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Everything posted by Ace

  1. See what happens when they lose Foster .. key defender
  2. Well, i have started playing again for the first time in about 5 yrs. Was never any good but can at least connect with the ball. I am playing Loch Lomond this Friday on a works do. At the moment i have been using Playgolf driving range, just getting used to hitting the ball but i haven't been near a course in a year (last years works do @ Deer Park ... lol) I am not a member of any club but the thing that will make me play again is my son, he is 14 and i have been taking him with me to the range and he seems to enjoy it too, if he continues to like it i can see us both playing regularly. If i keep this up i will get some lessons, try to get rid of a horrendous slice i have when driving, i can hit my iron's straight, evne my 3 wood .. but my driver **woooooosh** and it's of the the right.
  3. Everton were in full flow counter attack, it was 4 on 2 then Everton were put in the clear but the ref blew for full time during the attack. Moyes was on the pitch screaming at the ref too, wonder what would have happened if Everton had actually scored from the attack.
  4. Love the sig & the cut is a great image.
  5. Boughie looks like a mong in that pic
  6. I am completely swithering about this, the more i see the video's i keep thinking yeah, also thinking that if everyone else jumps from MW2 to this then online will be no more fun. However i am wondering about MoH too, it's a franchise i always loved but haven't seen enough of the online play to know whether it will be worth it.
  7. I'm a big fan of Scotland but this doesn't belong in the Bears Den !!
  8. Ace

    Connection Problem

    Change the password, most people forget to change it from the "out-the-box" password. Also, make sure you actually GIVE it a password, your wireless should always be password encrypted. Lastly, you could switch off the SSID, meaning even if someone does scan for your wireless signal, they won't find it.
  9. Ace

    Connection Problem

    Silly question, i am sure i had a similar problem and someone from here gave me the advice of reseting my IE, i just can't remember how to do it. That solved it straight away.
  10. We know what your entry for SOTW will be then
  11. Nod32 but only if you know what you are doing .. i don't, thats why i went with Norton 360.
  12. I thought it was a grand ... but i never check my sources. Am i good enough to become a Journo
  13. Most people use Adobe Photoshop. To buy it retail costs around £1,000 but i am sure there are other ways to .. err, procure the software. After that, if you go onto Youtube, you can search for tutorials there and that will get you started until you learn to add you own touches.
  14. Well said, my first sig was kept on my profile for over a year and i now have my second one. Only 2 sigs over my life on the board. Totally different if you make them yourself of course.
  15. Ace


    John Lewis FTW !!! I bought my Sony Bravia from them with free 5yr warranty. I found the fucker cheaper somewhere else (luckily a store not t'interweb) and they did refund me the difference. All John Lewis employees are shareholders (basically owners) so they actually care about the store & it's reputation.
  16. I fried my laptop when i spilled Irn Bru over it, claimed on the house insurance and as they could not repair it, i got a new machine. Just watch your excess.
  17. Is Black Ops set in Vietnam or not, becasue that looks like fairly modern gameplay.
  18. Ace


    Superb as ever Lorney
  19. Ace

    Steam ?

    Doesn't that kill your bandwidth ?
  20. Ace

    Steam ?

    I have a free code to download and play Championship Manager 201 free. I believe that i actually play the game via their servers but i'm not sure at all and it doesn't really tell you on their website.
  21. Why is this in the Bears Den, it about an English team full of Middleborough players. not a single Rangers player in amongst them or currently connected to the club.
  22. Ace


    I love the rockets but you can't beat a good Cathrine Wheel
  23. You can always clicl in the little "chainlink" icon above the dialogue box you use when typing your post. You copy the link into that then rename it a something understandable such as "My Porn" or whatever you are into
  24. Ace


    You need to upload your picture to an online image hosting site .. something like Photobucket (or similar) Photobucket ** When you upload your picture to Photobucket, it will give you a URL "web address" for your picture .. it will look something like http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Acemcl/acesig2.png (it's labelled as Direct Link) ** Highlight & Copy that link for later. ** Go back to RM ** You then need to click on on your username in the top right hand side of the screen ** There you will get a drop down menu .. select "My Settings" ** Underneath the heading "Your Options" you will see 4 tabs ... Gallery, Settings, Forums & Profile" ... click on Profile ** On the right hand of the page that opens you will see a list of Change Options ... select "Change Signature" ** In the window that opens scroll down and you will see a box for "Edit Signature". Just above the window there are icons, one looks like a small picture ... click that & paste the Photobucket Direct Link into the space that says "Image URL". ** Hopefully, the image should appear, if it has .. it's worked, if not .. it's probably my poor explanation. ** If it worked and you can see your signature, scroll down & hit "Save Changes". ** The next time you post your sig should appear below you post. Hope this is clear to you, if not ... sorry. You could always look at this thread ... RM Guide to Adding a Sig.
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