for one will be happy when one of the "big clubs" fall to wreck and ruin when one of the sugar daddy's walk away and these clubs have to live in the real world. It is unbelievable that teams in the EPL value single players at more than our whole clubs worth.
  12. Would love the money, not so sure about the Middle Eastern owners who don't know much about our history or traditions. Maybe a happy medium? Abu Weegie?
  13. I'm over the moon that Septic didn't sign anyone, they will have to put up with that shower of shite till at least January
  14. your spelling is shocking m8 Your "text speak" is not much better mate.
  15. http://uk.gear.ign.com/articles/799/799262p1.html The only way to do it without using homebrew mate. Still considered "cheating" though.
  16. Bad day when players see Hull as a step up from us. Fuck him. Enjoy your relegation battle big man.
  17. fuck it go for both of them how can a make a avatar out of that goal Small as I could get it without making it look like a bunch of blue and scum dots.
  18. Good move obviously. Plus he will be as fit as a fiddle banned from every pub and club in Edinburgh.
  19. How many of the 1500 were in their end though?
  20. Which sig should I use? Current or this one, I know the text on this one is a little off but I fecked it and had to resize a bit.
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