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Everything posted by Dado'sMulls

  1. My first thought upon waking this morning was "aww ffs we're playing tonight"
  2. I could have been playing Starfield but here I am, a Rangers supporting mug Torturous viewing
  3. Danilo needs to show us what he's about today, that shirt is his if he wants it cos Dessers is fucking toilet but he needs to start banging them in for the money we've spent on him.
  4. It's almost as if taking a photo of the song that's playing in his car has absolutely fuck all to do with anything and every cunt is reading into signs that aren't there, shocking I know
  5. He'd back away from the door until it was past him
  6. Reckon Peter Bosz might take pity on us after clattering us 3 times? Beats us once more he gets to keep us ffs. Love a manager like him to come in.
  7. Sort of striker Martindale gets a tune out of, a big haddy not wanted elsewhere so might as well play to the few strengths he actually has. With Dessers I'm not sure what those strengths actually are, right enough. (And no, this is not a suggestion for our next manager unless....)
  8. We need a McLeish type, someone who's had a bit of success in Scotland, knows the league like the back of his hand and understands what it means. Sadly your only option on that front is Callum fucking Davidson
  9. Can fuck off anytime along with the other members of our "strike force", the 3 of them are fucking shite.
  10. We entrusted our biggest rebuild in years to a rookie manager with zero oversight, you reap what you sow unfortunately. Dessers, Lammers, Danilo all shocking value for money. No style, no tactical improvement from Gio, team looks clueless on the pitch and the manager just as clueless off it. Pumped from the worst mhank team in years, with no fans behind them, at Ibrox. Seen enough now, time to actually make a serious appointment and end this clown show.
  11. I'm scunnered with this season already, first week of September ffs
  12. Wrong setup yet again from Beale, the guy doesn't have a clue. Midfield lost, pressing totally disjointed allowing McGregor to dictate the game, amateur level goal conceded by our defence for the umpteenth time. This usually ends one way.
  13. I'm never convinced he picks the right team and system from the start, very rarely are we the better team in the first half of a game.
  14. We'll get a chance, this mob are decent but they're not invincible. Have to score next though, if we don't we're doomed. Fucking come on the teddy bears
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