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Everything posted by excoriate

  1. Derek (Johnstone) also told another funny story featuring a combination of referee, Brian McGinlay, and the legendary Hamilton Accies supporter known to his intimates by the single nomme de guerre of ‘Fergie’. McGinlay had refereed a local derby between Hamilton and Motherwell on the Saturday afternoon. Motherwell had won thanks to a couple of questionable decisions by McGinlay. In the evening, McGinlay and his wife were out for a meal in Glasgow. As they strolled along Sauchiehall Street, Brian saw Fergie standing on the street corner pursuing his alternative vocation as an ‘Evening Times’ seller. In order to avoid the inevitable confrontation he and his wife jouked into a nearby up-market wine-bar. As they sat sipping their Pimms in the genteel, oak-panelled lounge, the door was kicked open and Fergie breenged in roaring, “Errsyerfinal Times. Read all about it. Referee makes a complete cunt of it ——- again !!! ”. http://almax.wordpress.com/category/nutters/ (in part 2)
  2. I'm off tonight, to watch the real hoops. Accies Accies Boing Boing!
  3. Chester's been there sunning himself.
  4. Different case there. Billy Reid contacted the SFA on several occasions to get them to look at James, they didn't bother. So its not just a case of overlooking.
  5. No, I've seen him playing since he was a youth. Clearly streets ahead of anyone in his age group. It was missed because the Scotland scouts were too damn incompetent to even come and watch him.
  6. Was ignored by Scotland despite his obvious talents. Ireland scouted him, played him from a young age. His grandfather was Irish, said he would love to see him play for Ireland. Whats the problem? He was a 16-year-old kid playing in a lower division. You should give the land of your (and your parents') birth a bit more of a chance before you turn to the Republic of Ireland. I have no problem with Coyle or Coyne who waited a lot longer and really weren't wanted by Scotland. Kevin MacDonald and Jamie Adams were getting regular action for the under 19's and under 21's, despite Jamie Adams being clearly gash. A few lads from Berwick and Ross County were getting call ups for the under 16's, 18's and 21's. McCarthy is a million times better than them all. He was ignored full stop, for all age groups. So he threw his toys out the pram? I stand by what I said above. Playing international football is hardly throwing your toys out the pram! The boy loves football, he wants to play for people that want him. As I implied above, I doubt if his native land (and that of his parents) said they were never, ever going to pick him. So if you were one of the best young players in Scotland, and you saw diddies getting picked ahead of you who were playing lower league football for lesser teams, you'd know that you were a shoe in to play for the country at a later date when arguably, you're facing higher competition? I'd wait and see. Also, if I was confident enough in my own ability I'd believe I'd have a good chance of being picked later on, when I was at a bigger club or in a bigger league. I wouldn't go stomping off to another country aged 16 (or was it 15?). Nonsense. Why do you get the feeling he stomped off? You don't even know his name ffs but you've come to the conclusion that he took the huff! He wanted to do his granda proud and had no faith in the Scottish set up. Case closed! Be pissed off at Scotland for their oversight, not at a boy who just wanted to play football.
  7. I reckon when Serbia finally get admitted to the EU, we should have a dossier ready on ALL the best young players in the league.
  8. Was ignored by Scotland despite his obvious talents. Ireland scouted him, played him from a young age. His grandfather was Irish, said he would love to see him play for Ireland. Whats the problem? He was a 16-year-old kid playing in a lower division. You should give the land of your (and your parents') birth a bit more of a chance before you turn to the Republic of Ireland. I have no problem with Coyle or Coyne who waited a lot longer and really weren't wanted by Scotland. Kevin MacDonald and Jamie Adams were getting regular action for the under 19's and under 21's, despite Jamie Adams being clearly gash. A few lads from Berwick and Ross County were getting call ups for the under 16's, 18's and 21's. McCarthy is a million times better than them all. He was ignored full stop, for all age groups. So he threw his toys out the pram? I stand by what I said above. Playing international football is hardly throwing your toys out the pram! The boy loves football, he wants to play for people that want him. As I implied above, I doubt if his native land (and that of his parents) said they were never, ever going to pick him. So if you were one of the best young players in Scotland, and you saw diddies getting picked ahead of you who were playing lower league football for lesser teams, you'd know that you were a shoe in to play for the country at a later date when arguably, you're facing higher competition?
