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Everything posted by maverick1200

  1. Raskin said it was an in the presser conference.
  2. Good in one sense but not in another. At least now with one game a week the team can actually train together, with 2 games a week training sessions would be kept to a minimum. It should improve the cohesion and understanding.
  3. We all loved Walter, mainly because he won but my god the performances were horrific to watch at times. Winning is what Beale will be judged on and at the moment that's all he is doing.
  4. It would have been unbelievable if Tillman would have managed to score after that amazing run. It would have been a great fuck you!
  5. From Beale's comments, he said we have first refusal, there is a fee agreed but it's up to Bayern if he leaves.
  6. Beale will never play that team. Especially with McCrorie being injured. I doubt King won't be playing either. I think with Lundstram out I think Jack will play.
  7. Very true, they are a bit more controlled though. It ain't happening though.
  8. Hope so, it'll destabilise them. Leeds would have to be mad to employ a manager that plays expansive football during a relegation fight.
  9. If this happened in the transfer window, all hell would have broken out.
  10. Interesting, I hope he is prepared for everyone in Scotland to mispronounce his name then.
  11. Technically he wasn't dropped. Sakala was given time off due to the birth of his child. Although I agree with your point. Beale even said he'll use Sakala in the games where he can use his attributes, when teams attack and leave space in behind. I think fans just see players being dropped and don't think of the bigger picture. Beale will rotate the squad to get the best of the players attributes depending on the team we face. Cantwell will play against the teams who will defend for their lives because we'll be able to unlock defences. I think the only constant will be the the centre backs.
  12. I don't see it as dropping them but rotating the squad depending on the opposition. I see Cantwell starting at home as there will be less space for Sakala. Could also see Jack starting to rest Lundstram as he had a knock for some time.
  13. how am I ever going to sleep tonight.
  14. poor you, you thought I took your comment seriously and not tongue and cheek like it was meant. Next time I'll draw pictures.
  15. All he has done is taken Beale's comments from the press conference and ran with it so he can get a couple of likes on twitter, its fucking pathetic how insecure people are. Depends on the buy back fee from Bayern.
  16. I think he will play again. Someone will take a chance on him. Especially abroad.
  17. I'll never forgive him but I have a feeling the apprentice will be better than SG.
  18. Yeah absolutely mental. Gutted his cash cow was gone.
  19. Football/sports are the same as Hollywood. Full of hypocrites, closing ranks to protect itself and will do anything to keep getting paid.
  20. Beale just confirmed this morning. He will rotate the squad. I get the feeling, he prefers Sakala for away games where he gets more space so think we will see Cantwell start. Raskin work permit isn't through so I doubt we will see him. I think there will be a couple of changes. Hagi will be back in the squad after having a couple of days off.
  21. They compliment each other really well. Goldson attacks the ball and Davies sweeps.
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