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Everything posted by excoriate

  1. Cannot wait to get that book you mentioned earlier . Thanks!

  2. http://www.thefa.com/Womens/EnglandSenior/...ostings/2004/10
  3. http://www.thefa.com/NR/rdonlyres/557A348D...n2_1024x768.jpg
  4. Eniola Aluko up front on her own, was pish today, and was pish in the FA Cup Final for Charlton too. Scoring rate of 4 goals in 24 matches for England? Has scored once in her last 11 matches? HA, Germany next!
  5. I'm getting really bored with 2007 now. I always start with the intention of being a journeyman boss, but I can never cope with the thought of leaving the team I've made so successful. Oh well.
  6. Are all Lithuanians para? I thought it was just Romanov...
  7. Its a different game to the mens game but its one I quite like if the teams are up to it. Argentina weren't fit, and Germany are the best team in the world so it was always going to end up like that. I'm away to watch!
  8. The one with the hair hee hee

  9. 2 minutes. Although I'll bet he's said it well before kick off.
  10. Jourdren, a French goalie who I think plays for Montpellier at the start of the game. the two players I've posted earlier, Grendel and Dalla Valle, are immense.
  11. Thats shocking. Clubs don't need the average fan down south when they have TV money. When that TV money dries up, they'll be screwed.
  12. Rodagella has always been immense for me too.
  13. How is u? thats some pic you have hahahahaha

  14. Their tops looked worse than usual last night too....
  15. These are actually great tips! Thats why I always go the wee teams, I'm a Scot at heart and I like to be cheap
  16. I've got Nicolas Millan for my Stafford side! :-D Easily the best player in my side but he doesn't seem to perform as well as he should. Maybe its because he's surrounded by 10 shite players and playing in the Championship... How do you use him? How do you get Nicolas Millan?(failed work permit) Is it something to do with the type of contract or something cause he is only 14/15 at the beginning or do I need to wait a couple of years for him? Im playing rangers. I got him when I was just starting my 4th season, he had about 33 under 21 caps but no first team caps....
  17. Dirty tricks I pull against the CPU: Hard tackling and always closing down against players with low bravery, natural fitness or high aggression to scare them out of 50/50's, injure them or provoke them. In the Italian league, sell 50% of a player when you're with a wee team in Serie B to a big team, but retain the rights so he stays with you. Don't play him for a bit and his value drops. Buy the 50% you sold to the big team for a low LOW price. Might even be able to sell him on again if he's young enough (and repeat!). When you've sold a player with a next transfer fee percentage clause, put him on your shortlist to see when another club is bidding to buy him. Stick a bid in thats higher than what they offered, and wait for them to re-bid. A good way of inflating the price! Any others? Or am I just a really sneaky bastard?
  18. Dalle Valle, Finish player, he's 14 or 15 I think. Eric Grendel MRL, should be on a free.
  19. I've got Nicolas Millan for my Stafford side! :-D Easily the best player in my side but he doesn't seem to perform as well as he should. Maybe its because he's surrounded by 10 shite players and playing in the Championship... How do you use him?
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