  9. Was ignored by Scotland despite his obvious talents. Ireland scouted him, played him from a young age. His grandfather was Irish, said he would love to see him play for Ireland. Whats the problem? He was a 16-year-old kid playing in a lower division. You should give the land of your (and your parents') birth a bit more of a chance before you turn to the Republic of Ireland. I have no problem with Coyle or Coyne who waited a lot longer and really weren't wanted by Scotland. Kevin MacDonald and Jamie Adams were getting regular action for the under 19's and under 21's, despite Jamie Adams being clearly gash. A few lads from Berwick and Ross County were getting call ups for the under 16's, 18's and 21's. McCarthy is a million times better than them all. He was ignored full stop, for all age groups. So he threw his toys out the pram? I stand by what I said above. Playing international football is hardly throwing your toys out the pram! The boy loves football, he wants to play for people that want him.
  10. Was ignored by Scotland despite his obvious talents. Ireland scouted him, played him from a young age. His grandfather was Irish, said he would love to see him play for Ireland. Whats the problem? He was a 16-year-old kid playing in a lower division. You should give the land of your (and your parents') birth a bit more of a chance before you turn to the Republic of Ireland. I have no problem with Coyle or Coyne who waited a lot longer and really weren't wanted by Scotland. Kevin MacDonald and Jamie Adams were getting regular action for the under 19's and under 21's, despite Jamie Adams being clearly gash. A few lads from Berwick and Ross County were getting call ups for the under 16's, 18's and 21's. McCarthy is a million times better than them all. He was ignored full stop, for all age groups.
  11. Can you imagine the negative press Rangers would get? Test all players and put it across as showing the kids, that their role models don't take drugs. the players do get tested every week blood tests are done on a regular basis So why do these rumours persist? Everyone, including Rangers fans, happy to repeat them and stick their boot into a players reputation?
  12. You say that as a joke, but... In Championship Manager 97/98 there was an outstanding Ivorian striker called Ibrahima Bakayoko. He played in France and you could buy him for around £8 million. Walter Smith signed him for Everton. In the same game there was another player called Nicholas Alexandersson (the spelling may be a bit off) who was quite good and could play defence, midfield and upfront across the left, right or through the middle (i.e. any position outfield). We all know Walter loves versatile players and he signed Alexandersson for Everton. Coincidence? I feckin hope so but I think Walter may have been playing Champ Manager back in the late 90s. haha, I remember that!
  13. Can you imagine the negative press Rangers would get? Test all players and put it across as showing the kids, that their role models don't take drugs.
  14. Was ignored by Scotland despite his obvious talents. Ireland scouted him, played him from a young age. His grandfather was Irish, said he would love to see him play for Ireland. Whats the problem?
  15. The drug rumours have been doing the rounds for ages. Why not test him without warning on a Sunday morning?
  16. So no one is interested in him then?
  17. The only player with enough skill and intelligence to run into the corner flag at the 88th minute and keep the ball to hold onto a win.
  18. So what they are saying is, Celtic are a Barca feeder club?
  19. Very true. Ajax have a conveyor belt of players who get sub appearances here and there, so when the youths are brought into a side they have a rough idea of whether they will succeed. Rangers didn't have a conveyor belt and had to make do with signing a cheaper player with less talent to fill the position. It could be argued, that the very same thing in the mid to late 90's broke Ajax, as they sought to sign experienced players to fill gaps left by selling so many of their bright young stars.
  20. No one runs into Charlie Adam and walks away unhurt!
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