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Everything posted by Bluebell11

  1. 1. yes 2. How long you been a rangers for for? last time i checked he was a defender I've been a Rangers fan for over 20 years mate, I bloody know he's a defender, but he can provide a better cover in defence hence cover for the midfield. Also I do beleive we have no one that runs up the wings just now and Hutton can do that! What midfield? adam, mcculoch and whittaker and you have a bombscare waiting to happen Yeah that's great but none of these guys are play makers. Don't get me wrong I'm not a huge fan of any of them.
  2. 1. yes 2. How long you been a rangers for for? last time i checked he was a defender I've been a Rangers fan for over 20 years mate, I bloody know he's a defender, but he can provide a better cover in defence hence cover for the midfield. Also I do beleive we have no one that runs up the wings just now and Hutton can do that! What midfield? Come on mate! There is a midfield, they are missing Barry as they're playmaker!!!!
  3. 1. yes 2. How long you been a rangers for for? last time i checked he was a defender I've been a Rangers fan for over 20 years mate, I bloody know he's a defender, but he can provide a better cover in defence hence cover for the midfield. Also I do beleive we have no one that runs up the wings just now and Hutton can do that! Exactly mags. Well said Thanks Coop!
  4. Why do you think we could'nt afford him?
  5. I'm not saying that it's true, just thought it would be good to see if the fans would welcome him back?
  6. 1. yes 2. How long you been a rangers for for? last time i checked he was a defender I've been a Rangers fan for over 20 years mate, I bloody know he's a defender, but he can provide a better cover in defence hence cover for the midfield. Also I do beleive we have no one that runs up the wings just now and Hutton can do that!
  7. I've read that Allan Hutton wants to come back to Rangers. In light of that big black cloud over Ibrox for the last week, questions need to be asked. 1) Would the fans welcome him back? 2) Don't you think he's ideal, what with Barry being out for so long? :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
  8. Hi I would be a very very happy lady if I had a sig with Davie Cooper, Brian Laudrup and Jorge Albertz! Hope this is possible! REQUEST COMPLETE
  9. Happy with that, I'm putting my money on Cousin and JCD being sold by the end of the month!
  10. Emotional, proud, happy I've not cried at football since we lost the league to the smeltic for a chance of ten in a row. Although dissappointed at our lack of cups you can't help but be proud to support a team that made the Uefa cup final and held the smeltic to the end for the league.
  11. I personally wish him every success in his career, and hope he achieves all his dreams. Can't stop thinking if we'd stayed in Europe he would have stayed.
  12. Fantastic thread, I think that would be sooo f@*king funny if that happened next week.
  13. who would you guess, cheryl & mr clifford is my guess. At a guess I would say Cheryl, want to right something else but it's not nice. All I'll say is would you trust a woman that sells your life to the press?
  14. Why oh why. do the other teams in the SPL not lodge a complaint about the refs?
  15. I've just read the article and think that it's really bad it's in the papers again. The man is asking for a normal life, he has problems and needs to deal with them in his own way. Just one question though, Who sold the story to the Mirror?????
  16. Stop press news update - Mr Boyd is keeping quiet about a move, what I can confirm is that he is not happy and wants a chance to play regular football at Ibrox. I'm sure you all know that anyway but I can confirm he has not said the above!
  17. I see from the above that alot of you guys are looking for young Fleck, don't think we'll see him for a while as he's back cleaning boots to keep his head in check. WS/AM has to play 4-4-2 on Saturday to get past the Hearts defence. Last season I noticed there was no consistence in his team formation. Fingers crossed that will change this season.
  18. We dont have any players who have the basic skills of taking a decent free kick Bring back Albertz, we used to cheer before it was even taken! Remember those days?
  19. I think it's done based on club websites, TV rights etc etc. It did make me smile though, even when a certain someone on this thread tried to put the brakes on it! lol.
  20. Someone is 85% they saw Maddy McCann And Kenny Miller is still injured. Ah well they say every cloud has a silver lining!
  21. My hubby say's if the above does'nt work, it might be a problem online. Try it off line and see how it goes. Good luck
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